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First time post, but just had to reply to this thread.

Classic comments I have heard include:-

"What's the differance between an Apple iPod and a normal iPod"
"Macs are rubbish because they only have one mouse button"
"How do you get on the internet if it doesn't have Internet Explorer?"
"Macs are slow, and rubbish and always crash" - From someone that had never actually used a mac. Don't know it 'till you've tried it.

When trying to establish what type of G3 iMac someone had, I asked them what color it was, and got this response:-
"Not sure, I'm not very good with computers"
1. "Macs don't have Windows. They Suck."
2. "Where's the start button?"
3. "Macs only have one button mouses."
4. "There isn't any software for Macs."

And my favorite, a conversation I had at school in Computer Tech:

ME: Excuse me, But I don't have a Windows computer at home.
TEACHER: Well, what do you use?
ME: A Mac.
TEACHER: A Mac? What the heck is that?

I didn't know weather to laugh, or to feel sorry for her. I laughed :)
Robbouk said:
When trying to establish what type of G3 iMac someone had, I asked them what color it was, and got this response:-
"Not sure, I'm not very good with computers"


Nice! But are you color blind? :eek: ;) :D

Welcome to MR, by the way. :)
Robbouk said:
When trying to establish what type of G3 iMac someone had, I asked them what color it was, and got this response:-
"Not sure, I'm not very good with computers"
That reminds me of the stupidest thing I've ever said as a techie. A user at the company I worked for at the time rang to say he was having problems with the software that "read the screen" for him so he knew where the mouse pointer was. At the time we were in the middle of changing the crappy built-in Netware client for NT with the Novell supplied one, so I asked him what colour the logon window was.

Robbouk said:
"How do you get on the internet if it doesn't have Internet Explorer?"

Yeah, what I usually do with that one is take the icon from IE and paste it right onto Safari, Firefox, or whatever. I proceed to tell them, "Hey, look. It's effing IE."

Even when IE was the default browser for OS X, I had a difficult time recommending it. Not for its features -- its features are/were well ahead of its Windows counterpart -- but because of its rendering quirks. Gross.
Jasonbot said:
Wow, I guess ppl really dont care? Bit harsh but I like to differentiate between PC and mac, I'll always say mac instead of computer when talking about whatever:confused:

1. Get a life, my Mac is a Mac, its also a PC, its also a computer. I can call it all three and still be right.

2. We were talking about using the terms, logic and mother boards, then you change topic and mention in your last post about saying "mac" instead of "computer".
CrackedButter said:
1. Get a life, my Mac is a Mac, its also a PC, its also a computer. I can call it all three and still be right.

2. We were talking about using the terms, logic and mother boards, then you change topic and mention in your last post about saying "mac" instead of "computer".

1. I have a life, probably a better one than yu'll ever have! I also have a mac/PC/computer (happy now I called it all 3)

2. There's not really any flaw in changing the topic now is there, maybe your brain cannot comprehend the idea of having two topics flowing through your head @ the same time?

*Jasonbot angry:mad:*
Jasonbot said:
1. I have a life, probably a better one than yu'll ever have! I also have a mac/PC/computer (happy now I called it all 3)

2. There's not really any flaw in changing the topic now is there, maybe your brain cannot comprehend the idea of having two topics flowing through your head @ the same time?

*Jasonbot angry:mad:*

1. You know what they say about assumptions so why go there?
2. Do you understand how to have a conversation?

I'm talking about logicboards and motherboards and you mention people not calling a "Mac" a Mac and not a PC. Do you see how that make sense and you look obtuse?
CrackedButter said:
1. You know what they say about assumptions so why go there?
2. Do you understand how to have a conversation?

I'm talking about logicboards and motherboards and you mention people not calling a "Mac" a Mac and not a PC. Do you see how that make sense and you look obtuse?

I agree
I have a friend who has a Compaq/HP laptop. He has had to have it repaired several times. He is getting ready to start his own engineering firm, and I keep telling him that if he wants to keep his long-term costs, he should buy Macs to for his engineering systems. He says he would, if only they made "Solid Works 3D" for OS X, currently 2D is available for OS X, and 3D for Windows. Then when Apple switched to Intel, he was much more open to the switch, but he keeps saying "I can't stand the idea of a one button mouse." I keep explaining that only the laptops have one button, but he wants a MacBook Pro to work on. I have even pointed out that there are several utilities for Windows to allow the MacBook trackpad to react like a two button mouse, but he's still resistant.

I "switched" in 2001. The primary reason was that I did not want to have to bother with fixing my computer all the time while I was in college (I was fully aware how infested Dorm computer networks are). The secondary reason was... Games! Yes, I said it, games. I owned a copy of SimCity 2000 for Mac and another one for PC, but all my cities were in the SC2K Mac format (meaning they lacked the .sc2 extension, and when ever I'd open them on my PC, the file name and City name would get the .sc2 attached to it). The other reason was that I wanted a long battery life (TiBook 500 had about 4 hours), and something that was lighter than the PCs.

I had been exposed to Macs since the 3rd Grade, even using Mac Classics and Hypercard to create presentations using laser discs (in the 3rd Grade). As I continued through school I became more familiar with the machines, and eventually became the person teachers and administrators would call to fix their computers throughout the district. As a result, I was able to see first hand the problems that affected some systems, both Mac and PC. The PC problems would take weeks to correct and track down the drivers for everything when you reinstalled Windows, the Macs were always about 2 hours for the entire process, including installing OnGuard Security software. The biggest problem we had, was that a majority of our computers were PowerMac 5200/LCs and 5260s, considered the worst of the all-in-one PowerMacs. The biggest problem with them was stability on the internet, which was what most kids do the instant they get on a computer, even then.

You want to know my response to anyone that asks, "Why do you use a Mac?" I respond, "I am using a Mac because I choose to, I am not forced to use a PC."

Cracked Butter said:
1. You know what they say about assumptions so why go there?
2. Do you understand how to have a conversation?

I'm talking about logicboards and motherboards and you mention people not calling a "Mac" a Mac and not a PC. Do you see how that make sense and you look obtuse?

1. No idea? But I did go there and there's not much you have to say so you kept quiet and now you're hiding behinad a layer of bad quotes and things you've heard before.
2.I was wondering if you did? Sometimes changing the topic is pretty cool if you have someone who is able to understand.

I don't see how I look obtuse by changing a topic, this thread is on stupid questions by PC users so here's one:
You need mac specific parts to fix a mac! While this is true it's just so easy to go to the apple store! I don't see PC store's as good as Apple Centers!

N.B. For people who don't undestand! I am changing the direction of my topic, This means that I'm talking about something else, I hope you enjoy my input in the form of confirming to the legitimacy of the forum.

More of remarks than questions.

1. When I got my mac, I was telling everyone at school that I had one, becuase no one else does, a bit showing off. After school I signed in to MSN, first conversation to come up, "Shut up you mac geek" but whats even worse, this was a good friend of mine who actually wanted a mac mini and he always spends stupid amoutns of money on ipods etc phones etc.

2. My router wasnt working with my mac, uhhh, I didnt have airport turned on :rolleyes: remember this was the first time I used a mac, phoned netgear support.

Techy: Hello Welcome to netgear support I am [name], how can I help?
Me: I just bourght a new imac and a netgear [router model] and I dont seem to be able to connect?
Techy: Can you tell me what Version of windows you are using?
Me: Its not windows, its a mac, Apple OSX 10.4.[what ever version it was]
Techy: Ohh not windows sorry our routers and cards do not support linux machines.

So I hung up.

3. At school in ICT i work on the laptop, which has no mouse, so i bring the mighty mouse in, a few remarks from students.
Student: Thats a nice mouse
Me: yeah its a apple mighty mouse
Student: ohh its crap mac mouse with 1 button , duh you need 2 for windows it wont work.
Me: it has 4 buttons
Student: Shuddup its apple crap

2nd remark

Student: that mouse looks like my ipod
Me: yeah apple made it
Student: hahaha you use a apple

4. This was my bro, we were in apple store, he went up to the apple tech and said where can i get a imovie for windows?

5. Conversation with a friends brother
Me: new ipod released today
him: cool
me: i have a apple computer
him: grr my screen is to small (hes on pc)
me: i have a 20" screen
him: why d'you need that big? i bet its crap

Theres a few more but i cant remember

1st post :)
eyemacg5 said:
More of remarks than questions.

1. When I got my mac, I was telling everyone at school that I had one, becuase no one else does, a bit showing off. After school I signed in to MSN, first conversation to come up, "Shut up you mac geek" but whats even worse, this was a good friend of mine who actually wanted a mac mini and he always spends stupid amoutns of money on ipods etc phones etc.

2. My router wasnt working with my mac, uhhh, I didnt have airport turned on :rolleyes: remember this was the first time I used a mac, phoned netgear support.

Techy: Hello Welcome to netgear support I am [name], how can I help?
Me: I just bourght a new imac and a netgear [router model] and I dont seem to be able to connect?
Techy: Can you tell me what Version of windows you are using?
Me: Its not windows, its a mac, Apple OSX 10.4.[what ever version it was]
Techy: Ohh not windows sorry our routers and cards do not support linux machines.

So I hung up.

3. At school in ICT i work on the laptop, which has no mouse, so i bring the mighty mouse in, a few remarks from students.
Student: Thats a nice mouse
Me: yeah its a apple mighty mouse
Student: ohh its crap mac mouse with 1 button , duh you need 2 for windows it wont work.
Me: it has 4 buttons
Student: Shuddup its apple crap

2nd remark

Student: that mouse looks like my ipod
Me: yeah apple made it
Student: hahaha you use a apple

4. This was my bro, we were in apple store, he went up to the apple tech and said where can i get a imovie for windows?

5. Conversation with a friends brother
Me: new ipod released today
him: cool
me: i have a apple computer
him: grr my screen is to small (hes on pc)
me: i have a 20" screen
him: why d'you need that big? i bet its crap

Theres a few more but i cant remember

1st post :)

Simply amazing... did I mention that I cannot stand ignorant people? Haha, it annoys me SO much!

Welcome to the forums! :)
Looks like a Matlock Apple Store is required to educate the locals :)

Welcome eyemacg5, always nice to greet another Brit.
I was having a conversation with my friend the other day about how he can get past the admin locks and create his own admin account on the PC's at school. So I ask him, "Windows is pretty easy to crack, isn't it?" and he says "yeah almost too easy," so I say that the school apparently isn't concerned about security since they use Windows, they should get all Macs again. Then he says "but Macs suck because of the 1 button mouse" and I say "that's like the oldest argument ever, like you can't just go buy a 2 button one?"

So then after lunch, I was talking about the lack of viruses, spy/ad/mal/crapware, and then he seemed so sure of himself that he could make a self-propagating OS X virus. I said I'd really like to see him try, and that if he did become the first person to ever do that, I'd give him 10 bucks lol.
dynamicv said:
Looks like a Matlock Apple Store is required to educate the locals :)

Welcome eyemacg5, always nice to greet another Brit.

sorry for the offtopic but just in reply to that post.

I dont use the matlock store, didnt even know there was one, i live in east derbyshire, near sheffield and use the store at meadowhall
Most of my friends are not Apple bashers. In fact, a few of them like Macs, but are more comfortable with Windows. However, here's a list of things that I still haven't done in 18 years of owning different Macs...
- Don't have to reinstall the OS every 2-6 months
- Don't have to run full virus and malware scans
- Don't need software running in the background attempting to thwart malware

I know one guy who was literally reinstalling his OS every 2-3 months for a little while because "it made his system run better." Go figure, THIS guy was the Mac-basher, based on his cousin's tech expertise.

Another friend of mine simply does what his Wife tells him to do, and "knows" what his wife tells him to know. Since she is an anti-Apple Windows Admin, he occasionally makes anti-Mac comments (then occasionally back-peddles his own comments). Strange. :)
OH, how could I forget my boss' comment one time. He saw me with my Powerbook and said to one of the other tech guys (about me), "He's one of them?"

I laughed and told him I get paid to troubleshoot computers at work. Who wants to troubleshoot at home? He responded by saying that I must not like software then (the old myth that Macs have no software).

I told him that at best, that MAY have been true back in 1995, but that his statement was not valid today. He laughed it off, but who knows what he thinks still...
steve_hill4 said:
Whatever the machine, I would say it's better to reboot every so often. A lot of processes may not have shut down properly, memory is still being used for these and you just find it feeling slower. A reboot will clean out the memory and start everything again from scratch, (only theory mind you). Logging out and in often has a similar effect.

Now I sit and wait for others to shoot down what I've just said. :)

I support your theory. I leave mine on for about a week and do a reboot as the wireless doesnt stay full, and to free up ram. works a charm.
deputy_doofy said:
He responded by saying that I must not like software then (the old myth that Macs have no software).

LOL, you cannot run any software at all on a mac, actually i dont know how i am typing this to you, damnit i must stop lol.

IMHO people in general are computer illeterate, with comments like that.
"Why do I need a modem to connect to the internet? My computer already has "Internet Explorer" on it!" (This was before DSL/Cable was mainstream, and before 802.11 existed at all.)
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