Umm I see yellow tinge on your top picture. the bottom bar is yellower and darker than the top one.
it's probably my camera and bad lighting, but I see what you mean according to that pic, I have sat in front of it for a good half hour when I first did the test and noticed nothing, they are actually looking the same color to me, but nothing like that picture appeared, hmmm.... odd that I see a tinge in that pic but not iRL sitting right next to it.
Anyways I am not denying the fact that I may have a tinge, but I am just not noticing it first hand, so I am not going to waste my breath to replace something I am not noticing firsthand, but thanks for pointing it out to me anyways.
picture looks great, i think there are people posting who don't want any of the imac's to look good, jealousy maybe, windows user, maybe it's the pc guy in the apple commercials....but this pic looks my opinion....
thanks mate, but I see where he may be getting at in the pic, I retook another this time on lowest brightness and I do see a little yellow in the pic, but I noticed my bare knee has been appearing on some shots to, so lol.
I retook another 2 screens, both in the dark on lowest to semi lower brightness and I see a little yellow in the pic for the test, but looking at it firsthand I notice notta... which has me confuzzled.
But like I said earlier, if I am not noticing it firsthand I am not even going to waste my breath to return someshing i am not noticing just sitting right of me.
**Edit** I retook these with a tad better camera, I don't see much difference at eye level and mid brightness, so it had to have been my iPhone and the lighting in my room.
*I don't notice anything at this view and with this camera*
Last but not least White
Now with this camera, this is more of what I am seeing.