For what it's worth, this user really appreciates this thread. My 21.5 iMac is due to arrive tomorrow. Good to here that there are people getting perfect iMacs. It helps to offset the nerves that are tingling after reading of all the problem iMacs.
This "test" to boost saturation/levels/curves is not useless by any means.
Digital cameras have sensors that capture light at specific wavelengths to reproduce a specific color.
Upping saturation and messing with curves just helps you see what you couldn't see CLEARLY without editing it. It's harder to see 40px wide of yellowing on a screen with such a high resolution like this one especially when that yellow is surrounded by white, for example. Our eyes need the added contrast to confirm what we thought was there all along.
It would be interesting to see some of these screen photos saturated.
OK, I've yet to see a photo posted here of a "perfect" screen, with the colors boosted (like people are doing in the yellow tinge thread to exaggerate the effect).2 Week 8 i7's arrived today and they are spot on perfect. No yellow, no noise, no dead pixels. Just a lovely pair of machines.
OK, I've yet to see a photo posted here of a "perfect" screen, with the colors boosted (like people are doing in the yellow tinge thread to exaggerate the effect).
Would you (or anyone else with a "prefect" screen for that matter) mind taking some photos using the yellow tinge test gray patches from that thread, boosting the color saturation to 100% and posting them here? I'm really curious.
Com'n people, just be happy with the iMacs, now even after you see there is no yellow tinge, you go after it, its like you really really want the iMac to have it.
I had the same point of view until I got a yellow screen
When I buy a product that is close to $3,000, YES, I do inspect it in and out for the slightest defect, because there is a better machine, and I want value for my hard earned money.
(Some of us rely on screens with complete color unformity when your job depends on it.)
But hey, I guess I better chill out, and let it be right?
No. Replace the damn thing. Hope for better, and if its not, refund.
Ok, if you have it, it's better to replace it.
But when you have your iMac in front of you, and you clearly don't see nothing, but even thought you go after it...why?
that's what i'm saying
If i'm not sick i don't do to be sick (the comparison is tricky but it shows my point of view lololol)
I can only speak for myself,
but a yellow screen is something I notice (especially since most websites/windows have WHITE backgrounds) and something I don't choose to tolerate.
Obviously something went very wrong along the way.
I would love to see photos of all these perfect screens, I'm not trying to be mean I really would like to see how they are looking in comparison to mine.