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regre7 said:
A friend of mine who is a convert was talking to a PC guy, trying to get him to switch, and the guy asked, "Does it have, you know, word processing programs?"
Yeah, that's always a good one. "But what software do you use to open Word files? Or Excel spreadsheets?"
askegg said:
I can relate to this. I use Keynote because of its great presenter screen and different transition effects. It opens Powerpoints files with no problems at all. When I show people what I can do with Keynote they are very impressed and want to buy it for their PC. I have great fun telling them it is only available on a mac :)
Yes; Keynote is my favorite presentation application too. I really enjoy the eye-popping responses I get.:cool: PC users need to get a life -- or I mean iLife (too).
Xander562 said:
HEY! i got a pneu-mail!

i know what you guys are talking about, some people are just SO STUPID! what i really hate is when salespeople are dumb, and yet I get turned down for the job that they are screwing up!!! You know because i'm under 18, that means i have no idea about computers. :mad:

Being under 18 means they would have to apply for different taxs, regulations, etc. Or they need full-time people and to my knowledge, under 18 can only be hired part-time.
I absolutely love when people see me using iPhoto or iMovie, and they see how easy it is. Then, they proceed to question me about it and ask where they could get it from. I get such joy from telling them it's only available on a Mac.
I get so frustrated when people call apple computers all sorts of weird things:

For the computer: apple-mac
For the OS: Apple
For the company: Mac
Logic Board: Mother Board
The list goes on!
I've heard "Mac's sucks because they don't have windows, they have that stupid apple software"

Haha 1st of all they do run windows, and 2nd, that stupid apple software just happens to be years ahead of windoze xp

jadekitty24 said:
"Oh, that really are you going to use your iPod now???" He was dead serious!!! yeah...iPods are "PC-only" dumb can I be?

I hear you have to have special drivers to use an iPod with a mac...

Seems like I'm just installing drivers all the time...
The one thing I hate hearing PC users say is "It isn't like Windows. It doesn't run all my Windows programs." Well, that much should be apparent.

A good thing I heard today though to counter the ickiness ... When I showed my sister Front Row, she said "I am never going back to PCs again."
Not a question, but the belieft that iTunes forces users to put music into some crazy, Apple only format so that the music can go onto iPods.
Jasonbot said:
I get so frustrated when people call apple computers all sorts of weird things:

For the computer: apple-mac
For the OS: Apple
For the company: Mac
Logic Board: Mother Board
The list goes on!

I really hate it when people do this: "I have a MAC and an I-Pod that runs Apple X and I don't know how to get out of I-Tunes." Makes me shudder.
Questions/statements I have encountered over the years

1) But you can't plug a digital camera into it. (in reference to my ibook g4)
2) I checked, you can't get Norton Security Suite to work on a mac.
3) Can you surf the internet on a mac?
4) But you'd be in trouble if you needed to create a rescue disk because macs can't have floppy disk drives. (followed by) how do you transfer files between computers if you can't store them on a floppy? (this was 5 years ago)
I have a story about a mate who tried apple out for a week then switched back to PCs.

He is the founder and ceo of a very small filming company (about 7 staff). I've known him to be a strong windows guy - his company and edit suites are all-windows.

I recently visited his house, for his baby daughter's birthday party, and was suprised to find an iBook G4 1.2ghz lying around in his living room, as his previous experience was testing out an os9 editing solution many years ago ("Complete sh**, crashes all the time, pile of junk.")

What's with the iBook? I asked him. Turns out he rented it for a week for £100 to test it out and see what it was like.

So, congrats Apple for getting this Mac hater to lay out his money and test an iBook for a week. Unfortunately, his trial didn't go well.

What do you think of it? I asked him.

"Complete sh**, dog slow, won't open any of my files, waste of money."

Quite suprised by this, I had a look at the iBook. 1.5ghz check, factory fresh install of OSX 10.4.x check. But only 256 RAM. No MS office, no Acrobat, no iWork, no Photoshop.

No wonder none of his PC files would open on the Apple, and that what applications he did try out (iMovie etc) became dog slow.

Shame on Apple, releasing such a powerful iBook with only 256 MB RAM, especially with applications that don't quit when you close their windows.

I've seen so many PC people complaining that their Apple laptops have become dog slow, without realising that they have 20 applications open supported by a dog's puddle of RAM.

Shame on the rental company that took his money and gave him an Apple for a week with such low RAM, and without any useful applications. I'm especially staggered by the stupidity of renting apples to professionals without MS Office installed.

I tried to explain what I could, but it was a bit of an uphill battle. It'll probably be several more years before he tries an apple again.
Apple's OS X ten operating system...
And incorrect spelling of "i" products:

And People who cant quit OS X apps coz thy just close the little windows!
Not a question but I was in PC World yesterday and I mentioned to the sales guy that the MacBook (hidden in the corner, only arrived a few days ago - PC World don't really like macs) had dropped in price after only a few days. He said

"Yeah, I don't know much about macs. they're sort of a niche market, and the only people who by them are Apple users. For some reason, people who buy them seem to stick to them"
j26 said:
"Yeah, I don't know much about macs. they're sort of a niche market, and the only people who by them are Apple users. For some reason, people who buy them seem to stick to them"
Stupidest statement ever. Like saying the only people who use Windows are Microsoft users :rolleyes:

PC World look like they're going down the pan anyway. Our local one used to have Macs in the window (it's the London West End branch near Euston station), then gradually it's gone more and more downmarket. They now have a rather untidy looking mix of LCD TVs, one PC with tons of LEDs blinking away on the front, adverts for office furniture and an XBox that looks like it's broken to entice the customers in. They're also taking the MFI approach and having a never-ending sale.

Can't die quick enough for me. That shop has been nothing but trouble since they moved in. The company can't seem to understand that this PC World is in a residential area rather than a business park, and therefore 3am deliveries and skips being emptied at 5am aren't the best idea to keep the neighbours happy :rolleyes:
dynamicv said:
Stupidest statement ever. Like saying the only people who use Windows are Microsoft users :rolleyes:

PC World look like they're going down the pan anyway. Our local one used to have Macs in the window (it's the London West End branch near Euston station), then gradually it's gone more and more downmarket. They now have a rather untidy looking mix of LCD TVs, one PC with tons of LEDs blinking away on the front, adverts for office furniture and an XBox that looks like it's broken to entice the customers in. They're also taking the MFI approach and having a never-ending sale.

Can't die quick enough for me. That shop has been nothing but trouble since they moved in. The company can't seem to understand that this PC World is in a residential area rather than a business park, and therefore 3am deliveries and skips being emptied at 5am aren't the best idea to keep the neighbours happy :rolleyes:

They also always seem to have really old versions of the current lineups like at least 6 months out dated and it annoys me sooo much:mad:

I've switched what...6 people to mac since i got my iMac 2 years ago but two of those people bought theirs from PC world and they ended up getting the previous revision! i say noo get it from the Apple store but no they buy an older mac for the same price as the new one! duh silly PC users!:p

From the most recent switcher i had the good old "WHAT? it has two buttons??" (refering to mighty mouse) then i configured it properly and it has four technically. At this developement they were extatic lol!!
We have a pc world (not too many in Ireland) in the nearest city to me (limerick - a 1 hr 45 min drive) but it's the ONLY store near me that actually stocks ANY apples :( And yes you are right, they are always 2 genertions behind :rolleyes:

But at least they carry them - whereas

What really iritates me is that Ireland doesnt have a single Apple Store and yet Apples European HQ is based here in Co.Cork. Arghhhhh.....
dynamicv said:
PC World look like they're going down the pan anyway. Our local one used to have Macs in the window (it's the London West End branch near Euston station),

Can't die quick enough for me. That shop has been nothing but trouble since they moved in. The company can't seem to understand that this PC World is in a residential area rather than a business park, and therefore 3am deliveries and skips being emptied at 5am aren't the best idea to keep the neighbours happy :rolleyes:

Is that the one in Tottenham Court road? Near the top, near the new hospital?

I was looking for a new hard drive in a hurry, and was astounded at their ridiculous prices ...

I thought Tottenham court road was a commercial road - do you live there then? :eek:
RedTomato said:
I thought Tottenham court road was a commercial road - do you live there then? :eek:
I live on Grafton Way, the road that crosses Tottenham Court Road at that junction. There's loads of flats at that end of TCR. Above Warren St. Tube station, along both Warren St. and Grafton Way, and a massive block above Spearmint Rhino. We have a Residents Association that liaises with the Hospital, the builders, the shops etc. (including Sainsbury's which is open 18 hours a day) and all of those organisations are respectful of our existence, the one exception being PC World. The local Environmental Health fine them all the time for causing disruption but they still carry on as if they can do what they like.

Swines. Don't buy anything in that shop, ever. They don't deserve your money.
These stories are hilarious, yet sad at the same time. It amazes me how many people judge a Mac, but have never actually used one for more than ten minutes.

I can't stand ignorance.
Jasonbot said:
I get so frustrated when people call apple computers all sorts of weird things:

For the computer: apple-mac
For the OS: Apple
For the company: Mac
Logic Board: Mother Board
The list goes on!

I still sometimes say "motherboard" rather than "logic board", you are being too anal on that one as its really a non issue IMO.
MacRumorUser said:
We have a pc world (not too many in Ireland) in the nearest city to me (limerick - a 1 hr 45 min drive) but it's the ONLY store near me that actually stocks ANY apples :( And yes you are right, they are always 2 genertions behind :rolleyes:

But at least they carry them - whereas

What really iritates me is that Ireland doesnt have a single Apple Store and yet Apples European HQ is based here in Co.Cork. Arghhhhh.....

Well the Waterford PC World has the current white MacBook in stock for 1,299 (less than the Apple website - unless you're a student). It was 1,549 last week :eek: :rolleyes: I'm sure a few quid could be knocked off if you're prepared to haggle. I did that when I was getting my PowerBook.

They also have these 19" monitors which I bought today for 259 and it's lovely and very like the ACD. It's silver and goes perfectly with my PowerBook. I'm sure it will be great with my MacBook (when it arrives).
crackedbutter said:
I still sometimes say "motherboard" rather than "logic board", you are being too anal on that one as its really a non issue IMO.

Wow, I guess ppl really dont care? Bit harsh but I like to differentiate between PC and mac, I'll always say mac instead of computer when talking about whatever:confused:
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