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I'm jealous of you guys! :D

My store had them in stock as well but my parents wanted to do the 12 months no interest payment route...

I'm hoping they get a shipment in sooner than expected and ship everyone's out asap...:apple:
This should be done once a month, not as soon as yuou get, I think it's written somewhere here that this is not good to do right out of the box.

I too have the 13" UMBP, got it 2 weeks ago.

Oops. I already did it :eek: coconut battery shows an improvement from it anyways so hopefully I did not damage anything.
Today, I left my new macbook pro on the couch, sleeping, while I went to work. When I came home I found it in a slightly different position. I asked mi madre about it, and she was like I wanted to play with your new toy! Luckily I disabled auto-login. :)
I am awaiting the arrival of my fourth MacBook Pro. The FedEx guy was making jokes about how crappy Apple's are since I have had to return three computers. I have to say until this experience with Apple I would have fought with the guy but not anymore. Apple has completely destroyed my faith in them and their computers.

I really feel let down by Apple, it has taken a month for me to get a working computer (assuming this next one works), they wasted my time (driving to Fedex and the Genius bar), and kept me on the phone for nearly two hours while no one would give me a straight answers after they tried to convince me my houses electrical system was causing these computers to be defective. I luckily have the ID number of the worse customer service guy and I will be complaining heavily to Apple. As an Apple investor I hate to see them waste so much money on one customer when they could have easily just sent me a good computer the first (or second time), and as a consumer I feel like they've completely screwed me.

I hope (pray maybe a better word) that this new one with a 5400RPM drive not a 7200RPM drive has no issues. If it does (and I hope it doesn't) I now have a direct line to a upper management Apple support person.
Just got the 15" 2.8 ghz, with the 320 gb 7200 rpm hard drive yesterday. This really is a joy to use, I love scrolling with the track pad, the screen is beautiful... This isn't my first mac but its the first time i'm using a laptop as my primary computer... no regrets so far.
Got my third MBP from Fedex today (my second replacement). It clicks and beeps just like the last one except Apple is refusing to replace it this time. I am meeting with a Genius later to verify this is not normal. If they mark it DOA I will be changing the HD to a 320GB@7200RPM or a 256GB SSD.

The 500GB@7200RPM HD is a completely POS and I caution anyone considering buying one of these computers to avoid that model drive.

I have the Seagate Momentus 7200.3 320gb 7200rpm drive without built-in G-Force protection and have no problems. I really think the problems with the clicks and beeps and beachballs are coming from the drives with built-in shock protection.
I have the Seagate Momentus 7200.3 320gb 7200rpm drive without built-in G-Force protection and have no problems. I really think the problems with the clicks and beeps and beachballs are coming from the drives with built-in shock protection.

My first one with bad RAM did not have the G-Force sensor and had no beep problems. The second did, so when they sent the third replacement I asked them to make sure they sent one without the G-Force sensor they said sure, and they doubted I would get another bad computer. The third one come with the G-Force sensor and had the same problem. I decided not to take a chance and just get the 5400RPM drive on my fourth, which sucks for my video work but I would rather have a working computer.

I might upgrade to a 7200RPM drive (or better yet SSD when it gets cheaper) myself because then I will know for sure that I am not getting an HD with a G-Force sensor. Apple has really let me down, you would think they would just stop using the HD with a the G-Force sensor and making unhappy customers. Sending me 4 computers has probably cost them around $500+ in shipping, goodwill gifts, phone support, and genius support.
to buy non-unobody Macbook Pro..

Sorry... can someone say to me, where can I buy a macbook pro, early 2008?? not used..

Sorry about my English..
Well I'm typing this from my beautiful low-end 13" MacBook Pro right now. The Apple Store almost gave me a white Macbook by mistake, lol. My display is 9C9F, is that one of the good ones? Is there anywhere I can download color profiles for it?
Just bought my new MBP 13", $1199 model!! And man, this thing is sweet!! I have to finish setting up my desk before I take a pic of my set up!

It says the estimated delivery date is Tues., but it's already in Newark, NJ, and I'm in NYC, so...should it come by t'morrow? It got to Newark at around 5:00 am t'day, so it should be by my local FedEx center by now (tracking info doesn't show it, but I know, I always know ;)), and should ship out in the morning to my house, right?

It's my first Mac, ever. Can't wait. Took three days to ship out. MacBook Pro 13" 2.26 GHz w/ 4 GB RAM & 128 GB SSD.

I should've trying to get it at the Apple Store, but I didn't know if they would have it in stock (it's the 5th Ave Store, what don't they have in stock) and if they could give me the Student Discount w/o a school ID.
After saying on the forums, just before the WWDC, that i was getting a macbook air I have now ordered a base macbook pro. I will tell you what i think when i get it. :D:D:D:D:D
Go tmy MacBook Pro t'day! 8:45 am, exactly, FedEx handed it to me. My first Mac, and I'm never going back. SSD is insane, BTW. Totally worth it, based on a few hours experience, already, lol
Just fired up my brand new 15" MBP (2.8/4GB/500GB). Definitely digging it so far! Free iPod Touch instantly, purchased from Best Buy in Tampa, FL.
Heaven in a small package.

I LOVE IT! I just bought a 17 inch MacBook Pro with an anti-glare screen. Other than the screen I didn't get any upgrades. Also, I received a "free" with rebate iPod Touch 8 GB and a "$50" from the rebate wireless printer. I love the fact I can sync my iCal and iTouch esp. without paying the MobileMe membership. This is my first Mac and it's magic. Goodbye Windows!
Just ordered my MBP on Friday! My free Ipod Touch should be coming in tomorrow and the MBP should be here probably by the end of this week or next week. I'm excited!:apple:
Just ordered my MBP on Friday! My free Ipod Touch should be coming in tomorrow and the MBP should be here probably by the end of this week or next week. I'm excited!:apple:

They sent yours seperately? Miine are merging in transit meaning that I won't get my iPod touch until my Macbok Pro is ready.

Anyway my Macbook Pro was shipped yesterday at around 8pm (UK Time), current estimated deivery date of the 29th. (Was ordered late Thursday evening).

If anyone cares about my specs they are:-

13.3" Macbook Pro
2.26ghz Intel Core 2 Duo
4gb DDR3 RAM
320GB HardDrive
8x slot-loading SuperDrive (DVD±R DL/DVD±RW/CD-RW)
3 year warranty
NVIDIA GeForce 9400M graphics

8GB iPod Touch
I ordered the low-end 13-inch MBP with 4GB of RAM, AppleCare and iPod Touch yesterday. Cant wait for it all to arrive!
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