Dang....if I got a 3GS I was going to jailbreak just for SBsettings
Can you tell me what theme this is?
Please. You'd think I was basing this on a single observation.
I've jailbroken every firmware since 1.1.1. Back in the Summberboard days, things were good - there may have been slowdown, but if there was, I certainly didn't notice it. That changed once the 3G was launched and 2.0 + WinterBoard hit the scene. I have jailbroken using PwnageTool numerous times. Every time, without exception, there was noticeable slowdown within a day or two. I have also jailbroken using QuickPwn, again, numerous times. Every time, without exception, there was noticeable slowdown within a day or two. When I sold my 3G two weeks ago, I installed 3.0 on it and used redsn0w to JB. Again, slowdown. Blatantly obvious slowdown. Now with my 3GS, 3.0 + purplera1n and once again? Yup.
Do you notice a recurring theme?
Numerous (as in innumerable, a multitude of, etc) jailbreaks using a variety of JB tools on a number of devices (I've jailbroken eight 3G's, two 1st gen iPod touches, three 2nd gen iPod touches, and now two 3GSs) and post-2.0 firmware, every single time, without exception, there has been quantifiable, blatantly obvious slowdown. EVERY TIME. So please don't sit there and act like my experience is a fluke, that I don't know what I'm talking about. I've probably had more experience jailbreaking than you and half of the people posting in this forum, combined. You may not like the facts, but the reality is that if you install MobileSubstrate and WinterBoard, your phone will be slower than if you don't install them. Period. It's not debatable, it doesn't vary from person to person. If you install MobileSubstrate and WinterBoard, your phone will be slower than if you don't install them. /thread
Nope. Try again.First off bragging about Jailbreaking experience?
Are there any dock shelfs/backgrounds to be had on cydia? I love both of the last two posted. Anyone?
First off bragging about Jailbreaking experience? Jailbreaking has been pretty cake for a long time now, I'm pretty sure a monkey could do it at this point.
Second, of course if you have a ton of crap running in the background your iPhone will be slowed down. That same applies to all computers. Winterboard itself does not slow down the Iphone, its down to the theme you are using from what I have experienced. Mobile Substrate I have never run, but knowing that it runs in the background and what it is used for would sense as to slowing down your phone a bit. I think at this point people can use common sense and figure things out. This horse has been beat to death.
Are there any dock shelfs/backgrounds to be had on cydia? I love both of the last two posted. Anyone?
If you've read my posts I've been talking about jailbreaking in general, as you have too seeing as you've mentioned 1.X Firmwares. The only difference in jailbreaking the 3gs vs other idevices is that it will run faster than on the other devices simply because the phone is faster.Wirelessly posted (iPhone 3GS (White, 32GB): Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/528.18 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile/7C97d Safari/528.16)
Wait a minute, let me get this straight. You're arguing with me about the performance of my two 3GS's in a thread specifically about the performance of the 3GS and yet you don't even have one? So in your opinion, conjecture trumps real-world, hands-on experience? That's interesting, and good to know. *
In any case, thanks for making me laugh, man.![]()
spamdumpster said:First off bragging about Jailbreaking experience? Jailbreaking has been pretty cake for a long time now, I'm pretty sure a monkey could do it at this point.
Second, of course if you have a ton of crap running in the background your iPhone will be slowed down. That same applies to all computers. Winterboard itself does not slow down the Iphone, its down to the theme you are using from what I have experienced. Mobile Substrate I have never run, but knowing that it runs in the background and what it is used for would sense as to slowing down your phone a bit. I think at this point people can use common sense and figure things out. This horse has been beat to death.
Winterboard is a mobile substrate extension. So your statement that "Winterboard itself does not slow down the Iphone" is inconsistent with your statement that "Mobile Substrate I have never run, but knowing that it runs in the background and what it is used for would sense as to slowing down your phone a bit."
Install reflective dock in Cydia from and you'll get dock reflections.
Nope. Try again.
I don't know of any on Cydia; I always just make my own. This is the one I made last night (and posted in that screenshot):
and without the reflections
Should I JB the 3GS with dev team/purplera1n?
I heard that purplera1n has many loopholes/problems? Is that true?
Dev. team's JB will lag the phone more than purplera1n? Why is that so?![]()
I don't know, but I can't wait to hear the answer to your question. I was thinking the same thing.
Should I JB the 3GS with dev team/purplera1n?
I heard that purplera1n has many loopholes/problems? Is that true?
Dev. team's JB will lag the phone more than purplera1n? Why is that so?![]()
Nice video.
Agreed. It should be done with both iPhone restored from the same iTunes restore, with all the same apps and data on each one. I'd do it myself, but I don't think my wife would be too thrilled about me messing around with her iPhone all day.Nice video.
However, when doing comparisons, both devices need to be set up the same. Aside from comparing a 16GB to a 32GB model, there are some other issues that could affect the results of your test:
a. Different apps are loaded on each iPhone. Additionally apps like Photos have a different number of photos.
b. Apps used to test in different dock locations which can affect the outcome.
Any differences in the set up will affect the outcome. To do a speed test each device needs to be set up exactly the same.
Nonetheless, thanks for the video.
Rule #1:I'd do it myself, but I don't think my wife would be too thrilled about me messing around with her iPhone all day.![]()