Just a heads-up, I know you mean well, but I think MOST of the hostility is coming from you referencing the Mazarati and then also talking about other cars which you don't really know. I can't say anything on Mazaratis, super cars/sports cars don't interest me much, but what I do know, I will converse about. Like the CRV table, I know that it was a cool feature because I know someone who has it. I also know that the 1999 series CRV has motor mount flaws, but its a neat little car. You keep talking about the Mazarati, defending it with examples you don't really know. Like, for instance, I know I can compare my 4Runner to a newer one, since I've ridden and driven both extensively. I can say, without any issue that my car is SLOW, and it doesn't have a lot of features other than A/C, Power Brakes/Steering, Power Windows, and Radio

Well, I generally referenced cars that I've driven (I made a brief list when someone accused me of having barely driven anything). Being a thread for any type of car, there are sure to be cars that interest some people and cars that don't. However, when I am not interested in a conversation, I usually ignore it. The hostility started when another user here (who didn't care for my posts, even though I was replying to people who had initially replied to me) essentially told me to shut up and also rudely suggested that the car be taken to a scrap yard. Then, after I further defended myself and my argument, I was called an 'accident' by another user here, who then felt the need to bring age into the conversation... as if my age actually pertains to this. Not very mature.
(BTW, the argument only pertained to the Maserati, and it's probably finalized at this point. My argument was clear and rational and based upon firsthand experience with the cars, research, and stories from others.)
I can also compare an older Toyota to a newer one, as I've both ridden in and driven old and new Toyotas. Our Landcruiser has a good amount of features, but it's also pretty slow and has under-designed brakes. However, its ride quality trumped that of this 2015 Corolla I used for my mandatory driving course... and that machine has the advantage of being a small car. It's my opinion that Toyota tried way harder to make great cars (and succeeded at it) in the 1990s than they do in the present. I would call THAT an opinion or personal thought, as I haven't driven every new and old Toyota out there. However, after dealing with detailing the Maserati, researching its plastic issues, hearing stories from others, and even sitting in an identical one that had the same issue, I think I've been able to correctly deduce the cause of its issues (those of which I've had with household products as well). And, because I was assuring another user that I was positive that my argument was correct (and because we had replied to each other multiple times), it looked as though I was solely going on and on about it.
I also love how it turns into a bench, so you can sit on the edge for tailgating and stuff.
I like pushing down on those 'benches' and seeing how much the rear suspension will sag. These Landcruisers are so spongey. And, of course, it makes it easier to load things in, as the folded-down gate acts as a nice landing.
We used to have an Excursion with the partitioned swing-out gates. I guess they were cool... although, I forget whether or not the swing-out gates could open without the main gate being open. If that was the case, they were more useful than usual. Otherwise, it was a lot of door to deal with. Then again, that was the least of our problems with that truck. The only advantage to that thing was hauling space and a great time for the passengers. Probably one of the most comfortable SUVs I've been in. Couldn't say that the driver was experiencing the same comfort.