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ok I do see the variance there, however with that subtle of a difference it's not going to matter for 99.9% of users. Unless you work in print production or some area where color accuracy is paramount you're probably never going to notice that.
thanks mate, but I see where he may be getting at in the pic, I retook another this time on lowest brightness and I do see a little yellow in the pic, but I noticed my bare knee has been appearing on some shots to, so lol.

I retook another 2 screens, both in the dark on lowest to semi lower brightness and I see a little yellow in the pic for the test, but looking at it firsthand I notice notta... which has me confuzzled.

But like I said earlier, if I am not noticing it firsthand I am not even going to waste my breath to return someshing i am not noticing just sitting right of me.

**Edit** I retook these with a tad better camera, I don't see much difference at eye level and mid brightness, so it had to have been my iPhone and the lighting in my room.

*I don't notice anything at this view and with this camera*

Last but not least White

Now with this camera, this is more of what I am seeing.

I see a slight SLIGHT pinkish hue in the center but I believe its the norm. Looks great!!
coolmacguy, You are right! That's why I'm keeping mine. If you can't see any difference in Safari at Full Screen, you got a good one & this one does look good. Now a Pro Photographer or a Graphic Artist, like you said, could have a problem with accepting it.
coolmacguy, You are right! That's why I'm keeping mine. If you can't see any difference in Safari at Full Screen, you got a good one & this one does look good. Now a Pro Photographer or a Graphic Artist, like you said, could have a problem with accepting it.

I'm a graphic artist. Looks good to me. If you are worried about color matching, get a high-end CRT like the print shops use.
4th iMac i7 is... good!!!!!!!

Finally! I can't believe it!
No yellow tint. No deal pixels. iSight camera is fine. No buzzing. No fuzzy black line... hard drive is quiet (well, I never had that problem though this HD is the quietest -- I guess because they bumped me to the 2TB).

I am so happy!

I'm not quite ready to forgive and forget, but Apple did come through in the end. Despite some unpleasant support calls. I eventually got in touch with an executive relations person at Apple who was very helpful and nice.
4th iMac i7 is... good!!!!!!!

Finally! I can't believe it!
No yellow tint. No deal pixels. iSight camera is fine. No buzzing. No fuzzy black line... hard drive is quiet (well, I never had that problem though this HD is the quietest -- I guess because they bumped me to the 2TB).

I am so happy!

I'm not quite ready to forgive and forget, but Apple did come through in the end. Despite some unpleasant support calls. I eventually got in touch with an executive relations person at Apple who was very helpful and nice.

unpleasant support calls ? i hve no experience with apple customer service .. but i am waiting for imac to be delivered ... if there is a problem are they usually not that helpful ? (some thing like dell customer service i guess)
4th iMac i7 is... good!!!!!!!

I'm quite pleased to have seen this. I was starting to lose heart, having just received a third dodgy screen (i7). I was starting to wonder if, having seen the problem once, I was always going to "see" it on replacements. But reading that other people have received something they consider "perfect" after previously seeing a screen fault makes me think there's hope for me yet!

Oh well, I'll be ringing apple this weekend then! Wish me luck!
unpleasant support calls ? i hve no experience with apple customer service .. but i am waiting for imac to be delivered ... if there is a problem are they usually not that helpful ? (some thing like dell customer service i guess)

They are usually good, but on iMac #2 the "senior" guy I spoke to insisted that my screen was normal. We went back and forth for a while because it obviously was not normal. For one thing how could he say the screen is normal when he hadn't seen it? I offered to send pictures, but he ignored that. After the fact I saw the infamous internal Apple memo, which explained why he was being so unreasonable -- but doesn't excuse him being so unpleasant. Eventually, he decided to "transfer" me and we somehow got disconnected. :rolleyes:

If you do need to call Apple Care and get someone bad, stick to your guns, remain polite, and ask to speak to someone else.
I am pleased to say that after 2 weeks of excessive use my wk8 i7 is still running perfectly. as a graphic designer and programmer I sit in front of it 16 hours per day and it is still pleasing me. although after a while you do wish you had even more screen area. It replaced a 4 year old PC with 2 x 22" monitors. But I do love the mac OS even though I sometimes want a second screen. The issue there is I would want a second screen to match exactly which is not going to happen.
lucky you, I got mines yesterday, although theres no yellow tinting, I did end up with one stuck pixel ;p
I'm quite pleased to have seen this. I was starting to lose heart, having just received a third dodgy screen (i7). I was starting to wonder if, having seen the problem once, I was always going to "see" it on replacements. But reading that other people have received something they consider "perfect" after previously seeing a screen fault makes me think there's hope for me yet!

Oh well, I'll be ringing apple this weekend then! Wish me luck!

Exactly, that is the kind of feedback I really want to see. When people who had faulty screens and knew it get screens they consider to not be faulty, then I am confident. That implies that they really don't have a yellow screen, as opposed to those who have never gotten a bad screen proclaiming them perfect when in fact their screen might be yellow.
I see a slight SLIGHT pinkish hue in the center but I believe its the norm. Looks great!!
could be my reflection, I have noticed my knee has appeared in some shots, as well as if I use flash in which I can get semi better pics of my mac, but sometimes in darker settings I get my reflection or a beam of light, and non flash pics turn out blurry and crappy, I really need to consider a new camera, but money doesn't grow on trees.
Exactly, that is the kind of feedback I really want to see. When people who had faulty screens and knew it get screens they consider to not be faulty, then I am confident. That implies that they really don't have a yellow screen, as opposed to those who have never gotten a bad screen proclaiming them perfect when in fact their screen might be yellow.

I think the better reasoning is that some people don't care as much about the screen. Some people have bad eyes and may not notice yellow tint. Some people want a Mac but don't want to return 4-5 times. I suspect some people may have little to no yellow tint but see it anyways.

To those that see yellow and don't want it, they've options: 1) return it and try your luck (even if you go through 4-5 systems), 2) return it and don't try your luck...either wait or go PC.

To those that don't see yellow and want to see it, they've options too: 1) try the gray bars solution, 2) try the gray bar solution but if you can't see it, post to the forums and attempt to have someone else to spot yellow

To those that don't care, they just flat out don't care. I think they've every right to consider their screen perfect...its their system and they're happy. If someone wants to be in the 'ignorance is bliss' scenario, there's nothing wrong with that. My system probably has yellowing, but I don't care...if it gets bad or if my eyes start working better and I see it a year later, I'm pretty sure I can return it (if the Geniuses can see it). I know for a fact that I've the bar at the bottom where the dock normally doesn't bother me or the work that I do on my Mac. I've had a crack in my Macbook going on a year and it hasn't bothered me enough to have Apple fix it.

I think what bothers me most is that when people don't care, they are labeled as fanboys or stupid. Not everyone is OCD in these forums. Not everyone is a graphic artist. Not everyone has good eyes (mine are good, BTW). Even worse, someone states that there's nothing wrong with their Mac or opens up a thread dedicated to posts who report they've no issues...people with issues invade the thread to kill it, seemingly for spite (what other reason would they do this if not for spite?).

Oh yeah, I've a locked pixel (red) that won't go awayon the iMac. It's in the lower left quadrant of the screen but the screen is soooo big, that I have to really hunt to see it. Sometimes it is very apparent, but only when I'm typing/working in that specific area of the screen. It doesn't bother me enough to try to get it fixed and it is only one pixel of millions...yeah, I know there may be more but I'm not going to actively hunt them down.

So, I've a bad pixel and gray barring on the lower part of the screen. Those issues don't rock me enough to return the system. Do I think there's a huge QC issue with Apple? I've seen far worse in the PC world...seriously...same with my wife and my mom's PCs. So yeah, there are some issues, but I think the people who are complaining or praising share different viewpoints due to their previous experiences...and some flat-out just don't see what others see. Nothing wrong with that, IMO.
The lighting in my room is horrid for taking a pic of this thing without glare, but this is the best pic I got with lights on and no flash.

Ran the yellow test it passed, no apparent dead pixels, no display probs, no iSight dead pixels, everything is running like a dream and it is dead quiet, sometimes i hear the HDD, but very rarely.

This machines perfect in my opinion, I love it, the first picture is taken on my piece of junk Kodak, the 2nd is taken on my iPhone.

This is a Week 7



Just out of curiosity, is your HDD a Western Digital or a Seagate? I've had several replacements until I finally got a good one and I've noticed that the 3 I had with WD drives had a louder hard drive fan.
I got my iMac i5 a couple of days ago. This is my first Mac, and I'm really loving it so far. I was pretty worried that my screen was going to have the yellow tint issue that everyone seems to have, but I'm pleased to say that it seems perfectly fine to me. My gf can't see anything wrong with it either. I think I have a very weak grey band issue at the bottom center of the screen, but I can only see it if I really try to. Don't know if my screen is perfect, but all I really care about is that it is perfect in my eyes, and it is.

My iMac got kernel panic the day I got it. It kept kernel panicking on boot until I reset the PRAM. Not seen it since... I really hope it was a one time issue. Oh, I know this is the perfect iMac thread, but I just had to mention it. Do you guys think it was a one time thing? Would be really sad to send in my awesome screen because of a hardware problem...

Sorry if my English sucks. I rarely write in English, and it's extremely late... My great iMac keeps me awake! :p
My Display picture


this is my display. Do you see any yellow. For me it seems to be acceptable although it is not perfect.


  • P10300661.jpg
    613.3 KB · Views: 166
Just out of curiosity, is your HDD a Western Digital or a Seagate? I've had several replacements until I finally got a good one and I've noticed that the 3 I had with WD drives had a louder hard drive fan.
it's a Seagate, and it's not quiet :p but I don't care my external is not really quiet during Time Machine Backups anyways so I can't really tell anyways. :D
Exactly, that is the kind of feedback I really want to see. When people who had faulty screens and knew it get screens they consider to not be faulty, then I am confident. That implies that they really don't have a yellow screen, as opposed to those who have never gotten a bad screen proclaiming them perfect when in fact their screen might be yellow.

With all due respect to your confidence, so you're saying that only those who returned one for a yellow tinge and then got a new one are qualified to recognize such problems!? I just want to make sure I have this theory of yours correct.

As for myself, I am quite sensitive to issues of color uniformity and I know what a yellow tinge looks like. If my week 47 i7 had even the slightest hint of one I would have sent it back the minute I powered it on.

I think what bothers me most is that when people don't care, they are labeled as fanboys or stupid. Not everyone is OCD in these forums. Not everyone is a graphic artist. Not everyone has good eyes (mine are good, BTW).

Of course, those who have a minor gradient and it doesn't bother them are a different story. That is the prerogative of the individual iMac owner and noone else's business but their own.

What bothers ME the most are the pundits that imply that all 27" iMacs are yellow-tinged and that those who say theirs isn't just aren't visually perceptive enough to recognize it.
What bothers ME the most are the pundits that imply that all 27" iMacs are yellow-tinged and that those who say theirs isn't just aren't visually perceptive enough to recognize it.

Well, think about that...does it really matter what they think? Remember that movie Roadhouse where the bouncer asked Patrick Swayze's character, "what if someone calls my mother a whore," and Swayze goes, "is she?" Well, what he meant is, if it ain't true, don't worry about it.

Being pushy or berating someone because that someone doesn't recognize yellowing won't change their situation any, either. I'm my own person and I decide if I do the yellow tint test. I decide if I go complain to Apple about a bad screen. I'm competent enough to know what I'm looking at...I don't need anyone telling me what I'm missing...if I don't see it, convincing me that I should be seeing it ain't gonna work...sorry...that's just me. Being dicks about such situations won't change those situations, either.

Yeah, I see what you mean, though. Just remind yourself that not everyone that's returned their machines multiple times are being OCD...there are legit concerns, for the most part. I'm pretty sure there's some extreme abuse going on too.
Guys, from the picture, Mike Macintosh and rbmanian75, looks yellow isn't it? Though not that much but i can see that its not fully grey in the middle?

But rbmanian75 has the more grey screen
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