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I would love to see photos of all these perfect screens, I'm not trying to be mean I really would like to see how they are looking in comparison to mine.
agreed. people with "perfect" screens. please take a photo of both grey patches and solid white (blank tab in Safari for example) across the entire screen, preferably the shots should be done with a dSLR in RAW. I've yet to see any photo of a screen (that has been properly exposed) without some variation of any kind. Especially at the 27" size.
Went to the store here in Tokyo and picked up an i5 and CARRIED it home.:eek: my arms are still sore haha.
But I'd like to add to this post by saying mine is perfecto.
not a thing wrong with it.
And im an art director so colors are something i definetly pay close attention to.

This board makes people too paranoid though:rolleyes:
agreed. people with "perfect" screens. please take a photo of both grey patches and solid white (blank tab in Safari for example) across the entire screen, preferably the shots should be done with a dSLR in RAW. I've yet to see any photo of a screen (that has been properly exposed) without some variation of any kind. Especially at the 27" size.

To the average user, what you just said would sound like Japanese. Also, not everyone is going to have digital SLR camera. You might also want to define 'properly exposed'. I could use some industry speak related to my job and you wouldn't know anything of the terms. Plain-speak, please.

I'm not going to follow that referenced link above. I can tell you now that there's no yellow that I see in my digital pic of the screen. I do see blue though, when looking a digital snapshot. Blue on the left of the screen (pretty bad) and a grey band on the bottom where the dock should be. I had to see this via the digital pic...I can't see any of the blue in normal use of the screen and just a hint of the grey band at the bottom. None of this alarms me, because if I had to go through those steps just to see the blue and grey areas, it's obviously not going to bother me in regular usage.
Appreciate the photo, but its "blown out" and overexposed. :(

The peak of the histogram should be around the middle of the graph, yours is clipped at the extremes.

I really doubt people are going to take properly exposed images for you guys. The last two that have been posted are both overexposed. That doesn't mean they aren't perfect, though. However, I am SURE they have uneven backlight.

I think the yellow issue has been eliminated for the most part, or at least it is not as bad and tolerable.

These forums WILL ruin the computer for you. I've noticed some backlight bleeding on my 40" Samsung 650 series, and that was only after visiting this section and obsessing over "perfection." I still will not tolerate the uneven backlight bleed spots on the 27", as my MBP is fine, but that's just an example of what forums can do to you.

edit: for those who are not familiar:

Overexposed - too light
Underexposed - too dark
Overexposed - too light
Underexposed - too dark


But is there a hard measurement of both? For instance, how am I supposed to know what is over or under? And if I feel that I've balanced the exposure perfectly, someone would still say it was over or under, no? Is this a user-perception thing?
Is this a user-perception thing?

No its done by the camera.
All cameras have a light meter the should tell you if your over or underexposed and should help you bring the exposure up or down to get it just right. May have to read the manual to your camera if this is new to you.
I wouldnt bother though, if your happy with your computer let it be.
Let everyone else deal with their own.
agreed. people with "perfect" screens. please take a photo of both grey patches and solid white (blank tab in Safari for example) across the entire screen, preferably the shots should be done with a dSLR in RAW. I've yet to see any photo of a screen (that has been properly exposed) without some variation of any kind. Especially at the 27" size.

This is getting tired. There is no such a thing as an LCD panel with absolute perfect color uniformity, period, end-of-sentence. That is not just for the 27" panels in iMacs but for any panel made by any maker at any price.
I'm sitting here with my shiny new i5. She's a real beauty. The glass panel may be shifted slightly to the left by ~0.5 mm. I think there's a speck of dust under the glass on the right side. Its not a pixel, it is above the pixel plane. I only noticed it when I was wiping the glass with my Apple monogrammed microfiber cleaning cloth (nice touch, there!).

Its quiet.

Its big.

It is FAST.

I do not see any discoloration or banding. I am a graphic designer, illustrator, photographer, painter, and all-around artist.

Its a keeper.

I have no intention of submitting photos of the screen. I have other things to do. Thanks.
My i7 on its way!

I ordered my i7 on Saturday morning after Gizmodo concluded their iMac saga. I expected not to have it for a few weeks (I'm in Ireland and the European Apple Stores are still saying 2 weeks shipping). Got an email this morning (Monday) to say it's shipped - I should have it by the end of the week!

It's a week 9. I hope I'll be able to add it to this post as a perfect machine.
Disappointed in London

I was feeling quite happy with my new iMac 27" Quad Core i5. Until Saturday - exactly 16 days after my purchase - the Superdrive doesnt read CD media AT ALL. Not retail CD's, not software CD's, not CD-R's.

It does however read dvds perfectly.

Have tried everything and nothing works. Lets see if when I go for my genius bar appointment if they will just do a straight swap just outside of the 14 days period.
I was feeling quite happy with my new iMac 27" Quad Core i5. Until Saturday - exactly 16 days after my purchase - the Superdrive doesnt read CD media AT ALL. Not retail CD's, not software CD's, not CD-R's.

It does however read dvds perfectly.

Have tried everything and nothing works. Lets see if when I go for my genius bar appointment if they will just do a straight swap just outside of the 14 days period.

that's pretty wiered :confused:

does the superdrive have 2 kind of laser's, each one for cd's/dvd's?? i never heard nothing like that before.

don't you have at least 1/2 years warranty?
This morning I received an iMac (week 8) i7 with no issues whatsoever. I ran the yellow screen test as well as the pixel test. Everything looks to be 100% defect free.
I just unboxed my replacement i7 iMac and it is perfect. It's a week 9.

I am looking at them side by side, not only does my old iMac have a yellow tinge in the bottom right, but the ENTIRE screen is yellow. I've been through multiple screen replacements but I didn't realize how much difference there was until I got them size by side. I could only notice areas with tinge on my old iMac, but this new screen looks phenomenal. It is brighter and more natural.
So I actually ordered a refurb 21" iMac...and it's amazing! I was reading all the horror stories about the yellow tint, and I thought I was asking for it by getting a refurb, but this machine really seems perfect.

Don't want to jinx it...but mine is free of the issues that seem to be plaguing so many others...
i have had my 27in i7 for a couple days now and its so amazing. i have had a macbook for 2 years and this is my first mac desktop and the first desktop i have gotten in like 4years. I am loving every second of it
Appreciate the photo, but its "blown out" and overexposed. :(

The peak of the histogram should be around the middle of the graph, yours is clipped at the extremes.

Why waste people's time? Perhaps 1 person in 100,000 (at best!) has the professional-level tools and controlled environment to take a photo of their screen that is acceptable for any kind of critical analysis. If you request such a thing from people who are only too happy to help but are unaware of the required technicalities, your own judgment must be questioned.
The lighting in my room is horrid for taking a pic of this thing without glare, but this is the best pic I got with lights on and no flash.

Ran the yellow test it passed, no apparent dead pixels, no display probs, no iSight dead pixels, everything is running like a dream and it is dead quiet, sometimes i hear the HDD, but very rarely.

This machines perfect in my opinion, I love it, the first picture is taken on my piece of junk Kodak, the 2nd is taken on my iPhone.

This is a Week 7


The lighting in my room is horrid for taking a pic of this thing without glare, but this is the best pic I got with lights on and no flash.

Ran the yellow test it passed, no apparent dead pixels, no display probs, no iSight dead pixels, everything is running like a dream and it is dead quiet, sometimes i hear the HDD, but very rarely.

This machines perfect in my opinion, I love it, the first picture is taken on my piece of junk Kodak, the 2nd is taken on my iPhone.

This is a Week 7



Umm I see yellow tinge on your top picture. the bottom bar is yellower and darker than the top one.
Umm I see yellow tinge on your top picture. the bottom bar is yellower and darker than the top one.

picture looks great, i think there are people posting who don't want any of the imac's to look good, jealousy maybe, windows user, maybe it's the pc guy in the apple commercials....but this pic looks my opinion....
Umm I see yellow tinge on your top picture. the bottom bar is yellower and darker than the top one.
it's probably my camera and bad lighting, but I see what you mean according to that pic, I have sat in front of it for a good half hour when I first did the test and noticed nothing, they are actually looking the same color to me, but nothing like that picture appeared, hmmm.... odd that I see a tinge in that pic but not iRL sitting right next to it.

Anyways I am not denying the fact that I may have a tinge, but I am just not noticing it first hand, so I am not going to waste my breath to replace something I am not noticing firsthand, but thanks for pointing it out to me anyways.

picture looks great, i think there are people posting who don't want any of the imac's to look good, jealousy maybe, windows user, maybe it's the pc guy in the apple commercials....but this pic looks my opinion....
thanks mate, but I see where he may be getting at in the pic, I retook another this time on lowest brightness and I do see a little yellow in the pic, but I noticed my bare knee has been appearing on some shots to, so lol.

I retook another 2 screens, both in the dark on lowest to semi lower brightness and I see a little yellow in the pic for the test, but looking at it firsthand I notice notta... which has me confuzzled.

But like I said earlier, if I am not noticing it firsthand I am not even going to waste my breath to return someshing i am not noticing just sitting right of me.

**Edit** I retook these with a tad better camera, I don't see much difference at eye level and mid brightness, so it had to have been my iPhone and the lighting in my room.

*I don't notice anything at this view and with this camera*

Last but not least White

Now with this camera, this is more of what I am seeing.
hey link :)

i have bad back light bleeding on the last 3 i7s ive had.. the zelda pic looks like is has the same thing where blacks are grey at the bottom corners. was this taken with the brightness down?? do you see grey corners when the brightness is full on a dark screen???
Hey Man, we are Neighbors. I Live in Navarre! I did a copy of the bottom bar & pasted it right under the top bar in your photo. Although your screen looks good, I still don't see perfection. I'm not trying to burst your bubble or ruin your thread. I have an iMac that only shows Color Variance in the Grey Bar Test. Everywhere else it's perfect. So I'm keeping mine also. If you care, take a photo straight on of your Grey Bars & do a Copy & Paste in Preview. Copying the bottom Grey Bar right under the bottom grey bar.
I did one on your photo already.
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