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There was talk on a parallel thread about the use of the ATI 4870 graphics cards.

It now seems like this may be even more plausible in the upcoming iMac, as now Leopard 10.5.7 has kernel extensions for the ATI Radeon HD 4000 series of graphics cards

Is there a 4870M? If not, then forget it.

Also, Nehalem is also mentioned, but I doubt we'll see them in the next iMac refresh

Of course not.
John Lewis (major UK department store) hav removed iMacs from their website. Before when they were out of stock, they had placeholders. Not anymore.

EDIT - just seen someone posted it a few days ago.
Is there a 4870M? If not, then forget it.


However, the extensions are enough to not only identify the mid-range Radeon HD 4850 and high-end 4870 chipsets by name but to enable Core Image and Quartz Extreme acceleration of the Mac OS X interface, which would require the direct involvement of AMD, Apple or both firms to work. They also support the full OpenGL 2.1 specification for 3D graphics

Looks like we could get a new iMac next week (at the earliest), I'm guessing 10.5.7 will come out the same time as the iMac revisions, or just a custom 10.5.6 revision.
Amazon UK are selling a 1.5ghz Core Solo Mini for £487 and oddly the Core 2 duo Superdrive version for £469

There are some really weird pricing on amazon UK when it comes to macs. They don't really reduce the prices of the old ones when the new ones come out. That's pretty much the same with all macs on there.
What could be the latest features of the new iMac?
1. new Mac OS X?
2. Touch screen display for multi-touch function?
3. new NVIDIA graphics card?
4. INTEL Core i7 processor?
5. all-new design???
What could be the latest features of the new iMac?
1. new Mac OS X?
2. Touch screen display for multi-touch function?
3. new NVIDIA graphics card?
4. INTEL Core i7 processor?
5. all-new design???

1. No. They'll ship with Leopard.
2. Not until 2020 and OS XI.
3. Yes. Probably 9400M+9800M, or potentially the newest 9400M+GTX120 set.
4. Heck, no.
5. Nope. They JUST migrated the MacBook family to the iMac design. It would be idiotic to change it.
What could be the latest features of the new iMac?
1. new Mac OS X?
2. Touch screen display for multi-touch function?
3. new NVIDIA graphics card?
4. INTEL Core i7 processor?
5. all-new design???

1. 45% chance happening
2. 5% chance happening
3. 90% chance happening
4. 20% chance happening
5. 1% chance happening
1. No. They'll ship with Leopard.
2. Not until 2020 and OS XI.
3. Yes. Probably 9400M+9800M, or potentially the newest 9400M+GTX120 set.
4. Heck, no.
5. Nope. They JUST migrated the MacBook family to the iMac design. It would be idiotic to change it.
1. Agree
2. I think your way off TS > end of this year or maybe MW 2010.
3. Probably
4. Agree
5. Don't be so sure now, somethings a foot here, Mini -2 years iMac been a while too , do you remember the patent with the iMac/Apple display type device that showed a large docking port for a tablet or mobile unit ?
2. I think your way off TS > end of this year or maybe MW 2010.

5. Don't be so sure now, somethings a foot here, Mini -2 years iMac been a while too , do you remember the patent with the iMac/Apple display type device that showed a large docking port for a tablet or mobile unit?

But... Apple isn't going to BE at MacWorld, and they are NOT going to have a vertical-touchscreen.

The mini should get a redesign, something along the lines of an aluminum Time Capsule styled design, but not the iMac.
Wirelessly posted (iPhone 3G: Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 2_2_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/525.18.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/3.1.1 Mobile/5H11 Safari/525.20)

You'll forgive them when the new model appears. ;)
But... Apple isn't going to BE at MacWorld, and they are NOT going to have a vertical-touchscreen.

The mini should get a redesign, something along the lines of an aluminum Time Capsule styled design, but not the iMac.
Ah ye , sorry my bad , I forgot they're not doing MW anymore, ....around that kind of time then :p

Never said a vertical touch screen , I said do you remember the patent for the thing that looked like an iMac which had a large port on the side for portable device ( which may or may not be a tablet)
...or something like that
Ah ye , sorry my bad , I forgot they're not doing MW anymore, ....around that kind of time then :p

Never said a vertical touch screen , I said do you remember the patent for the thing that looked like an iMac which had a large port on the side for portable device ( which may or may not be a tablet)
...or something like that

Well, so that isn't an iMac, then, is it?

That's far more likely to be called the successor to the DuoDock.

I'd love a 13.3" MacTablet with the ability to do such an action.
Well, so that isn't an iMac, then, is it?

That's far more likely to be called the successor to the DuoDock.

I'd love a 13.3" MacTablet with the ability to do such an action.
Imac , screen, whatever long as it's funky eh.

This is a redesign coming , especially for the Mini , maybe even they will combine the two in some crazy funky Apple way

....can anyone dig up that patent with the docking thing in the side ?( it takes me 25 seconds to load a page it's not like I'm being lazy or anything , I'd take me an age to hunt it down :()
....can anyone dig up that patent with the docking thing in the side ?( it takes me 25 seconds to load a page it's not like I'm being lazy or anything , I'd take me an age to hunt it down :()

Still on dial-up? Tough break, man.

Patent image:


Graphic mockup:

No , not dial up, just a G3 iMac 500MHz I really need an update

nice one for the image finding though I think there was another which showed a smaller device than the macbook size looking one that pic, might be wrong was a while ago when ....
What could be the latest features of the new iMac?
1. new Mac OS X?
2. Touch screen display for multi-touch function?
3. new NVIDIA graphics card?
4. INTEL Core i7 processor?
5. all-new design???

1. The iMacs will ship with Leopard. Perhaps it's version 10.5.7, but certainly not 10.6. Unless iMacs are seriously delayed until June, but that's not gonna happen.
2. Very unlikely. Maybe in a further redesign.
3. Likely to happen.
4. I'd love to see that, but I don't think it's gonna happen. Perhaps if Apple redesigns the iMac and then develops a great cooling system... who knows?
5. When did the last redesign happen? I don't quite remember that.
Still on dial-up? Tough break, man.

Patent image:


Graphic mockup:


Sweet design. I'd buy it! I'd rather have the iMacs look like apple monitors instead of having that "chin". I don't really care about the tablet though.

I'd say there's actually a pretty good chance of a slight redesign. I don't think Apple claims the iMac as a unibody design. More than likely Apple would just go ahead and make everything aluminum and possibly compact it more.

Also, I bet they will include an LED screen this time.
What could be the latest features of the new iMac?
1. new Mac OS X?
2. Touch screen display for multi-touch function?
3. new NVIDIA graphics card?
4. INTEL Core i7 processor?
5. all-new design???
1. "New" as in 10.5.7 or modified 10.5.6
2. No
3. Yes (9400M, 9600M, 9800M, maybe GTX xxx)
4. No (way too hot)
5. No (small chance of a small design tweak)
So I want to buy this new iMac. I got burned last time I bought a macbook, a new model came out barely two months after. I swore I would never let that happen again. I've been waiting patiently since Jan., skimming these 'NEW iMAC OMFG' threads and holding my breath every damn tuesday. I'm starting to give up hope. Not cool apple, not cool. At this point I feel like there's a high probability that I'll spontaneously combust before I get to buy this thing.
So I want to buy this new iMac. I got burned last time I bought a macbook, a new model came out barely two months after. I swore I would never let that happen again. I've been waiting patiently since Jan., skimming these 'NEW iMAC OMFG' threads and holding my breath every damn tuesday. I'm starting to give up hope. Not cool apple, not cool. At this point I feel like there's a high probability that I'll spontaneously combust before I get to buy this thing.

Current models are great, just overpriced compared to their performance. If they suit for your needs buy one, there'll be only speed bumbs
I seen that patent mock up a while ago, although not your graphic representation.

It was a Mac style docking station for the Macbook if I remember correctly.

As for people who are continually hanging off and hanging off, simply because they have a burning desire to have the latest model, I need to ask why?

People who've been waiting since January, fair enough ... but there's people on here who've been quoted as waiting since October or November, which is just ridiculous when you consider that they're not upgrading because of what's being posted on here.

The only way to buy a new computer is to look at the specifications of your current model, look at the options available on the new models, and decide which system will do the job for what you need a computer to do for you.

Do you need it for Graphic Design? Do you need it for Photo Editing? Do you need it for Web Design? Do you need it for CS3?

Worrying about having an obsolete machine always comes across as a little obsessive. For example, my Uncle bought his first ever iMac (the first Alu & Glass 20") in January 2008 only to see it upgraded in April 2008. He phoned me in a tirade that Apple had "conned him", and I had to tell him to get a grip and accept that his iMac was obsolete technology before he even turned on the power.

Some people, and it's a common trait among techies, need to have the latest stuff. They need to be able to come on the forums and tell everyone what they have, and they feel a sense of pride in having the "best" there is.

Personally, I've come to accept that if a computer does what you need it to do, if it represents value for money, and if it substantially upgrades what you currently use, then buy it.

My 2.4GHz Core 2 Duo iMac cost me just £612 through a discount deal my Father in Law was allowed access to through his work. As someone who's using a 17" Core Duo 1.83GHz iMac, that gives me the computer I feel meets my current needs, so I'm happy.

I know there could be a unibody redesign for the iMac while retaining the original look. I know the screen could move to LED in line with the Macbook and Macbook Pro. I know there's going to be speed bumps and slightly larger Hard Drives in the new models. However, there's going to be one hell of a larger dent in my pocket than £612 if I want one, so I am more than happy.

I've been waiting for a while simply because if the new iMacs are Quad Cores, they definitely will be more useful than the current models as I do video editing and 3D rendering. I know that a Mac Pro would be the best choice, but I can't afford it (or better, my parents don't want to buy it). I'm looking for a powerful machine which costs 2500 EUR or less, and the iMac should fit there.
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