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macrumors regular
Jun 15, 2018
San Pedro, CA
From PRSI:

I‘m not really a cruise person either, but it depends on the cruise. Caribbean cruises, with a stop in Jamaica, Caimen Islands, and Cozumel, Mexico?, that was ok. My wife says she considers the boat as much the destination as the destinations, but I disagree. The boat is fun, but I woukd have zero interest in a cruise from the UK to New York crossing the North Atlantic. And you really can’t dock at a tourist dock for 6 hours and say you’ve visited Jamaica.

Now a 2 week Amsterdam to Budapest river cruise? 😍 Or a 2 week cruise around the Med starting in Barcelona to Italy and back though a dozen intermediate stops? 🥰 Expensive but well worth it.

That said, our typical vacation is fly in, rent a car, and set our own schedule. It’s hard to beat that.
I tend to agree with your wife, as my girlfriend and I have done several repositioning cruises, with and without any ports of call, and we have fun just being on the ship. That said, my favorite ocean cruises have been Vancouver to Whittier, Alaska (Ketchikan, Juneau, Skagway, Glacier Bay, College Fjord) and Caribbean (Key West, Havana, Colombia, Curacao, Bonaire, Aruba, Santiago de Cuba).

Her parents did the Amsterdam to Budapest river cruise. We only did Nürnberg to Budapest, but added days in München beforehand and in Budapest afterward, so it was still about two weeks. My favorite river cruise by far, though, is the Nile between Luxor and Aswan, which I've done twice. I just love the Nile at Aswan. My Egypt trips have all been fantastic.
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macrumors 603
Sep 24, 2014
I tend to agree with your wife, as my girlfriend and I have done several repositioning cruises, with and without any ports of call, and we have fun just being on the ship. That said, my favorite ocean cruises have been Vancouver to Whittier, Alaska (Ketchikan, Juneau, Skagway, Glacier Bay, College Fjord) and Caribbean (Key West, Havana, Colombia, Curacao, Bonaire, Aruba, Santiago de Cuba).

Her parents did the Amsterdam to Budapest river cruise. We only did Nürnberg to Budapest, but added days in München beforehand and in Budapest afterward, so it was still about two weeks. My favorite river cruise by far, though, is the Nile between Luxor and Aswan, which I've done twice. I just love the Nile at Aswan. My Egypt trips have all been fantastic.

My wife loves Egypt too but the last time I went they had to call the consulate before they'd let me out of the country so I'm a bit hesitant to go back. I do want to do some diving this year so I may break my policy hand head back there this year for a couple weeks provided COVID doesn't kill my plans.
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macrumors regular
Jun 15, 2018
San Pedro, CA
My wife loves Egypt too but the last time I went they had to call the consulate before they'd let me out of the country so I'm a bit hesitant to go back. I do want to do some diving this year so I may break my policy hand head back there this year for a couple weeks provided COVID doesn't kill my plans.

Although I spent most of my time in the Delta and Nile Valley for the antiquities, I did go to Hurghada, Sharm el-Sheikh, Dahab, and St. Catherine's on one trip. I'm not a diver, but went on a glass-bottom boat in Hurghada, and the water was so clear! The fish and coral we could see were amazing. I'm sure it's a fantastic area to go diving!


macrumors 68020
Jan 20, 2009
usally do NYC but not this year
-the theater is closed
-the 16year old irish setter is well near... end of live.


macrumors 68000
Jun 29, 2020
San Jose, CA
If it doesn't take you to Wrigley then its not a real baseball trip :).

I've been to Wrigley and where to White Sox play several times. I'm looking to see new stadiums and Pittsburgh is on the top of the list because I live in the Bay Area and Oracle Park (Giants) is the only other park that is like PNC.


Jul 12, 2016
A bit off-topic, but semi-related, [Plus I didn’t want have to start a thread on this.] If anyone has any information if they’ve ever ventured to Mauritius, {which is an island east of Madagascar, Southwest of India}, I would really enjoy your feedback. Inspired by a movie I just recently watched (Serenity with Matthew McConaughey/Anne Hathaway, outstanding film BTW.), I am planning on making my way for a vacation, pending obviously when the pandemic can subside enough where it’s safe to do so.

For anyone that’s ever been there, what was your experience? Any particular recommendations for resorts? Entertainment/nightlife? If you used a travel agent, any recommendations? Fishing excursions? Food locale? I realize there’s a plethora of information on the Internet, but personal experience from someone else would be just as helpful.

From everything I’ve researched on Google Maps, it’s absolutely gorgeous with mountainous regions, coral reef, stunning waters, and overall I’ve heard the culture is also very friendly and is tourism orientated.

Anyways, this is pretty much a done deal, just want to get some feedback and it’s a matter of when, not if.

One of my goals was to make my way to the other side world at some point, and I found my destination location.

So Mauritius is really out of the question, the travel restrictions are so stringent, you’d have to quarantine two weeks prior coming back into the United States, which that alone is way too much of a hassle. But one day....


It looks like I’m headed to ‘The Reach’, which is a resort in the Florida Keys. Initially, I was headed back to my timeshare in Fort Myers beach, but that is completely booked all the way till October, which is good news! I’ve done my research on this resort, it’s top rated, but if anybody’s ever been there or has any recommendations on locale visits, nightlife, entertainment, restaurant recommendations, I would definitely love to hear your personal experience versus just reading ‘reviews’.

As of right now, it looks like we are traveling sometime this summer, once our agent confirms.


macrumors 68040
Apr 17, 2012
Destin, FL
Of course, I would not refuse a trip to my beloved Venice or the island of Crete, but now I am content with relaxing in a local park and local attractions.
Love Venice! Plan to retire there very soon.

In the meantime, since we could not go to Poland, we went to Disney World.
Have you ever seen Disney so empty? It was AMAZING!





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macrumors 65816
I had so many ideas for places to go and things to do. We really need to figure someway to get out of town for a bit. All my work trips have gone virtual and about everything we thought about doing has been delayed or canceled.

So what's your "pandemic getaway"/"staycation"/"I-can't-take-this-snow-anymore" ideas?


macrumors 65816
Mar 18, 2010
We had also planned to go in June this year. Here's hoping to a next year.
I have a friend who lives there, and there are rumors of a vaccine passport in the not too distant future.

Hopefully by fall.

I am probably going to just chill in US territories this year. Maybe a quick trip to Mexico.

I will be fully vaccinated next week, but I want to avoid all the headaches, of being the first person through the door.
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Jul 12, 2016
And booked.....Summer 2021!

The Reach resort, Florida Keys...

This will be my first visit to the Florida Keys and I look forward to visiting Duvall Street. Everything is within walking distance, and reviews are saying that you don’t even need a rental car. This is the resort, but it’s pretty exclusive, so we’re not worried about ‘overcrowding.’

Pics to follow during the trip.


macrumors newbie
May 13, 2021
I will retire in Venice. Favorite place in the world. ( Malta is quite nice as well, more specifically Northern part of Gozo ).

I am planning to have a trip to Malta this summer with some friends and we are worried about safety in Malta. Is it safe to use a local taxi? Did you use uber or similar apps for transportation? I found a programme
It is possible to share ride with other people. Does anyone know anything about this company's service?


macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
I've visited several islands in the Med that seemed like great places to live or vacation at, although I admit I know nothing about local crime or the mafia in places like Corsica, Mallorca, Sicily, and Sardinia.


macrumors 68040
Apr 17, 2012
Destin, FL

I am planning to have a trip to Malta this summer with some friends and we are worried about safety in Malta. Is it safe to use a local taxi? Did you use uber or similar apps for transportation? I found a programme
It is possible to share ride with other people. Does anyone know anything about this company's service?
We walked, took the ferry, buses and taxies. No issues at all. We were never concerned with our safety.
We stayed in St. Julian's area. Be sure to get over to Gozo and check out Mdina.
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macrumors 603
Sep 24, 2014
So everyone want to do different things this year so tentatively my wife will go to Dubai for 10 days, I plan to head to Nuuksio for 10 days, and my daughter wants to go it Ireland, that’ll be her and I or the whole family depending on my wife.
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