Hello to every one here,
I really, but really need your help.
I have a Mac Pro 5,1 Mid 2010, qua-core 2,8. 32GB and 500 GB SSD, Radeon RX480 8GB. but not monitor, it broke, then I went to buy an Apple Thunderbolt 27 Display, thinking that it has a mini-display port, but dam it was also a thunderbolt port, no I am stuck with a monitor that I can't use, and with a Mac Pro still does a good job for video and picture editing. Now my question is. I bought the Gigabyte GC-titan Ridge Thunderbolt 3,
I did my research, so I got window 10 installed and also the drivers for the PCI card, then I do what people says to do, ( I use boot champ), no problem I am in windows 10 all the drivers are loaded, then I use boot camp to boot into macOS "Mojave", no I am in Mojave- I can see the PCI active, but when I connect the Thunderbolt 3 adapter to the thunderbolt display, it will not work, the monitor is off , I tried both thunderbolt port and nothing, ( I have the DP connect from the video card into the mini-DP GC-Titan).
What am I doing wrong here?
Looks like people have been able to do it, but I can't. Am I missing a program? to activate/disable a promt/command?
BtW my apple display works with no problem when I connect it to my mackbook pro's thunderbolt, I get picture and sound, of course is apple's made, but please someone with more knowledge can guide on how to get this working.