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we are in december 2011 and apple still using the toshiba´s ssd ts128c :mad:

Hopefully I'll get luckier than you. So far, out of all the MBAs I've owned:
  • 2010 13" MBA (ultimate): Toshiba / Samsung
  • 2011 13" MBA (base): Samsung / Samsung
  • 2011 11" MBA (ultimate): Samsung / Samsung
  • 2011 11" MBA (base): ? / ?
The last one of the list arrived today, but since it was an open-box, chances are it's a Toshiba and / or LG :(. We'll see. Currently at work, can't wait to get home :D.
  • 2011 11" MBA (base): ? / ?
The last one of the list arrived today, but since it was an open-box, chances are it's a Toshiba and / or LG :(. We'll see. Currently at work, can't wait to get home :D.

Just checked: Toshiba / LG. Or certified lemon by some standards :rolleyes:. That must be why it was returned.

I'm fine with the Toshiba SSD. I know I will never be able to tell the difference from a Samsung.

I was worried about the screen but it's just as good as the Samsung from a previous 2011 13" MBA. If not better: the vertical viewing angles seem wider, though this might be due to the height difference (11" vs. 13").

Anyway, so happy to finally be back on a 2011 model.
  • Keyboard: So much smoother to type on. Quiet, perfect feedback, satisfying clicks.
  • 11": Just perfect for me. I can't believe I chose a 13" over this before now, despite having once given the 11" a try before. The 2010 13" I have left seems big and heavy in comparison. My brain must have adjusted during the past months.
  • i5 1.6 GHz: Running cool as heck. During the initial Spotlight indexing, all 4 virtual cores were at about 80% usage, yet the fans didn't even spin up, and area above the keyboard didn't get hot. Not even warm. I must have got a golden chip, for a change. Always had bad luck in this department, even with desktop CPUs.
  • Battery: Again, I'm surprised. Same context as on a 2011 13" i5 1.7 GHz: nothing running except an idle Terminal and Chrome, a few inactive tabs, and one where I'm typing this; brightness at 1 bar, keyboard backlight at ~40%. 90% left, 6 hours remaining. The 13" would give about the same estimate, despite the much bigger battery.
This MBA was supposed to be temporary, just to last me until the Ivy Bridge line-up. Best bargain I got on an Apple product in a long time. Cheapest Apple computer too. Yet, it's surprising me on so many levels, I'm not so sure it's going to be just temporary anymore :cool:.
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What apps is everyone using? I just dl smc fan control and flux. Nothing to serious.

SMC Fan Control, iStat Menus, ...: as useful as these apps may be, I tend to avoid them now as they're not clean. They pollute your filesystem as root, installing executables (and potentially other files, in places you don't necessarily know about) and registering system services that take up memory and CPU time, preventing cores from entering an idle state to save battery.

Their alleged uninstallation process (as if it was normal for such a process to even exist) always leaves traces. Trusty find + grep combo can only help you so much in these kinds of situations. You never know what kind of names the developers have given to their files (distributed and / or generated).

Basically :
  • Any app / program that requires root privileges (to install, and worse, to run) and that is not provided by Apple should be avoided at all cost.
  • Anything else has access to files owned by the user that runs them, so they could potentially spill cruft in $HOME. Commonly polluted: ~/Library/{Preferences,Application Support}.
Which means, only trust apps / programs that are either open-source (you can always check what they do by digging in the source code) or made by yourself, Apple or an OCD-driven person ;).

EDIT: Forgot to mention the most important point:
Install command-line utilities (and some GUI apps) with a package manager like Homebrew, MacPorts or Portage (Gentoo Prefix). All three compile from source and install cleanly in a configurable main directory (like ~/.homebrew).
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I've missed my 2010 MBA since I sold it 6 months ago so I've just made an impulse purchase, a new 13" MBA. Should be delivered in a few days! I'm looking forward to being reacquainted :cool:
SMC Fan Control, iStat Menus, ...: as useful as these apps may be, I tend to avoid them now as they're not clean. They pollute your filesystem as root, installing executables (and potentially other files, in places you don't necessarily know about) and registering system services that take up memory and CPU time, preventing cores from entering an idle state to save battery.

Their alleged uninstallation process (as if it was normal for such a process to even exist) always leaves traces. Trusty find + grep combo can only help you so much in these kinds of situations. You never know what kind of names the developers have given to their files (distributed and / or generated).

Basically :
  • Any app / program that requires root privileges (to install, and worse, to run) and that is not provided by Apple should be avoided at all cost.
  • Anything else has access to files owned by the user that runs them, so they could potentially spill cruft in $HOME. Commonly polluted: ~/Library/{Preferences,Application Support}.
Which means, only trust apps / programs that are either open-source (you can always check what they do by digging in the source code) or made by yourself, Apple or an OCD-driven person ;).

EDIT: Forgot to mention the most important point:
Install command-line utilities (and some GUI apps) with a package manager like Homebrew, MacPorts or Portage (Gentoo Prefix). All three compile from source and install cleanly in a configurable main directory (like ~/.homebrew).
I will never operate a Apple laptop without SMC..Sorry but these laptops run to hot for no reason. If the fans aren't running at 3k ATLEAST they are unbearable. The aluminum acts as the cooling conductor and spreads the heat,laying your wrist for long periods of time becomes a pain. Watching a movie is even worse.Ill take my chances but considering I never plan on deleting that app Im fine lol.

And iStat menu is B.S...Its another program to give people even more reason to be be anal about their computer. They just have to know even the slightest bit of info that is useless. I stop using it a long time ago when i realized its just that, a stupid luxury. But SMC is a must have for Apple laptops.
I was hoping to get my MBA before Christmas but seems like it might not be delivered until after the New Year :(
Just picked up my brand new MacBook air 13 (I-5/4gb/128gb) for $1135, no tax ... Woohoo!!!

I already had the 11" (wife took it), so I was already in love with the MBA form factor.

I'll probably end up selling the old 17 MBP, kinda sad about that actually.
Just picked up my brand new MacBook air 13 (I-5/4gb/128gb) for $1135, no tax ... Woohoo!!!

I already had the 11" (wife took it), so I was already in love with the MBA form factor.

I'll probably end up selling the old 17 MBP, kinda sad about that actually.

Where did you get it for 1135 without tax??
I was going to settle on a refurb from Apple, which would end up being about $1190 with tax.
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 5_0 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/534.46 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.1 Mobile/9A334 Safari/7534.48.3)

Opened up my MBA this morning. Took me forever to find out how to add HDD and external HDD icons to desktop and how to rearrange the dock and launchpad. I love this beautiful machine. :)
Where did you get it for 1135 without tax??
I was going to settle on a refurb from Apple, which would end up being about $1190 with tax.

1. Best buy had it on sale for $1235
2. Called 1-800-Best-Buy and had the CSR apply $100 student discount.
(I later discovered the discount is only $50 on MBA, but the order had
already been processed at that point)

3. Picked up the laptop at Best Buy store in Delaware (no sales tax) on my way
home for the holidays.

Did I mention how awesome this machine is.
Just got my brand new 256gb i5 13" MBA over the weekend from my wonderful, wonderful lady. Coming from a first gen (2006) white macbook, this thing is amazing. The white macbook was such a trooper though and it's still running amazingly strong, but it never hurts to get a new laptop as a gift!
Favorite mac ever

My wife got me my first 11.6" Air for Christmas. $1149 shipped from Amazon ($10 Christmas rush one-day delivery).

I love this thing. Just holding it is amazing. When i use it i have to just pick it up every few minutes to marvel at it. Really worth the money for the amazing build quality and feel compared to a windows notebook. It feels like a true successor to my old 12" powerbook. It makes so much more sense to me than an ipad - still light-weight, but a real, usable computer.

I am in love. Only downside is the screen is definitely small compared to a 13". I have to zoom a lot when using safari but I knew this going in.
I picked up my brand new MacBook Air from the Apple store on the 23rd December!

I thought i would treat myself for christmas!

I am now the very proud owner of a 13" 128GB MBA :)

Its also my first macbook... so if theres any tips/tricks/tweaks that are cool then I'm really interested to know... I'm all into "having a play" shall we say ;)
I picked up my brand new MacBook Air from the Apple store on the 23rd December!

I thought i would treat myself for christmas!

I am now the very proud owner of a 13" 128GB MBA :)

Its also my first macbook... so if theres any tips/tricks/tweaks that are cool then I'm really interested to know... I'm all into "having a play" shall we say ;)

Nice one! Yeah just a heads up - sit back, relax and enjoy it :D. Just browse the Mac App store for some cool apps - ones i'd recommend are shown in this video.
Just pulled the trigger on a Macbook Air (13"/1.8Ghz/256GB). This won't be my first Apple product but it will be my first Mac-PC. I have a custom Windows-PC for gaming, I just wanted a slim/light notebook for general use and figured I'd give one of these a try.
Downloading Adobe Flah

Sorry if I'm posting in the wrong place. I just bought an Air without ever having used a Mac before.

I have been trying to download adobe flash mac version without success.

It is in the Finder folder. I put in user name and password.

But i still cannot see youtube for e.g..
Sorry if I'm posting in the wrong place. I just bought an Air without ever having used a Mac before.

I have been trying to download adobe flash mac version without success.

It is in the Finder folder. I put in user name and password.

But i still cannot see youtube for e.g..

once you have downloaded it then just double click it to install it
A friend of mine who works for Apple just ordered me a 13"/256GB/1.8 i7, should arrive next Tuesday or Wednesday. Pretty excited about this - I'm coming from a 15" PowerBook G4.

I'll primarily be using it for general use; I'm not a gamer, but I will be using Aperture and Photoshop as well as some other creative software. I don't know that the i7 is necessary, but I figured I'd take the plunge.

Any recommendations for some basic software that I should download right off the bat? I'm really looking forward to having a modern operating system! Also, I'm thinking of getting some sort of rigid shell for it -- any recommendations? Or is this even worth doing?

Thanks for your input!

I would recommend the basics Dropbox and Evernote. I can't leave without those two applications. Chrome is great too. I am unaware of any good MBA shells but hope someone else has a recommendation!

Just got back myself from the Apple store with a MBA 13" 1.7 GHz i5 128 GB a couple hours ago.

So far I am loving it. The keyboard is amazing and the trackpad is great as expected. I just downloaded Dropbox and updated the software, only required one reboot which was nice. This is a fantastic laptop. It feels like nothing is on my lap. :)

I am pretty sure I will be fine with 128 GB as I keep all my movies/tv shows on my home server. I can just copy and media I need before a trip or connect to the home server if I am on wifi away from home.

Upgraded from an early 2008 MBP. Great laptop but was starting to show it's age a bit. Love switching to an SSD. :D
ordered a 13" i5/4GB 256GB on monday and will be here thursday.

Coming from a late 2008 15.4" MBP 2.4GHz C2D 8GB RAM and 250GB 54k HDD. But also purchased a 2011 Mac Mini earlier this year. i5 2.5GHz with 8GB RAM and 500GB HDD, so it won't be a huge step up in terms of speed. Sad to have sold the MBP as that was my first mac and first OS X experience.
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