Well, I decided to bite the bullet and order the base model 11 inch Air with the 8GB upgrade. I have to wait a few days though since if I order right now it would arrive while I am on vactation. Along with the education discount and the $100 gift card, for which my sister has already offered me $100, I will be getting it for a steal.
I've been debating whether to buy an Air, and which size if so, for weeks. I was going to hold out for the rumored 12" retina model, but a few factors pointed me away from that decision: the fact that it may not come out this year at all (there haven't been any part leaks, Broadwell is delayed, etc), the fact that the current design is tried and true (I have always been satisfied purching the last version of a product design), and the fact that I have so much research work to do between now and October that I need a notebook computer now. I am sick of being thethered to my iMac on my desk. My iPad is fine for typing notes, but not fine for the kind of research and composition that I have to do.
I have previously owned an 11" 2011 MacBook Air and I loved it, so I think I will be fine with the size. I was just wanting the 13"'s 12-hour battery life, but that's okay. I was also a little worried that it would make my iPad redundant since it is nearly the same size screen, but I doubt it. They are two different devices with different OSs and uses. I also went for the 11" because I will be bringing it to the university, so portability is a concern.
I am very exited