Just a *few* things I've always wanted in order of maybe we'll get it to not. ever. going. to. happen.
-The ability for keychain to store multiple usernames/information/addresses for the same site and not overwrite previous username/passwords.
-I'd love it if this feature that was supposed to be a part of iOS 8 got implemented:
-Easier way to clean out pictures/videos stuck in messages.
-A way to password/TouchID protect Mail for work purposes.
-Way to place newly created contacts in select groups for work.
-Ability to delete "Tips" if you aren't a new iOS user. Also Find My Friends seems pretty useless.
-Apple Maps still doesn't use the most logical routing.
-Give up more than 5GB of iCloud space or 16GB models as the default if Apple wants users to enjoy their devices without error messages.
-Not sure if people use iCloud as their mail client being limited to 5GB so it'd be nice if Mail could play well with Gmail by having the function to label emails like in Gmail.
-Some way of user access profiles on iPad so family members can have their separate accounts.
-Text prediction on the keyboard is pretty bad and doesn't seem to "learn" my phrases as it purports to. Can I just have a row of numbers instead?
-Maybe just replace Siri with Google Now.