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My sister's computer world:
her dog websites
games like the sims

Here's some of the things she's said
*software update pops up*
she calls my name and has me come all the way downstairs right when I was in the middle of something important.
me: did you even read what it said?
sister: no, it popped up so I called you
then I push the install updates button

Another one
sister: The computer needs it's rest, it's been on for over 12 hours.
Me: I'm downloading so it can't be turned off. You realize that Macs don't need to be turned off right? Mine has been on for over 2 weeks.
sister: But the computer needs his rest!
Me: Next you're going to call it Mr. Computer aren't you?

Another one
*sister unplugged USB drive without ejecting it so the device removal message comes up and she calls me down again*
Me: Didn't you eject the drive first? All you have to do is drag the icon into the trashcan. And can you just read the message and press "ok" next time?
sister: but the message popped up so I had to call you down so you could fix it.
Me: Can't you read what it says before you call me down?
sister: No, you're the computer guy so you have to fix it.

I'm about ready to get the "I won't fix your computer" shirt because I'm tired of her stupidity.
With all due respect, your family may need to intervene if your sister is ever to be let out into the real world. God help her if she has to balance a checkbook, or drive into traffic. :eek:
Jasonbot said:
Yeah, I <3 the "because i can" thing. lots of ppl @ school says macs ae gay just 'coz they look cool! I hate it.

But some people really dont know about other OSes:eek: and they cant comprehend something as different as the mac OS!

Tell them that only the most gifted students qualify for Macs, the more pedestrian intellects have to settle for windows! :D
( It's only a joke PC guys, don't get your knickers in a wad!)
I hear a fair number of stupid things, but the one I dislike the most is "You just use a Mac because you're trendy." :rolleyes:

Lately I must say I've been getting a lot of comments from friends and acquaintences saying that their next computer is going to be a Mac.
I've only been using Macs for about 8 months now. I haven't had a lot of dumb questions, but I have heard a lot of stupid assertions.

1."Macs can't connnect to the internet!"

2."You have to have special Mac printers for a Mac"

3."Macs don't have USB"

4."You can't do anything with a Mac."

5."Macs don't connect to (insert name of peripheral that is easier to connect to a Mac than a PC)".

6."The problem with your email is your Mac." (No, the problem with my email was the domain admininstrator reset my authentification password and didn't tell me).

What is really amazing, is that these assertions always come from someone who has absolutely no experience with or knowledge of Macs! :confused: WTF
iBookG4user said:
My sister's computer world:
her dog websites
games like the sims

Here's some of the things she's said
*software update pops up*
she calls my name and has me come all the way downstairs right when I was in the middle of something important.
me: did you even read what it said?
sister: no, it popped up so I called you
then I push the install updates button

Another one
sister: The computer needs it's rest, it's been on for over 12 hours.
Me: I'm downloading so it can't be turned off. You realise that Macs don't need to be turned off right? Mine has been on for over 2 weeks.
sister: But the computer needs his rest!
Me: Next you're going to call it Mr. Computer aren't you?

Actually computers do need rest, at least my mac does. Because of our symbiotic relationship, Whenever I finished a big 3d or composite project it starts to do weird things at the same time as my brain, so I shut him down while I go to sleep, I usually finish at 3-4 AM...
The next day it works like new, but he does need the sleep...

On weird things a so called expert in Computer one told me that all computers used Windows as he was trying to sell me a course to learn Windows and I told him that No Thanks I have a Mac... Go Figure

And what do I answer when someone asks me what do I have a mac, I answer because I am smarter...
I'm one of the Mac Specialists at Illinois State Univeristy (hopefully Apple Campus Rep soon, baby!) and you wouldn't believe the stupid assumptions. Pretty much our manager is a Mac nut, but we also sell Dell and IBM. Basically we try to get everyone who comes in to buy a Mac. The first words out of my mouth are usually, "How long do you want your computer to last?" It's obviously a rhetorial question because everybody wants to buy a computer that will last a long time. They tell me how long and I then ask them, "Well, what kind of computer are you in the market for?" They usually say Dell and I then explain to them how any computer running Windows, especially on a college campus, isn't going to last unti they're out of school. The people who really piss me off are the people who still buy the Dells. I do get a laugh when they bring them in for a new motherboard about two weeks later. :rolleyes:

iBookG4user said:
You realize that Macs don't need to be turned off right?
That's not entirely true. Every computer deserves to be shut off. You're only withering away the life of your computer. Even if it is a superior white Goddess that feasts on the thermal paste and fried motherboards that Michael Dell puts out.

One of the most annoying questions I get is "Why do you use a Mac?" I reply, "Why do you suffer with Windows?" or, "The same reason you use a Dell."
Glen Quagmire said:
I once saw on Usenet someone ask about the special type of hard drives used by Macs. This was only a few years ago, and Macs were using standard IDE drives at the time and had been for a while.

To be fair, though, many Mac users are similarly clueless when it comes to PCs.

Not nearly so clueless.
dsnort said:
6."The problem with your email is your Mac." (No, the problem with my email was the domain admininstrator reset my authentification password and didn't tell me).

I really hate it when Windows users tell me that it's because I use a Mac that they can't open up the attachment that I send. I will make sure that my attachment will open on most PCs, but for some reason the idiot on the other end won't be able to open it and blame it on me. I can fight it all I want and explain that the issue is on their end of the e-mail since their computer is running the OS that doesn't want to recognize other operating systems unless absolutely forced to, it won't open anything unless it's been approved by Microsoft.

This particularly irks me when I try to e-mail things to my teachers. The main issue with that is how the school images XP onto the computers, so the computers never really have the programs they need.
"I thought everybody used Windows" :D

"Hey, that logo is the same as the one on the back of my iPod!"
I was doing a PowerPoint presentation to a small group with my PB15.

The PB15 was connected to a projector. Everyone could see the setup that I was using.

One guy asked why I would use a Mac when it cannot do PowerPoint presentations.

I just looked at him with dismay. I pointed to my PB15, then the display, and said it seems to work okay. The others started giggling.
BurtonCCC said:
That's not entirely true. Every computer deserves to be shut off. You're only withering away the life of your computer. Even if it is a superior white Goddess that feasts on the thermal paste and fried motherboards that Michael Dell puts out.


Actually as a counter to your counter point, its far better to leave a machine running then constantly turning it off and on everyday of the week. Reboot it sure but don't turn it off.

Computer components are just like car engines, turning them off and on will eventually wear out engine. Its the expansion and contraction that does it when it gets hot. On the downside to leaving it on though, you are wasting electricity.
CrackedButter said:
Computer components are just like car engines, turning them off and on will eventually wear out engine. Its the expansion and contraction that does it when it gets hot. On the downside to leaving it on though, you are wasting electricity.

Your correct CrackedButter.

Turning on a computer involves a massive amount of electricty that does limit the lifespan of a system.


A classic one is "It's a Mac", usually said by someone who hates Mac's and likes IBM-compatible PC's.
Not neccesarily a question, but a comment. I always find it entertaining when PC laptop owners try to justify their oversized heaps of junk. In one of my classes, one guy next to me pulls out a Dell laptop. That thing had to be at least 2 inches thick. I can't find a pic of it online (I'm not 100% sure it was even a Dell) but trust me, it's thick. Like a desktop replacement or whatever. I don't even know why one would bring it to class. So I comment, "Holy crap, that thing is thick." He justifies all that bulk by saying "Well, it has a gig of RAM". I pull out my PowerBook, and say "Oh really? Mine has 2 gigs"

Or, I hear all the time, "Well, I install antivirus and antispyware so I don't have to worry about viruses on my Windows machine" That's not the point, at all. Yes, you can prevent them to an extent, but we don't have to dedicate precious and limited resources to these anti-whatever programs that must run constantly in the background and slow everything down. It's the fact that your OS is even able to be compromised that easily which is troubling. That would be like saying, "Well, I always leave the door to my house unlocked because I know my dog will attack any intruders." Well, great and all, but what if the dog is exhausted, tired and sleeping, and doesn't notice any intruders or just doesn't give a sh*t, or would rather hump the intruder's leg than attack. I'd rather lock the door and have the peace of mind that no matter what, I'm protected.

Other than dumb things like that, I've never had any really dumb comments. Well, at least that's the only memorable one. My immediate family uses Macs, except my sister who has some crappy Dell laptop but never says anything. None of my friends use Macs but will say things as jokes just to try to piss me off. And for the most part at college, the PC users don't say much. It's a pretty techy campus, and while it's definitely a Windows majority, the students are smart enough to know that Macs and PCs use the same internets and crap like that.

The one time I can actually remember being asked, "Why are Mac's so much better?" was when my parents' PC, for the lack of a better term, blew up. I said, "Looks like you guys need a new computer, I think we should get a Mac mini" and my mom asked that. Being as computer illiterate as she is, I could have said "Because I said so" and she probably would've been content with that, but of course, I explained, and a year later and they love the mini.

Although, if I had a dime for every time I heard "Macs only have 1 mouse button" I'd be able to buy a shitton of Mac Pros.
sushi said:
I was doing a PowerPoint presentation to a small group with my PB15.

The PB15 was connected to a projector. Everyone could see the setup that I was using.

One guy asked why I would use a Mac when it cannot do PowerPoint presentations.

I just looked at him with dismay. I pointed to my PB15, then the display, and said it seems to work okay. The others started giggling.

God, that would frustrate me so much. Some people are such idiots.
You guys aren't BELIEVE this one...I was at work the other day and I was chatting with someone about my Powerbook when this jerk comes in and asks me what computer I was talking about. I told him "Powerbook G4". He started laughing and said "Oh, that really are you going to use your iPod now???" He was dead serious!!! yeah...iPods are "PC-only" dumb can I be?
One of the problems I've already noticed I'm going to have with a good friend of mine who's switching is the impulsiveness to want to do everything exactly the same as one would in Windows.

For example, "Where are all the programs"? Looking desperately around for a Start button was probably a bad sign ;) He seemed pretty happy with the idea of going through Finder, clicking something on the Dock (lets face it, that's where we all keep our most used applications) or using Spotlight to get to things really quickly.

I approached Mac OS X with a very open mind, ready to learn new ways of doing things. I think I can expect a lot of 'stupid questions' from more closed-minded computer users over the coming weeks and months as they try and replicate their Windows habits on OS X.

I'm rather hoping I don't have to deal with the level of ignorance some of you lot are putting up with, though!
miniConvert said:
One of the problems I've already noticed I'm going to have with a good friend of mine who's switching is the impulsiveness to want to do everything exactly the same as one would in Windows.
All switchers are like that to begin with. Give him a few weeks :)
"Hey, that logo is the same as the one on the back of my iPod!"

:eek: OMG, so apple now makes iPod-Compatible Computers, lol

You guys aren't BELIEVE this one...I was at work the other day and I was chatting with someone about my Powerbook when this jerk comes in and asks me what computer I was talking about. I told him "Powerbook G4". He started laughing and said "Oh, that really are you going to use your iPod now???" He was dead serious!!! yeah...iPods are "PC-only" dumb can I be?

Wow, I wish my mac worked seamlessly with my iPod!

The admins at my school are so dumb, I bring my mac to get w-lan networking, well, working! And the PC techs say it can't work 'coz mac's dont do fancy proxy software only made for windoze! I was laughing hard when I showed the the -BUILT IN- proxy support on OS X:D
You guys just jarred my memory:

I was checking out at a grocery store wearing an t-shirt with an Apple logo on it. The bag-boy snickers and says something about iPods being for people trying to being trendy and that Apple was "dumb." I'm in my thirties ands was surprised a teenager at work at work would say this in front of others, but it was clear he wanted to get a reaction of some sort.

I simply said, "Well, I switched in 1997, before the iPod ever came around. And I haven't used Windows for years because I couldn't manage to swallow that garbage anymore. It's a shame people don't know what their missing." And, with a smirk of my own on my face, I finished, "To each, his own."

I'm not sure exactly what he was thinking, but he did seem a tad defeated. It was a nice moment for me.
This isn't nearly as bad as some other people's stories but I got a 3G iPod a couple years ago. At the time almost no one at my school had iPods and some people actually made fun of me for having one. At the end of last achool year I think about 90% of the students had iPods. Although hopefully we will see the same trend with Macs as with iPods. Then instead of hearing you have a Mac? You will hear you don't have a Mac?
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