I'd like to see Contacts understand households/families. We're not all unattached singles. At least not any more.
We date long-term, cohabit, marry, have children who then get their own phones and email accounts and eventually leave the nest. Repeat.
Maybe we divorce. Maybe we remarry.
"Related Name" doesn't do the trick -- it's static, and doesn't actually get me to the "related" person's contact information. Not even by clicking on it! Just tells me who else to look up. And it doesn't even back-trace so that if I relate A to B and then look at B it'll show me that B is related to A!
"Link Contacts" is worse, as it dumbly combines information into a single record without maintaining individual differentiation (at least that's what it did last time I tried it -- and that made such a mess of the contacts I "linked" that I've never tried it since...).
Even if all iOS developers are single, surely much of the above relates equally to work relationships? A bunch of people work in a department/work group/company with a single physical address but multiple phone & email addresses, including some group ones (department main phone number = home phone landline, department general email = family group email, etc).
Someone leaves that department but keeps phone and email, so I want to move them to another group or just out of that group to an individual contact. Same as someone leaving a group house or a marriage.
Or maybe they're a group of people in different locations, each serving some aspect of a business relationship -- so again you'd like to have them all in one place. Giving each of their records a company name and then sorting on that name still doesn't group those individuals or separate them from, say, everyone else at Apple...
Oh, and I'd like Game Center to stop dropping that !@#$ banner every time I open a game.
I'd like Game Center to work correctly too -- you know, the way it did before it started dropping that #!@ banner...