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Had a 3G ordered. Went to the local best buy.... I cracked under pressure and bought a 32 GB Wifi version. Synced to my MBP, now sitting at PJ's coffee house enjoying it.
I spent spent over an hour today demoing the iPad at the Manhattan 14th store and came away with a few impressions. Here are as many as I can remember..

Most enjoyable read... thanks for taking the time and effort to demo it and post your experiences. They seems very honest and above board.. No gushing or flat out panning based on preconceived notions or expectations.

A very rare thing to read in todays world...

Anyway, I have to ask... why didn't you get one?

- Not enough of a 'draw' for you feature and or size wise?
- Waiting for 3G?
- Waiting for v2.0
- Waiting for the 'lucky ones' to suss-out any possible v1.0 'issues'
- Waiting on someone to drop 500 or so in your hands?

The reason I ask is that for the most part you wrote in a generally favorable tone.. (cept for calling out the touch typing issues)

Anyway thanks for the review it made for a good read!
iPad screen protector

My first accessory other than the case and camera connection kit, will be a screen protector. The one I have for my iPhone, is finger print proof. It is awsome.

That's I want for this. Anyone know if they make one yet? I don't see one in the apple store yet.

This is the protector I plan on getting once I get back from being stuck in lovely Iraq.

They also make some other pretty cool Apple cases and accessories.
Most enjoyable read... thanks for taking the time and effort to demo it and post your experiences. They seems very honest and above board.. No gushing or flat out panning based on preconceived notions or expectations.

A very rare thing to read in todays world...

Anyway, I have to ask... why didn't you get one?

- Not enough of a 'draw' for you feature and or size wise?
- Waiting for 3G?
- Waiting for v2.0
- Waiting for the 'lucky ones' to suss-out any possible v1.0 'issues'
- Waiting on someone to drop 500 or so in your hands?

The reason I ask is that for the most part you wrote in a generally favorable tone.. (cept for calling out the touch typing issues)

Anyway thanks for the review it made for a good read!

I'm not getting one because my wife and I have spent about $3000 in the last year on Apple products (two MacBooks, two iPod Touch devices). Not to mention what I've spent in the App & iTunes Music stores. Gotta cool out for a while on the Apple stuff. Plus, I usually wait for v2.0 of most Apple products - they always give them a nice boost on the second go-round.
So, do they only deliver on locations that usually have saturday delivery?
Or did Apple make a deal so anyone can get theirs on saturday?

Has anyone who wasn't expecting one (for lack of saturday delivery) received theirs today?
I have a guess here. Maybe your phone was pulling the map images form memory (they're cached you know) while the iPad was pulling them through the very overloaded store wifi?

If it's caches on my iPhone then my iPhone REALLY sucks. I ran just a quick map from home (of my area) and the iPad beat the bejesuses out of my iPhone 3G. I was EXTREMELY impressed with it.

I agree with a lot of the rest of that review (though I guess some of the things mentioned didn't bother me as much as Sandy) but when I read that part about the maps app I was pretty shocked as my experience was the complete opposite.

Diff topic, not only am I annoyed that Fieldrunners HD costs so much for basically the same game in higher res, I'm even MORE ticked that when I copied the iPhone version to my iPad apparently I would have to BUY those two new maps again. No thanks!

Love my iPad but my 6 yr old has had it most of the day. :rolleyes:
LOL Anybody notice the scratches on the background image. I am sure somebody else has mentioned this but that is kinda odd to see scratches and think that your ipad is scratched. :eek:
Re: Sandy Sandra's Impression

I was demoing the iPad out in an Apple Store near Norfolk, VA earlier today. In regards to your comments on the pre-loaded apps, I'd like to shed some light on the situation:

The pre-loaded apps must have been installed a long time ago, and never updated. The Omni app on there is the iPhone version, along with the majority of the other apps. The units don't have a dummy iTunes account to connect to and update software.

I was excited to see how IMDB was upscaled from the iPhone to iPad, considering it was just updated the other day, and noticed the demo unit was still running the iPhone-only version. My guess is that Apple just had these demo units stock-piled for a while, and obviously couldn't load up all the new apps popping up within the last few days.
LOL Anybody notice the scratches on the background image. I am sure somebody else has mentioned this but that is kinda odd to see scratches and think that your ipad is scratched. :eek:

It's happened to a few of us. That was the first thing I saw and I almost threw up in my mouth.
So, do they only deliver on locations that usually have saturday delivery?
Or did Apple make a deal so anyone can get theirs on saturday?

Has anyone who wasn't expecting one (for lack of saturday delivery) received theirs today?
Nope, no show!
Love the aluminum slab solidity. Can only imagine how cheap it would've been had Apple used plastic.

Installed some iPad-only apps, but the 'Pad firmware is rearranging my icon layout after each Sync. :mad: Can rearrange permanently ONLY in iTunes under the App tab.

LOVE the screen orientation lock.
I think my macbook pro is fixing to catch fire. Between synching the ipad, uploading photos, and browsing the web my fans are working non-stop and my laptop is still hotter than my oven.
So incredibly jealous from the UK :( I envy all of you

I envy them all too, we will get our chance soon enough. I cannot wait!

(quick question for those who already have the pleasure to be playing with the iPad, how can you print to a wi-fi computer from it?)
Impressions of the 1st kind

I went to the apple store at the Mall of America for mine. Waited to get home to open, or I might still be at the apple store. 64GB oh yeah.

E-mail setup took me about 3 min for 4 accounts.
Sync took about 15 min with about 25 apps
Netflix is amazing on the screen.
Ibooks is nice only have 4 books at the moment.
Web browsing is quick.
Typing is so easy its crazy.
No cloth, but bought the iclear, got is messy after about 45min cleans perfect.
HD photos also look amazing and setting them as your background adds sucha nice touch.
All in all well worth the wait and the money
GoogleMaps on the iPad absolutely sucks. You're gonna need a 5G or fiber optic connection if you want to see this app rewrite screens in a timely fashion. And you can't make the argument that "Oh, you were in a store, so the wi-fi network was overloaded," since my almost 3-year old 2G iPhone was hanging in there just fine with its quick rewrites (1-2 seconds or less). All tests were done in basic map mode—no satellite, terrain, or traffic overlays involved.

Was the 2G phone off the phone network (only WiFi ?).

Google may need to tweak either the server or the apps. Wouldn't be surprising if Google maps on iPhone caches (either on server on phone) the areas adjacent to what you are viewing. Primary because the screen is so small that scrolling is very common thing to do. So go get next screen up, down, left , right because the users is likely going to want them.

That wouldn't work so hot on the iPad. The screen size is so large that going to grab lots of data most of which probably won't need.

It could be one of those "doh" moments that happen when the developers/testers may/maynot have an physical iPad to test on . (e.g., simulator hooked to high speed ethernet connection where the difference isn't as pronounced. )
I envy them all too, we will get our chance soon enough. I cannot wait!

(quick question for those who already have the pleasure to be playing with the iPad, how can you print to a wi-fi computer from it?)

To a WiFi computer: buy the Print n' Share app from the app store. I have it on my iPod and they recently released an update that works on iPad. You'll have to install server software from their website on your computer, and once you've set that up and configured your iPad to look for the host, you can print through that computer.
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