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Should still be a large difference with the Air's SSD! :D 'grats.

Yes, this will be my first air. My very first laptop with an SSD was a vaio Z back in 2007. One of the very first laptop with an SSD installed. It was imported from Japan since it wasn't available in the states and it was 32GB total. Wow, we have come a loooong way.
Yes, this will be my first air. My very first laptop with an SSD was a vaio Z back in 2007. One of the very first laptop with an SSD installed. It was imported from Japan since it wasn't available in the states and it was 32GB total. Wow, we have come a loooong way.

Weren't they the same price then too? upper 2000s for the Z?
My mid 2011 11 inch 4gb/128gb MacBook air is coming tomorrow! I ordered it refurbished from Yesterday and despite it saying it would take 3-5 business days to be shipped it's only taken 2 days for me to get it!

Coming from a late 2007 macbook pro which is pretty much on its last leg :rolleyes:
My mid 2011 11 inch 4gb/128gb MacBook air is coming tomorrow! I ordered it refurbished from Yesterday and despite it saying it would take 3-5 business days to be shipped it's only taken 2 days for me to get it!

Coming from a late 2007 macbook pro which is pretty much on its last leg :rolleyes:

Nice. That's what I have (but not refurbished). The last ten years I've owned an iBook G3, G4, MacBook, MacBook Pro, and a 2011 Mac Mini, and this MacBook Air is by far my favorite. Perfect size and fast as hell.

This arrived yesterday:

11" MacBook Air

Moving from the black MacBook to this... unbelievably light!

Got mine yesterday but I have a app store problem

Got my new MBA yesterday and began getting things set up but ran into a problem when I tried to upgrade existing apps. I get a messge, when I click on update all, that says that there are other apps by another person to upgrade. Stop and sign in to that account. It has the I.D. of the previous owner but I can't find him on users anywhere. Then I won't let me update mine. Any ideas? One last question. It takes hours to down load some apps. One in particular is Iphoto. Its been 2 hrs and it's still not finished. Is that normal. It was the same last night when I downloaded other apps.
One last question. It takes hours to down load some apps. One in particular is Iphoto. Its been 2 hrs and it's still not finished. Is that normal. It was the same last night when I downloaded other apps.

iPhoto is pre-installed on the computer. Why are you trying to download it?
iPhoto is pre-installed on the computer. Why are you trying to download it?
This is a 2009 upgraded to Lion. It had all the other apps that come with Lion except Iphoto. Its been 6 hrs now and not downloaded yet. I need to try to figure this out.
hey guys, purchased my first mac! (macbook air) from last night (i live in Ottawa), and I just checked the UPS tracking, and it says

01/06/2012 20:22 Departure Scan (Concord, ON, Canada)
01/06/2012 16:50 Origin Scan
01/05/2012 22:03 Order Processed: Ready for UPS

When should I expect it to arrive? I looked up Concord on google maps, and it appears to be near toronto. Any ideas?

ps; does UPS deliver on saturdays, if it arrives here tomorrow?
Bought an Air yesterday at my local apple store. 13" with 256 GB SSD. Really love it so far. Super portable, doesn't get too hot when watching Hulu, and solid battery. It almost feels like it was molded out of a single piece of aluminum; rock solid and sturdy. :D
MacBook Air Arrived.

Wow - this little gem arrived from Apple today.
it is the 4GB, i5 1.7GHz, 128GB SSD model. This thing is SNAPPY!

I have been in awe comparing speeds of against my 2010 i5 MBP [admittedly this has 5400rpm spindle speed]. The aesthetics of this machine is also simply amazing for how it performs.

I have now placed an order for an Airport Extreme router so that I can migrate my iTunes, iPhoto, iMovie, and media to a makeshift NAS [using the USB connection to an external HDD] to keep the storage level low on the SSD.

I also have a new iPad2 arriving in a couple of weeks too.
Congratulations on your new Mac! I'm still deciding on whether I should get one or not. I don't know how Logic Studio and Final Cut Pro will run on the maxed out i7 model.
My precious has arrived!

I finally got my beautiful MBA 11" today! I've been needing a lightweight portable computer for school for quite some time now and finally decided last week to order a MBA. (Our books for school are really really massive! Biggest one weighs in at 3.5kg!)

Now I just need to find a nice sleeve so this beauty will keep fresh for a couple of years until I can afford an upgrade!
Ordered my 2011 11" MacBook Air with Core i5 on Wednesday night
(arriving VIA UPS on Monday or tonight)

The good thing, My MacBook Air shipped from Concord ON Canada
I live in Maple ON Canada
Both are parts of Vaughan ON Canada (15 minutes north of Toronto ON)
Concord is a 10minute drive from my home and UPS said it left from Concord at 3:30PM EST so I can expect it anytime between now and 8PM or anytime on Monday:D

SO EXCITED! CAN'T WAIT! I used to have 2010 MBA but sold it on tuesday for this Beast! I love MBAs! hope I can find a ATD or ACD for a good price to hook up with my Mac for a docking station!
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