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Still no UPS delivery joy in 30306, intown Atlanta, GA...

I'm trying not to fret, though, as I stare out the window waiting for the big brown truck, since @MikeAtUPS on Twitter says deliveries will be going at least until 5PM and perhaps after, and since I didn't get a "Monday delivery" email...
You can't.

mmmm, so having iWork to create Pages and Numbers documents that you cannot print doesn't sound very good.
There must be a way, or there should be a way!
I shouldn't have to save everything and email it to my iMac every time I want to print something, that's the whole point of a wi-fi printer, not being attached to only one device?
To a WiFi computer: buy the Print n' Share app from the app store. I have it on my iPod and they recently released an update that works on iPad. You'll have to install server software from their website on your computer, and once you've set that up and configured your iPad to look for the host, you can print through that computer.

Enthusiasm is back! come on UK, let's get the iPads here
I envy them all too, we will get our chance soon enough. I cannot wait!

(quick question for those who already have the pleasure to be playing with the iPad, how can you print to a wi-fi computer from it?)

i have a print n share app for the iphone which allows printing from it via your pc. i updated it the other day, one of the updates said it was now compatable with the ipad! Of course i too am in the UK so can't verify this on an ipad until 'late April':mad:
Loving it! Absolutely loving it! The screen is super responsive--you can click on the tiniest spot and have it know what you're clicking on. Typing on it isn't bad, either. I just have to get used to not having lazy fingers on the keyboard. :). I'm typing on it 2-handed in portrait mode and it's not bad at all. I think I'm in love......
LOL Anybody notice the scratches on the background image. I am sure somebody else has mentioned this but that is kinda odd to see scratches and think that your ipad is scratched. :eek:

those are not scratches
those are star trails due to a long exposure to take the picture.
To a WiFi computer: buy the Print n' Share app from the app store. I have it on my iPod and they recently released an update that works on iPad. You'll have to install server software from their website on your computer, and once you've set that up and configured your iPad to look for the host, you can print through that computer.

oops i should read more posts before i reply, sorry:eek::)
I just surprisingly got mine in St. George, UT. My status still showed leaving from a city 300 miles away.

Lucky! Im still waiting 300 miles away in Pleasant Grove, with the Orem hub 15 minutes from my house :/

Sure would be nice if UPS would at least give an estimated delivery time. Man I've been sitting home all day waiting. This sucks.

Yep, kind of wasting my Saturday. I wish they'd show you at least what city the driver is in, not sure how big their routes are ya know?
First impressions - iPad and apps!

I bought a 16GB iPad to use for school. I will be going to Grad School in the fall and wanted an iPad to take notes and to keep documents and PDFs on. Not to mention, eBooks!

The iPad is well balanced and feels great in your hands. It is not too big and I think if it were in a widescreen format, it would be awkward. The screen is GORGEOUS!! Very crisp and clear. It does show fingerprints and it did not come with a cloth, but I have the ones that came with my iPhone and MacBook. The speed...oh the speed! It is QUICK! Every bit as quick as the demos - I hope Apple puts the A4 in the iPhone!

The apps...

-iBooks is great. It comes with one free book, as previously mentioned, and gives you a chance to play with it. I am very impressed with the look of the text on the screen. Images are great as well.

-Calendar, Address Book, YouTube, Notes, iPod, iTunes and the AppStore are very user friendly as shown in the demos and quick!

-Maps - even better on the iPad! Clean maps and very nice satellite images!

-Safari - You have seen the demos and it is unbelievably fast! I really love browsing on the iPad. Bookmarks are easy to access and the pages are crisp and clean.

-Mail - again, the demos show it all! I really like the landscape view with my mailbox next to the message. It is as if I was not on a mobile device.

-Photos - amazing! HD images and great organization. What else is there to say?!

-iWork - I bought the iWork suite for $9.99 per app. It is a great deal and they are extremely fast! Pages is what I will use most and the typing does take a few minutes to get used to, but if you are a fast typer, you will have no problem in landscape. Portrait keyboard is to awkward for me, so I just lock the iPad in landscape. Numbers and Keynote are just as nice as pages. They are very quick, come with great templates, and are worth every penny. $30 for a full office suite that is all touch is a great deal!

-New York Times (Free) - This app is a little disappointing. Only shows the editors choice articles and there are not that many. It would best to go to the website.

AP (Free) - The AP has yet another strong app. This app displays top headlines over a light background in individual boxes. When you choose one it pops up over the top of the home page.

-BBC, NPR, USA Today, Wall Street Journal, Reuters, Bloomberg (All Free) - They are all great news apps. Wall Street Journal requires a subscription.

-ESPN ScoreCenter XL ($4.99) - This is an awesome score app. The larger screen really gave ESPN more room to improve on the iPhone app. I have both, but the iPad's app is much more advance.

-National Geographic World Atlas HD ($1.99) - As a History Major, I have the full book atlas ($40) and buying a touch version for only $1.99 seemed like a no brainer. A 1.5 lb iPad vs. a 4 lb book - easy choice. It has a satellite view, provided by Microsoft and Bing, that rivals that of the Maps app. I highly recommend this app.

-Need for Speed Shift ($14.99) - WOW!! Not the most expensive app in the store, but it is up there. I am already addicted to this game! If you are into racing, this is the game for you!


-Battery Life - I fully charged it and have been using it for 2 hours. Surfing the web, running web apps, and playing a graphic game - Need for Speed. Guess what?...My battery is still showing 95%!!!! This is amazing considering I have used almost every app I purchased at least twice!

-Hard drive space - 16GB does not sound like much, but I installed almost 100 apps (including the large ones listed above) and only used 1.26GB. I am keeping my music on the iPhone/iPod and only use the iPad for documents, pictures, and apps.

I am extremely happy with the iPad so far. The next big test will come in class on Monday when I take notes in class. Until then, I will continue to check out apps and play with the ones I have! :apple: iPad is an amazing tool for me, and I cannot wait until Software 4.0!! :D
got the whole family


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Been on the fence a long while about 3G versus wifi only. Needless to say I didn't preorder an iPad.

Today I walked into my local Best Buy and played with one for 10 minutes. There was a kid next to me playing some FPS that looked smooth as silk. I was impressed.

I walked out of BB with a 64GB wifi-only iPad and an iPad case (the Apple one which the BB rep said they got in the store only a half hour or so earlier). I'm stoked and looking forward to not always needing to use my MBP everytime my iPhone doesn't meet the computing needs!

There was a customer there talking to the rep about having serious issues with iTunes 9.1 on Windows. Apparently there's some sync issues on non-Macs? If so, that sucks and hopefully Apple is on the ball about fixing it!

Cheers and happy iPadding!
GOT IT!!! Just arrived in Central MA. Met the driver in the lawn and he told me he's delivered 70+ today, and everyone has met him outside!! Has 100 more to go before the days end.
I went to the apple store at the Mall of America for mine. Waited to get home to open, or I might still be at the apple store. 64GB oh yeah.

I was going to do the mall thing but FirstTech in Minneapolis held one for me last night when I waffled on waiting for my 3G. Glad I got one early... can just sell this on eBay when 3G comes. Apparently FirstTech got in at least 3x as many as the Best Buy's got in... I hope more people realized this and went there. Great place!

Impression: this is the first technology since DirecTV and then the original Tivo that has me near speechless. I am fighting to find something wrong about this thing.. something that would make the doubters right. I simply cannot. Every app I open is a new "wow" moment. I could go on gushing about this thing forever but its easier to list my concerns.

1. How am I going to carry this thing around with me because its not leaving my sight!
2. I'm going to have to keep cleaning this thing off every few hours because its going to get a lot of use.
3. iPhone apps on this thing - meh... hope most continue to develop for iPhone but also have iPad versions as they are WAY better.
4. Spent a good hour or more re-arranging icons.
5. Hope 4.0 for iPhone comes to iPad... universal inbox etc.

Thats about it. Everything else has me giddy with joy.

I went out on a limb about this thing when it was initially announced... to the dismay of a lot of my techie friends. Let me say they will either eat their words or lose my respect. Period.
Seriously I hate UPS

They didn't bother to ring the door bell and left it with the neighbor, thank goodness they were home. But I'm so glad to have it in hand, watching the iPad episode of Modern Family, this thing is so freaking awesome... :D

Can't wait for the 3G version with GPS too :cool:
This is truly an amazing device. So much more different when you are holding it in your hands.
This is an amazing device. I am loving more the more I use it.

Obligatory: Sent from my iPad
Yay finally arrived in Provo, UT (84604). I even got the dreaded "Monday Delivery" email, so there's still some hope for you guys that got the email too!
is it magical?
Ha ha. I am guessing many ipad owners around this time are saying to themselves. "I got the what?"

I don't think there is anything magical behind it just yet. People are still trying to figure out what they can do with it that they can't already do with their iphones.

In time, as there are more out there in people's hands, people will figure out practical uses for the ipad. Until then, Ipad owners ignore these forums. Avoid buyers remorse by telling yourself how much you love it and how useful it is. But most importantly just play with it, go out in public and show it off...that's pretty much all you can do at this point. :)
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