Some British highlights from the auction today:
Really nice '51 MG TD in BRG for $24,200
Big Healeys are only going up, up, up in price, and it will be interesting to see if and when they stop. They use to have a reputation as a "Poor man's XK", but now in some cases they're going head to head with XKs and E types in price.
There were 5 Healey 3000s sold today. The cheapest brought $43K, and it was more of a "resto-mod" with some additional grilles in the wings and a 5 speed transmission. A $45K one looked to be a solid driver, but really needed some work and had a few originality issues and a paint scheme that likely turned off a lot of buyers. A BJ8(roll up windows) brought $85, and someone told me(although I couldn't find it in the results) that another BJ8 brought $120K today.
I'd love to own some sort of Big Healey one of these days, but that money would let me do something like import an MGB GT V8 from England-something that would get me a car that is both more fun to drive and a LOT more unusual. Of course, the 100-4, 100-6, and 3000 really are a different sort of car than the MGB. The 700lb lump of cast iron driving them is nice, smooth, and responsive but you can get the same feel for a fraction of the price in an MGC.
When describing the difference between an MGC and a 3000 to me, one friend said "The MGC is a solid feeling car that is nice and smooth in a straight line, but don't expect it to turn like you would an MGB." The same person said that the 3000 "Feels like a bunch of parts that just happen to be moving in the same general direction, while also singing the hair off your legs. Despite that, it still drives like a sports car."
Aside from all of that, you can't beat how they look. The 100-6, Triumph TR3, and MGA all pretty obviously go for the same "look" although the Triumph is ugliest(big surprise there) and IMO the MG is the best looking (there's a reason why there's a 1958 MGA title in my safe, even though I haven't seen the car in several months, have the engine intended for it in pieces in my garage, and it won't even be ready FOR that engine for a few more years). Still, though, the Healey IS a close second in looks to the MGA in my book, and certainly is faster(even if the MGA feels a lot more refined to me).
BTW, as someone who has at times driven my MGB enough for it to be virtually a daily driver(I've put 1800 miles on it in the last year, and that included 2 months where it was down for a new head that ended up with me chasing my tail for a while, and then another month of sporadic driving while I sorted out gas that had gone bad) it's pretty bad when I criticize OTHER British cars for feeling like they're about to fall apart at any moment