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Just checked my SSD info .. first 2 letters were "SM" also checked my screen ID in terminal got "LTH" so it looks like i've got the Samsung ssd drive & screen?
I just found the forum and I have had my new MBA 13" for a week now. This thing is a beast and worth every penny. I just received a new HP PC from my IT department last week but decided to ditch the "VCR" and purchase a MBA. Although i am responsible for the purchase, it will pay off as all I do is travel. Also, I have not even picked up my Transformer since I got my MBA.
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Got my first ever Apple computer today at Bestbuy. Unfortunately, I have to wait until Christmas to play with it. I convinced my mom to buy it today because of the awesome deal. Can't wait!
I just picked up a MacBook Air 13 (2011) and it has to be the sexiest notebook I have ever used. I wanted an 'Ultrabook'-class notebook you see, but from what I saw, only the Asus comes close and after playing with that one, i found it has a wonky track pad..

Long story short, I coughed up the $1299 (I hate you Canada) and purchased my new MBA! I love typing on this thing. I've always been a fan of their products but have never owned anything outside of an iPhone 3G,3GS & 4 and i've pretty much stuck to PC for 20 years. (I'm a gamer you see...)

All in all a thin, light backlit laptop was what I wanted and this seems to fit the bill. Infact, I threw Windows on but sadly it wasn't practical because I only have a 128MB SSD and the touchpad vomits with MS's OS installed.

Anyways, I'm looking forward to talking to all of you and I hope you'll welcome me to your community. :)

Just got a base 13" 2011 today. I didn't really care if it was a Samsung display or LG or if there was a Samsung SSD or Toshiba but I got all Samsung so I am pretty pleased about that.
Will likely be $100 off tomorrow at FS and BB.

Yeah. You we're right. It came down to the wire with that announcement but I exchanged my 128GB for the MC966LL/A (256GB) and only paid $150 more! :D

Life is good. :cool:

Sadly I'm at work at a local PC shop and can't play with (nor admit I my MacBook Air 13. :(

The bad news is that I only had a 50GB SSD and I didn't have enough time to do a Time Machine backup before work so everything needs to be reinstalled from scratch. (Yay. :( )
Might as well add my joy as well. I bought my 13" Air from Best Buy on Tuesday. This is my first personal Mac computer (unless you count the iPad). I've used a Mac Pro at work for the last 4 years so it's nothing new....but it's nice to have one that is MINE. :)

That said, I LOVE the Air. I've been wanting one for months and the deal Best Buy had on them was the straw that broke the camels back. It was definitely worth the wait!
Just picked up a mba during apple's black friday sale. This thing is freaking gorgeous, I never realized that when I was using at the apple store somehow.

Thing i'm a little disappointed about would be me getting the toshiba 128 gb ssd. Debating should i bring it in for an exchange or not. Though having a samsung screen and there were no other problems with the laptop at all, I guess i might stick with this ssd.
Oh right.....I guess I'm supposed to post in here now......

I ordered an 11" 1.6GHz i5 128GB/4GB MBA today from Amazon. $1,098 all in.....Amazon doesn't collect sales tax in CA. Great deal. It's like I paid $1,000 plus tax (9.75% here).

I should have it by Tuesday....Wednesday at the latest, thanks to my Amazon Prime account's free 2 day shipping.
I also utilized Apple's black friday deal on MBAs. Got an 11", 128GB, Core i5, 4GB memory model :)
Upgrading from a 2009 unibody Macbook.
Ordered the 11.6"/4GB/128 but upgraded to the i7. Second-guessing myself on upgrading to the 256GB SSD to carry my photo and music libraries but I'm determined to keep this a mostly distraction-free mobile notebook.
Like others, I just ordered the 11" 128GB/4GB Ram model on the Amazon Black Friday deal. In the past I ordered everything form Apple - but no sales tax is a nice deal.

Now I'm just trying to figure out how to reduce my 500GB Macbook Pro to 128GB SSD, hmm...
I am now on my third MacBook Air 2011.

The first one had 128GBs, a Toshiba SSD and an LG Panel... then Black Friday happened.

I exchanged it for a 256GB and only paid $150 :D (Thank you BestBuy RewardZone!)

So the retarded/shiesty Best Buy employee gives me a replacement MacBook Air and I noticed the plastic was off. He swore up and down that it was a new model (which I called ********) but I had work in 15 minutes so I wasn't going to argue. I went home and naturally, like most of us, rushed to see what SSD and Panel I had in my newly purchased Mac. (Once you see you can't un-see.)

Anyways, turned out I got the SM256C and an LG. I was happy, especially (and this could all be in my head) when I found the Samsung to be a tad faster at anything. Take it for a grain of salt because I didn't run benches on either drive.

Well, turns out that the bottom of it was bulging and the damned thing wobbled :confused:

Also I'd get random errors and crashes for the past few days I was using my new MacBook Air Wobble Edition.

Took it back, got it exchanged for a new one and I won the panel lottery and got a Samsung LCD and also a Samsung SSD. So I'm happy.

Despite hearing that the next new thing is right around the corner (after Ivy Bridge of course) but I'll deal with that later.

Anyways, I'm happy. I can still recommend the 2011 MacBook Air. Especially to the Apple nay-sayers because in some cases this runs Windows 7 better than a Windows notebook. :apple:

Just got my 11" in the mail today. I'm loving it. The 15" Macbook Pro feels crazy huge in comparison - after only a couple hours with the Air.

Definitely looking forward to the smaller package and less weight. I like the mouse and keyboard so far. I was worried the 11" would be too small screen wise, but with the new "Full Screen" apps it feels just right. If I didn't have access to fullscreen apps in Lion, I do think I would want to go with the 13"

Only downside is the LCD, it is clearly much lower quality than my Macbook Pro screen. Whites have a slight "yellowish" tinge to them, viewing angles are poorer, and the bottom of the display has a wavy gradient effect where it appears the panel was slightly pinched in the smaller case. Other than that, I love it and think the lower screen quality will be worth the tradeoff. It was also about half the price of my Mid-2009 Macbook Pro. Probably won't change again until the mid-2013s come out.
HAve had my air for 2 months or so now. Best decision I ever made as far as a laptop goes. The only issue I have is getting my sister to lend me her laptop so I can install Word..And even when I had one,the dl time was 6 hours. WTF..

Other than that (and no,not bitching about lack of drive.I have never had the need since i bought) I LOVE this thing..I don't care what ssd I have. I just enjoy it and it performs like I need to.

I can't stress this laptop any harder on people. Works just how it should. Honestly think it will be with me for a while. The only upgrade I can EVER see myself doing is if a 15 inch model comes out.. Maybe adding a bigger ssd (13 inch base model btw) in time but even then,i have half left after importing all my stuff.

If next year model is so radically advance that it makes this one look like a toy,then maybe..But again for what I have been needing this for. Laptop is amazing.
Just picked up a 13" base model at the Apple store and absolutely love it so far. It feels blazing fast (this is my first SSD experience).
Mine arrived at 10.46 this morning, i ran through to our office all giddy like one of the children at work (work in a school) ohh wow she's a beauty.

1.8 i7
128 SSD

The rest of the day was spent messing around with her....
I got a 13" at Best Buy for $1099 to go with my 11"

replace my mbp13 (2,53/8gb/128ssd vertex 2 ) with a mb air 13 (base model)

i only regret not buying the ultimate version 13 or the 11.

i had a chance of a big discount on black friday to get the 11(ultimate 2011) cheaper than this one.

we are in december 2011 and apple still using the toshiba´s ssd ts128c :mad:
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