I am now on my third MacBook Air 2011.
The first one had 128GBs, a Toshiba SSD and an LG Panel... then Black Friday happened.
I exchanged it for a 256GB and only paid $150

(Thank you BestBuy RewardZone!)
So the retarded/shiesty Best Buy employee gives me a replacement MacBook Air and I noticed the plastic was off. He swore up and down that it was a new model (which I called ********) but I had work in 15 minutes so I wasn't going to argue. I went home and naturally, like most of us, rushed to see what SSD and Panel I had in my newly purchased Mac. (Once you see you can't un-see.)
Anyways, turned out I got the SM256C and an LG. I was happy, especially (and this could all be in my head) when I found the Samsung to be a tad faster at anything. Take it for a grain of salt because I didn't run benches on either drive.
Well, turns out that the bottom of it was bulging and the damned thing
Also I'd get random errors and crashes for the past few days I was using my new MacBook Air Wobble Edition.
Took it back, got it exchanged for a new one and I won the panel lottery and got a Samsung LCD and also a Samsung SSD. So I'm happy.
Despite hearing that
the next new thing is right around the corner (after Ivy Bridge of course) but I'll deal with that later.
Anyways, I'm happy. I can still recommend the 2011 MacBook Air. Especially to the Apple nay-sayers because in some cases this runs Windows 7 better than a Windows notebook.