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I'm not surprised by all the Windows IT complaining(I'm studying it in tech school at the moment, they're already this way when they start the program), but it does strike me as sort of strange given myself...

When I started I was perfectly content with Windows on my PC, and I was a pretty technical guy in terms of Windows and it's software. But as I got further in the program and learned more about how Windows really works underneath, I wanted out more and more. Within a month or two I was running Linux full time on my Gateway PC, and I was pretty serious PC-only gamer when I started(no consoles in several years). Actually being taught about Windows totally blasted any faith I had in it, so it seems strange to me that the majority of IT people are so pro-Windows, and so anti-Mac(and anti-Linux).

I mean heck, a week or two into the program we had a lecture on malware, and the instructor mentioned that digital signing is one of Microsoft's big weapons against this, that ANYTHING we download that is digitally signed by Microsoft IS safe, since hackers haven't replicated it yet. Fast forward to about a week ago, our senior student is talking about how his Vista box got wiped out by a trojan in a digitally signed media codec. Still loves his super secure Vista :mad:

I love the whole "Where's the start button?" thing. In high school, in journalism, we had ALL Dells in class, but my teacher used a Powermac G4 with either Panther or Jaguar(Not sure which, knew nothing about Macs at the time, it had Internet Explorer though). We had about twice as many students working on the school paper as we had Dells, they were all taken up and I was an editor, so she let me use her Mac to do things one time. The last time I had touched a Mac was in elementary school, somewhere between Systems 6 and 8.1, and yet I knew what was up right away. I saw big pretty icons in the dock and knew to launch apps from them. I picked up on the stoplight analogy and "reversedness" of the close/minimize buttons without a problem. My only benefit of past experience was that I remembered that you have to menu -> quit to actually kill the application. I didn't freak out because there was NO START BUTAN!!!11

It's tough having a brain.
I was volunteering at a dental clinic and was asked if I knew how to do something on excel.

I said I knew a little about excel (enough to fix the problem) but I owned and used Macs primarily.

The person asked the question, and I quote. "What is a Mac?"

Before I could say anything another volunteer pipes in "I HATE Macs"

The other person says "But what is a Mac"

The other volunteer answered "It is short for Macromedia and it NEVER works"

I left the situation shocked and amazed by their ignorance.
arrogant people are just plain annoying!

... says the 684th post in a thread dedicated to summarily categorizing and belittling people for not knowing as much as you do about the computer system of your choice.

Seriously. Some of you tell some great stories about truly clueless or bigoted dweebs. But many of these stories are dripping with arrogance, elitist, "holier-than-thou" attitude.

Pot, kettle, etc.
... says the 684th post in a thread dedicated to summarily categorizing and belittling people for not knowing as much as you do about the computer system of your choice.

Seriously. Some of you tell some great stories about truly clueless or bigoted dweebs. But many of these stories are dripping with arrogance, elitist, "holier-than-thou attitude.

Pot, kettle, etc.

Yeah, there may be plenty of arrogant Windows users, but there are also prenty of Mac ones too.

People just need to accept the fact that all technological items are simply tools and nothing more--- they needn't be personified, glorified, or vilified.
I was volunteering at a dental clinic and was asked if I knew how to do something on excel.

I said I knew a little about excel (enough to fix the problem) but I owned and used Macs primarily.

The person asked the question, and I quote. "What is a Mac?"

Before I could say anything another volunteer pipes in "I HATE Macs"

The other person says "But what is a Mac"

The other volunteer answered "It is short for Macromedia and it NEVER works"

I left the situation shocked and amazed by their ignorance.

Just reading that alone pisses me off. :mad:
... says the 684th post in a thread dedicated to summarily categorizing and belittling people for not knowing as much as you do about the computer system of your choice.

Seriously. Some of you tell some great stories about truly clueless or bigoted dweebs. But many of these stories are dripping with arrogance, elitist, "holier-than-thou attitude.

Pot, kettle, etc.
i think your missing the point. there are alot of windows switchers, such as the post by martychang which clearly outlines his reasons for disliking windoze. a lot of people do know stuff about what they are doing. what they dont know is that what they are doing is not always the best, and often arent open-minded enough to be able to realise that there COULD be something better. this is what peeves me off, pretty much ALL windoze users that i talk to will not accept that the word 'mac' exists. and dont even listen to my opinion on even the most basic of things (TCP/IP for example). i mean come on thats just stupid, thats like judging someone by the colour of their car.....

Yeah, there may be plenty of arrogant Windows users, but there are also prenty of Mac ones too.

People just need to accept the fact that all technological items are simply tools and nothing more--- they needn't be personified, glorified, or vilified.

your calling me arrogant???
p.s. yes, computers are just tools. but so are cars, and houses, and a lot of other things.. but what do we do with those?????
your calling me arrogant???
p.s. yes, computers are just tools. but so are cars, and houses, and a lot of other things.. but what do we do with those?????

No, that was by no means a personal attack directed towards anyone.

What I'm saying is that one shouldn't go around and bash others for using another operating system in an overzealous, pompous way.

We could get into an extremely detailed argument on materialism if you'd like, but bashing others for not having our preference in computers (or cars or houses, for that matter) is not acceptable. However, it is acceptable to politely poke fun at those who do not know what they are talking about, especially with computers. That is the point of this entire thread.
No, that was by no means a personal attack directed towards anyone.

What I'm saying is that one shouldn't go around and bash others for using another operating system in an overzealous, pompous way.

We could get into an extremely detailed argument on materialism if you'd like, but bashing others for not having our preference in computers (or cars or houses, for that matter) is not acceptable. However, it is acceptable to politely poke fun at those who do not know what they are talking about, especially with computers. That is the point of this entire thread.

nor should one go around and bash others based on what they say. sorry to seem attackive or whatever, this is a touchy subject. im sure a lot of other mac users would know what im talking about. being scrutinised against..ggr
nor should one go around and bash others based on what they say. sorry to seem attackive or whatever, this is a touchy subject. im sure a lot of other mac users would know what im talking about. being scrutinised against..ggr

My point exactly: just don't bash people for the fun of it, and it doesn't just stop at materials, either.

(EDIT: I'm not saying that there's something wrong with rolling your eyes at the "you can get them internets on your mac?" types of questions, but saying or telling someone that they are idiotic that they use another operating system, drive another car, live in a large house, believe a different relgion, etc. is wrong.)
My point exactly: just don't bash people for the fun of it, and it doesn't just stop at materials, either.

(EDIT: I'm not saying that there's something wrong with rolling your eyes at the "you can get them internets on your mac?" types of questions, but saying or telling someone that they are idiotic that they use another operating system, drive another car, live in a large house, believe a different relgion, etc. is wrong.)

yuup i totally agree. that is just so low to assume that the computer, car, house/wateva you use is better based on your own opinions. its just so unfair, and besides, we are allowed to have a free voice in this and many other countries (my country being australia). i spose its ok to joke about it, but using it to abuse is jsut wrong.

ok now back to the topic.... sorry to derail it!!!
Some old dude said to me,

"Oh those computers, yeh I heard they are good with pictures and stuff.. but how do you do your assigments and study?"

Oh and his friend asked me where the start button was. I just don't bother explaining anymore
I don't own a mac (cuz' I'm 15 and can't afford to pay 3000$ for an ALMOST configurable tower). But when my friends see me use different OpenSource OSes(Like ubuntu, very simple or when others use Macs) they go like
"I would never try that the interface seems so ****ing complicated, everything seems weird." (This goes for using different windows software than the ones they use) But then I ask them "Why, because it's not 100% identical to windows?"
I'll agree that the PC's advantage is the totally open hardware. If you want to, you can pick up a copy of PC world magazine, and from the ads in the back, order up a case (with power supply included), a logic board, processor, and some drives, and put the whole thing together yourself. Lots of satisfaction there, and you get a computer that is as good as anything you might buy from Dell or H/P.

I know a few hearty souls who have done this, and they are not Mac bashers at all. They just like / need that totally open hardware. Most people that go this route use one of the Linux flavors though.

The true Mac Bashers are people who have never tried anything else, and know nothing about what they're talking about. Their reasons for mac bashing are not technical, but "political".

If you really want to have some fun with the Mac Bashers, learn about Windows. Knowing the ins and outs of Windows will totally mystify them. They won't know how to handle this total mix up of the status quo.
I know a few hearty souls who have done this, and they are not Mac bashers at all. They just like / need that totally open hardware. Most people that go this route use one of the Linux flavors though.

Yep, I've done this too. Reasons to do this:

1. OCD
2. Trying to fine-tune a system to get the most possible power of out if it, e.g. a gaming machine
3. (my reason) Cost effectiveness. I make my own value judgements about which parts I'd rather spend more money on now, versus which parts I could buy cheaply to start with and upgrade later.

Also, it's fun and you learn a lot about how PC's are built.
Not really a question....but my friend today was like "I don't like Macs - they're too hard to work" I was like WTF? They're so easy! MUCH easier than windows for non-computer people like us!!
"Did you get a mac because of the commercials?" Said in a real condescending voice.

And not a stupid question but I just wanted to mention it:

my mother in law: "Did you get your laptop?" "Yeah I did" I say in an excited voice. "But it's an apple." she says and snarls her nose.
"Did you get a mac because of the commercials?" Said in a real condescending voice.

And not a stupid question but I just wanted to mention it:

my mother in law: "Did you get your laptop?" "Yeah I did" I say in an excited voice. "But it's an apple." she says and snarls her nose.

My mother in law barely knows the difference between a cell phone and a remote control (she's 72) so I'm curiuous, what computer does your MIL use? :confused:
Ignorant PC users

- Nobody buys macs, therefore they're crap
- They always crash:confused:
- Can't play games
- Internet is somehow limited:confused:
- Word processing sucks (well indeed it does..cos it's no fun)
- No Programs
- Not compatible with windows
- Can't connect to PC's

I still get crap at uni about having a mac (well actually two:eek:), yet since i've bought mine...half a dozen of my friends have also bought one...and if any others get a laptop, they know it'll be a MacBook.

But i do come across so many stupid windows somebody said before...they seriously are ignorant that a computer can run without windows
well, at least those people know that there is something like Macintosh, over here most people just stare blankly at my desktop and think it's some exotic version of Windows (wow! is that the new Windows Vista?)
... says the 684th post in a thread dedicated to summarily categorizing and belittling people for not knowing as much as you do about the computer system of your choice.

Seriously. Some of you tell some great stories about truly clueless or bigoted dweebs. But many of these stories are dripping with arrogance, elitist, "holier-than-thou" attitude.

Pot, kettle, etc.


I'm going to be kind and assume you're just kidding in writing this. I mean, certainly you couldn't be stupid enough to have read the nigh-unto 700 posts in this thread and seriously mean what you just said. After all, just stop and think about it.

The fundamental causative factor behind the behaviors we here are all collectively complaining about is the lack of personal initiative on the part of those people we're all venting about. If they took the time to become personally responsible, legitimately knowledgeable, and generally informed users of technology, they wouldn't have created situation which gave rise to the stories being recounted here.

Or don't you get that bit?

Quit defending the idiots and morons, or else you're no better than they are.

And no, I don't really care what you might now decide to call me in response to this post, however you could concede the point and respond by apologizing and then acknowledge the wisdom of my words. Or would that be too arrogant or presumptive of me? Either way, it's of no consequence to me personally, since I don't base my self-worth or self-esteem on what's said here.

Thank you.

This has been a public service announcement by the Advocates for Critical Thinking and Personal Initiative Alliance.
The fundamental causative factor behind the behaviors we here are all collectively complaining about is the lack of personal initiative on the part of those people we're all venting about. If they took the time to become personally responsible, legitimately knowledgeable, and generally informed users of technology, they wouldn't have created situation which gave rise to the stories being recounted here.

Or don't you get that bit?

Quit defending the idiots and morons, or else you're no better than they are.

All I said was that there are some people posting in this thread (and in fact this, and every, Mac forum) that come across as just plain arrogant. As I said, there are some great stories about some of the silly things said by PC users who, as you rightly acknowledge, have not done any research into the use of technology, and specifically, Mac technology. I think these stories are funny. I shake my head and laugh. Some people truly are ignorant and, well, intend to keep it that way. Typically, the ignorant stupid PC user says something like this:

"You use a Mac?! They suck! They can't even connect to the internet! They have no programs! They crash all the time! I've never actually used a Mac but my friend's cousin's girlfriend's uncle read that Apple is going bankrupt, so it must be true!"

Laugh at that guy all you want. I'm laughing with you, and wondering when he'll ever get a clue.

But then there's the guy who just doesn't know a whole lot about computers in general, doesn't care to, or just ... wait for it... hadn't used a Mac before. Not all of us grow up surrounded by Apple products. So you get some innocent doozies, like:

"Is that the new Windows Vista?"

To which the proper response would maybe be to grin, correct them, and see if they turn into Guy #1, or if they say, "Oh, cool, I've never seen that before..."

Yet some of the people here seem to start frothing at the mouth as soon as anyone displays any kind of ignorance about the Mac, or slights it in any way, or just plain isn't as technically knowledgeable as they are. You get stories like:

"This stupid PC dweeb saw my Mac and he was like, 'is that the new Windows Vista?' lolz what an IDIOT! I cant believe the arrogance of PC users ... They must honestly be shot for not having the intelligence to own a Mac, like I do!"

THAT is the kind of comment that I say, "Hey, wait a second... who's the arrogant one?"

I went back to the first few pages of this thread to try to give examples. Posts #7, 8, 10, 11 are examples of stories I think are funny without coming across as condescending toward the PC user. #26, #30, #39 are examples of truly stupid or ignorant PC users. But post #6 is an example of the kind of arrogance that we Mac users are famous for, going off the deep end because someone dared not to know as much as we do about our Macs. #63 is being deliberately specious, as is #71.

I laugh at stupid people all the time. But ignorance is not necessarily stupidity. Often related, but not always.
Ignorant Sales people

My boss is computer reliant, can't go a day for her business sake with out her computer. BUt, she uses a Toshiba, and inevitably gets viruses and has to drop it off for 2-3 days at a shop for them to fix all the problems. The cost aside, this is an incredible hassle.

So when her frustration hit a max, I sent her to Best Buy to buy a Macbook. only minutes after starting to look the salesman had talked her out of the Mac and back to a PC, because Mac is overkill for the kind of processing she does. She called me confused and I reminded her that she is not buying the Mac for its processing ability, but because of invisibility to viruses and such. She hung up and with her new amunation went back to the salesguy. He told her this, "PCs don't have virus problems either, thats something you don't have to worry about."

My boss is at home now with her new Toshiba, complaining everyday about how she hates her computer so much.
My boss is computer reliant, can't go a day for her business sake with out her computer. BUt, she uses a Toshiba, and inevitably gets viruses and has to drop it off for 2-3 days at a shop for them to fix all the problems. The cost aside, this is an incredible hassle.

So when her frustration hit a max, I sent her to Best Buy to buy a Macbook. only minutes after starting to look the salesman had talked her out of the Mac and back to a PC, because Mac is overkill for the kind of processing she does. She called me confused and I reminded her that she is not buying the Mac for its processing ability, but because of invisibility to viruses and such. She hung up and with her new amunation went back to the salesguy. He told her this, "PCs don't have virus problems either, thats something you don't have to worry about."

My boss is at home now with her new Toshiba, complaining everyday about how she hates her computer so much.
Toshiba's are normally great in quality, but with windows, they're not. :rolleyes:

Anyway, this happened about a week ago.

I was talking to a kid in my biology class, and the discussion moved towards computers. He said he got a new computer with "veesta" on it. I said I had a Mac mini.

He said
"You have a Mac?! Wow."
"Well, how do you do anything on there?"
"Easily. I surf the web, listen to music, and play a few games."
"Games? Like what?"
"How did you get Halo on a Mac?!"
"They make Halo for Mac, you know."
Toshiba's are normally great in quality, but with windows, they're not. :rolleyes:

Anyway, this happened about a week ago.

I was talking to a kid in my biology class, and the discussion moved towards computers. He said he got a new computer with "veesta" on it. I said I had a Mac mini.

He said
"You have a Mac?! Wow."
"Well, how do you do anything on there?"
"Easily. I surf the web, listen to music, and play a few games."
"Games? Like what?"
"How did you get Halo on a Mac?!"
"They make Halo for Mac," you know."

What are you trying to say? :confused:
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