great thread! anyone have some COD MW2 tones?
Oh, ahh, no luck from me then. Sorry.I was talking about the NFL stadium sounds.
Anybody have some Sonic the Hedgehog sounds? Like when you pick up or lose rings?
Would love Gears of War sounds!
Same here, specifically the checkpoint sounds, or when you have to press "Y" because something needs your attention. They would make great alert sounds... if only I could find my PC version installer so I could extract those! Let me know if you come across any, all I've found is voice samples :|
Yeah I'd love the sound that plays when you find a COG tag.
Grr... im mad i cant find my dvd to install it. I dont feel like having to download the game either, since its like 7gb. *goes off to hunt for it*
Here's some text tones im currently using:
"sweetalertsound" 2 and 3
found it!! alright... now to install and see what we can unpack from the sounds. ill post my results soon!
I can do one better then that for you if you about Dr. Evil saying "You got fricken mail"
The Mac Startup Bong. It's my SMS tone and every time I hear it I love it!
We can I get this sound in .m4r format?
ok here are a whole bunch of gears of war sound effects in iphone .m4r format, great for text tones and alerts!
If theres any that you think would be good and are missing, let me know and I'll have a look for them.