Which is sad. Blizzard ought to have sufficient in-house expertise and tools available to develop games for Mac. The fact that Overwatch has been ported to Switch but not to macOS makes me expect the worst for Blizzard’s Mac support in the future. Given the Switch port, I doubt that the Mac hardware was the only reason why they ditched macOS.
I think these actions are good indicators that Blizzard doesn't have a high regard of Mac as a sufficient gaming platform. In another thread, people believe the ARM architecture will change game developers' perspective. My gut says it's no different, if not worse, than pre-x86 days.
There are a lot of game developers (also those who make so called AAA games) already having games on Apple's silicon in the form of games for iOS/iPadOS. If they can their game ”for free” onto a more powerful device in the shape of a desktop Mac – why not?
Believe it or not, it's just another source of revenue. Much of it is built around the micro transaction model. Take for example Diablo
3. Netease is loosely skinning another of its game with Diablo skins.
In addition, the user experience on a desktop vs mobile vs tablet is different. Why would they convert a mobile game to a desktop? They use completely different peripherals and paradigms. Will that user who has been playing CoC on mobile/tablet care to play it on their desktop?