Really impressive device, the screen is simply amazing and very quick to respond to actions. I am fortunate and am out of town (rather rural area) on business and was able to pick up a 64gig model aty Best Buy at 2pm in the afternoon - they still had around 5 of each the guy said, but people were all over the demos in the small Apple section they had.
Some initial thoughts:
Syncs and backs up very fast. I loaded around 10 iPad apps onto it from the iPad itself and they copied in less than 20 seconds. Seems it will copy my entire library of 40gigs in about 40 mins total.
The screen does show smudge marks much more so than my iPhone. I understand it has the same coating, but it seemed at first the screen was not as smooth - now that I have used it a couple hours it is starting to feel like my iPhone in terms of glass smoothness.
It feels a bit heavier in my hand than anticipated, but from lounging around I can see the usability of this device and how it will fit into my life. I can never just slouch on a recliner and prop up my laptop on my leg. Seems like I can position this anywhere, no matter how I am sitting and it is incredibly usable. Usually you have to adapt to your laptop when lounging, this really does adap to you and can be used in any fashion.
The experience itself is great, and I can see what people meant when they said you have to hold it in your hand to really understand it's usefulness. I can see myself picking this up instead of my iPhone in the morning and checking news, weather, email, etc. The iPhone is a great on the go device for these functions, but this really feels like a full web experience.
The apple logo on the back seems to have a somewhat rubberish coating to it. I may be wrong and I'm not keen on sliding it across the table to see if it scratches up, but it is definitely not the metal logos found on many of their devices and seems a bit more durable as when placed on the table it rests directly on the black logo. Time will tell if it scratches, I'm not that eager to find out.
The thick border around the screen imakes complete sense when you hold it in your hand, and flicking the screen only requires you to do so at the edge as you hold it - completely intuitive.
That's all for now, enjoy your iPads folks.... no buyers remourse for me yet, even though I plunked down quite a bit of change on a MacBook pro and LED display in the past 2 weeks. I think it's time to put the credit card away for a while, perhaps on ice