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I think Apple use UPS for the UK, mine was delivered with UPS, and I have seen people on here living in the UK having theirs delivered by UPS.

My EyeTV Hybrid was (eventually) delivered by UPS, but my Macbook was delivered by TNT. So I guess it could be either. On the other hand I did buy both of those back in 2006.

I forgot to mention that I ordered the 250GB hdd and It did take a lot longer than my first mac. It took about two weeks to deliver. It shipped straight from China.
I keep prodding my order status to see whether my estimated delivery date has changed. :eek:

Nope, still next Wednesday (29th). :(

When does the tracking number usually go up? There isn't one yet and it's been despatched since 8pm 20th July. :confused: I got the invoice to my email address earlier today. (6:30am to be precise).

Edit (24th July): Um is it me or is there something odd about this:-

Shipped to GILLINGHAM, GB 20 Jul 2009
Estimated Delivery Date (Subject to change) 29 Jul 2009 (Subject to change)
Current Delivery Status In Transit to Customer - Shipment on Schedule 27 Jul 2009

27th? Someone tell Apple that today is the 24th!
FedEx, I have wronged ye....

I just got my MacBookPro this morning. This is significant to me, as I have really been hating on FedEx lately, yet they managed to deliver my MBP a full 3 calendar days sooner than they said it would take.

Each time I've had FedEx problems in the past, I've used the "free" (standard ground) option. The FedEx Ground terminal, about 80 miles away, has a bad reputation (one they have earned, in my experience).

I now must say that paying the $18 for "expedited" shipping has made all the difference in the world. Yesterday, my MBP was in China. This morning, it was in my hands. Now, I am transferred over and loving it.

FedEx Air, please accept my apologies, and allow me to withdraw the karmic vitriol I have cast out at you. You are clearly a different animal than the Ground guys.

FedEx Ground, feh and pox upon you still.

In case anyone else stumbles upon it, there seems to be an issue with Migration Assistant. I was using a white MB, all updated with latest versions. The Migration Assistant worked perfectly, transferring about 25GB in an hour and some change. However, when it was done, and asking for my Apple ID, I was stuck and could go no further. I had to force quit, setup the MBP as a new user with a different ID (one which I just made up), then logoff and back in as the transferred user. Once I had done that, I was able to do my Software Updates, reboot, and all was perfect and as it should be.

I've transferred countless times from one Windows machine to another, over the years (heck, decades). Each time, I've had to re-install my basic applications, settings, and forget e-mail databases. This time, it... just... worked. Never gone from Mac-to-Mac before -- what a thing of beauty.

If anyone is considering paying for the "Expedited" shipping, if your experience will be like mine, it's the best money ever spent. All the difference between a professional, competent service and a haphazard, hit-or-miss, just as prone to break/steal items as they are to deliver them on time to the proper location. Two different companies, really, FedEx Air and Ground.

Buy your MBP, and pay for the shipping. You'll like it.
I keep prodding my order status to see whether my estimated delivery date has changed. :eek:

Nope, still next Wednesday (29th). :(

When does the tracking number usually go up? There isn't one yet and it's been despatched since 8pm 20th July. :confused: I got the invoice to my email address earlier today. (6:30am to be precise).

Edit (24th July): Um is it me or is there something odd about this:-

27th? Someone tell Apple that today is the 24th!

thats fine, mine also took 3 days, i live in the UK as well.
FedEx Delivery...

Am I being overly paranoid that FedEx or someone between China and my doorstep is going to break/mess up my new MacBook Pro?

I guess IF it were to happen, it wouldn't be my fault and I could just send it back to Apple for a replacement, right?

Just curious and overparanoid, haha.
im guessing the 27th is the one that you got from the delivery company?

If so , i'd go by that one.

Nope. I don't even have a tracking number yet.

This is what my tracking page has looked like since the 24th July:-


I always though the date in the right hand column reffered to the date that the changed occured. (Before this it said 'shipment dispatched' and '20th July' which was correct). :confused:
I ve the same delivery status. I guess the 27th is the day Fedex/UPS/TNT take the package at the hub in netherlands. Before that, this is K&N that keep the MBP from china to netherlands. I think the 27th we will get a tracking number with the name of the transporter.
Just ordered 17" MBP, my first mac laptop (have had 2 mac pros and one imac for the kids). Upgraded to 3.06 proc, kept ram at 4 and 500/5400 HD. figure I'll upgrade ram and into an SSD in a year or two for nice speed bump once prices come down.

Got the matte screen.

I'm hoping the new ipod touch will not blow the current one away, as I'm giving the 16GB one to my son and we'll both be bummed if in a month it's outdated. But for the price with current rebate, it's pretty nice deal.
Ordered a new MBP 17" with matte screen this thursday.
I had a SR MBP from mid 07', that died on me 2 weeks ago because of the Nvidia card. Wasn't covered under the extended warranty though...

Should be receiving it this wednesday.

Couldn't really decide whether I should go with the glossy or the "anitglare" option. Ended up with ordering the matte screen. Considered returning it if I didn't like the matte compared to the glossy. I'm now typing on my GF's 13" uMB with the glossy screen.
Checked out the Alice in Wonderland trailer on Apple Trailers, and mayn the refelctions was annoying since there is a lot of black in this trailer.
Would be great in the evening though!
I was really torn between the 13, 15 and 17" MBP models. This will be my first Apple computer. I have owned laptops/portables since the days of the original compact suitcase style computers. The 13" is definitely the most "cool" model and it is easy to transport. If I flew more, I would get the 13" model, as the 15" will be a tight squeeze in coach. However, my laptops tend to mostly only move around the house as I have a company Dell 14.1" I usually have to travel with. I almost ordered a refurbished 17" MBP 2.66Mhz from the Apple web site. However, I made a wooden model of its dimensions and realized that it would not fit in any of my laptop bags or travel cases. So, I settled on the 15" MPB. It seemed to be the best compromise.

I just ordered a 15" MBP 2.66Mhz model. ( Should be in on Tuesday the 28th) While I may never need the extra Graphic's ability, (I don’t play games) I like knowing that it is there. I do occasionally do some 3D modeling. The fact that you can turn the 9600 video processor off to save battery power is a great feature. In other words it “future proofs” the laptop a little. I tend to keep laptops for a long time. My current HP is about 9 years old. I also decided that if I truly want a portable, I would watch out for a good deal on a used Macbook Air....

Anyway, that is how I made my decision… (it took nearly a month)
I've got a tracking number now and my estimated delivery has changed from Wednesday to Tomorrow! :D

It's being transported by UPS though so I hope they don't try and mess me around again. :rolleyes:
Well thankfully they can't use FedEx here. There's no such company.

UPS, Lynx, DPD, and TNT are the only ones I can think of off the top of my head that do UK deliveries.

Anyway, how do you know how I like my beer? :p :D (Yes I'm girl who likes bitter - so what?)

Now now, didn't mean to start anything with the beer, there... It's just that I've wandered around diverse parts of your enchanted isles, and have sampled some of your beers. Just takes a bit of getting used to, the serving quite a bit warmer than we do across the water. Having said that, at least it's not "weak, nearly frozen, yak urine", as I have heard American beer described. Fairly accurately, too.

So enjoy your MBP, and your fine selection of beers. That you are a lady of taste and distinction is evident - that you are a girl who likes her bitters is icing on the cake!:D
I currently run a MBA (rev.A) and I'm occasionally starting to hurt for more power on the move, but I really do like the form factor, so I'll guess it's 13" MBP next.

Anyway, I'm currently looking through the SSD-options (since I'm lovin' it). Apple's 128 SSD option isn't badly priced from what I can gather, but other suggestions are welcome too.
Mine arrived a few weeks ago. Standard 2.26Ghz config.

The build quality is amazing, better than any laptop I've ever had.
The size is perfect, a great upgrade from 1024x768.
Just got my MBP today... 2.53 4gb 250gb hdd....lovin iT!

so for those of you that have had bad experiences with fed ex ground...ouch!
I've had great experiences with fed ex ground. It was scheduled to arrive tomorrow. I checked the status last night and it was already in the warehouse near my house ready for home delivery today!. I was at work all day wanting to get home because i knew i wouldnt be there to sign for the package. I was just thinking to myself i would go pick it up at the warehouse. Turns out the fed ex driver had some extra time and decided to come give me another try. He stopped by and brought me the package when he didnt even have to. Extremely satisfied with the service, and especially with the computer...:D
Just ordered my 15" 2.66Ghz MBP :D

I HAVE CONVERTED. After many years of long and faithless service to Windows, I have decided to switch, and just ordered :)

Apparently, even though the delivery says 3-7days, the representative I spoke to is convinced I will have it on Thursday/Friday :O ?

Either way. HURRY! Lol. Can't believe how pricey these damn things are over here in the UK. However hopefully it will be worth it :)
My 13" Macbook Pro arrived Midday today. :D

Posting from it right now and I love it to pieces already. :apple:

Though I do wonder why Apple moved Expose from F9 to F3... I personally preferred it the other way round as I'm left handed so it's normally my left hand on the trackpad making F9 a lot easier to reach than F3. (Guess I've answered my own question there lol - they moved it over there because most people are right handed).
Got my shipping notice today for the 17" MBP - it is apparently coming from Shanghai China?? Is that normal?
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