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Apple should give iMovie HD back to us and allow it to be used on the iPhone.

iMovie 11 (when Apple forced that on us) and TOOK AWAY iMovie HD was as in as bad taste as when Coca Cola dumped their original recipe and forced New Coke on their customers.
I'm currently using iMovie on my iPhone and can export in full hd 1080p 60fps. That is sufficient for me.
1. Please change the place of ON/OFF button, when you squeeze it, you also squeeze the volume button on the opposite side.

2. Please change the place of ‘voicemail” on the dial, it is too easy to touch by mistake, and PLEASE add a “disable voicemail” function.

3. Please make the iPhone at least water resistant. I believe most of the problems associated with the iPhone are related to humidity slowly creeping in.

4. If possible we’d like a charger by induction. Other phones have it, why not the iPhone?
1. Please change the place of ON/OFF button, when you squeeze it, you also squeeze the volume button on the opposite side.

2. Please change the place of ‘voicemail” on the dial, it is too easy to touch by mistake, and PLEASE add a “disable voicemail” function.

3. Please make the iPhone at least water resistant. I believe most of the problems associated with the iPhone are related to humidity slowly creeping in.

4. If possible we’d like a charger by induction. Other phones have it, why not the iPhone?
Items 1, 3, and 4 aren't things that iOS can do anything about really.

As for item 2, it sounds like the issue with inadvertently touching a button on the bottom right. That seems to be something a user would need to work on given that it's normal for buttons and controls to exist in those types of areas.
1. Ability to lock certain apps with Touch ID exmp: Mail, messages. I have Sensitive work items sent to me via email, and locking the app. Or a specific mailbox would be nice.

2. A private password protected mailbox in messages. contacts could be added to this mail box and any messages from them would go into said mailbox, I don't want my kids seeing my wife's tits when they use my phone to text their grandmother, but at the same time I don't really want to lock down the entire messages app either, goSMS has this feature on android, and it's awesome I've consider switching multiple times for that reason, I just can't bring myself to leave iOS.

3. Ability to store my iTunes movies and tv shows on my Mac in the cloud, and stream them from iCloud Drive in the native video app iTunes Match for movies if you will.

4. Dynamic icons API for devlopers including an auto-refresh setting. This would be great for weather apps and news apps.

5. The ability to make your own live wallpapers, or even just add some new ones other than floating orbs!
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I think a milestone like iOS 10 would be great with a thorough rethinking of core apps so that less people will throw them into the "Apple Trash" folder.'s UI needs to be rethought while sticking to the idea of having streaming and purchases integrated seamlessly. Apple Music and iTunes Store should not look like two separate services.
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Very good ideas around, but personally, the lack of user accounts, specially on the iPad, is mind boggling....
In a family shared iPad it would come really handy!!
I would like very improvements in mail app, like as MyMail.
Email accounts settings saved on icloud.
I would like to see a feature within the Wi-Fi properties -to allow you to "forget" Wi-Fi networks that are NOT currently in-range. There's already an option to "Forget this network" when that network is in-range and listed...however, most devices remember *all* networks that you have *ever* connected to in the past, and your device is constantly searching for those SSID's. Anyone with a "wifi pineapple" can easily/automatically convince your device to connect to it... unless there's a feature to allow "forgetting" of all networks... regardless of being currently in-range.
Just a *few* things I've always wanted in order of maybe we'll get it to not. ever. going. to. happen.

-The ability for keychain to store multiple usernames/information/addresses for the same site and not overwrite previous username/passwords.

-I'd love it if this feature that was supposed to be a part of iOS 8 got implemented:

-Easier way to clean out pictures/videos stuck in messages.

-A way to password/TouchID protect Mail for work purposes.

-Way to place newly created contacts in select groups for work.

-Ability to delete "Tips" if you aren't a new iOS user. Also Find My Friends seems pretty useless.

-Apple Maps still doesn't use the most logical routing.

-Give up more than 5GB of iCloud space or 16GB models as the default if Apple wants users to enjoy their devices without error messages.

-Not sure if people use iCloud as their mail client being limited to 5GB so it'd be nice if Mail could play well with Gmail by having the function to label emails like in Gmail.

-Some way of user access profiles on iPad so family members can have their separate accounts.

-Text prediction on the keyboard is pretty bad and doesn't seem to "learn" my phrases as it purports to. Can I just have a row of numbers instead?

-Maybe just replace Siri with Google Now.
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I would like to see a feature within the Wi-Fi properties -to allow you to "forget" Wi-Fi networks that are NOT currently in-range. There's already an option to "Forget this network" when that network is in-range and listed...however, most devices remember *all* networks that you have *ever* connected to in the past, and your device is constantly searching for those SSID's. Anyone with a "wifi pineapple" can easily/automatically convince your device to connect to it... unless there's a feature to allow "forgetting" of all networks... regardless of being currently in-range.
More fairly basic controls for WiFi would be great, like being able to prioritize connections.
Wouldn't that be iCloud Keychain?

I don't believe so. This article points to a feature allowing Keychain to store app passwords as opposed to storing Safari passwords and other information currently. It would allow any app's username and password to be securely stored by Keychain. Some allow apps like 1Password to do this but it isn't as seamless as an experience yet.
•The ability to swipe the cursor left or right by swiping left or right on the keyboard and selecting text by holding down on the cursor (swipeselection).
•Add a symbol to the status bar that appears when someone is typing a reply to a text (Typestatus).
•Having the ability to be able to edit the name of a photo in the camera roll.
•Being able to completely move a photo from one file to another and not have to keep it in the camera role.
•Add a night mode where the screen isn't white and makes it easier to read in the dark without being blinded even with the brightness turned all the way down. (F.lux, Eclipse).
•Add a 'kill all apps' option when swiping up or holding down on the home screen card on multitasking.
•Integrated Control Centre and Multitasker (Vertex, Auxo2).
•being able to scroll across the Quick Launch and Toggles on the Control Centre (CCToggles).
Some desktop icon issues:

- all stock apps are on desktop by default (not sure if this is already the case)
- all desktop icons can be removed without deleting the app
- all desktop icons including stock apps can be renamed
- make it easier to move icons, esp to a different "tab"
- come to think of it, have tabs or at least names for desktop panels
- if you open an app from an icon in a group/box, when you minimize it you will be back in that box, not at the full screen
I'd like to see Contacts understand households/families. We're not all unattached singles. At least not any more.

We date long-term, cohabit, marry, have children who then get their own phones and email accounts and eventually leave the nest. Repeat.

Maybe we divorce. Maybe we remarry.

"Related Name" doesn't do the trick -- it's static, and doesn't actually get me to the "related" person's contact information. Not even by clicking on it! Just tells me who else to look up. And it doesn't even back-trace so that if I relate A to B and then look at B it'll show me that B is related to A!

"Link Contacts" is worse, as it dumbly combines information into a single record without maintaining individual differentiation (at least that's what it did last time I tried it -- and that made such a mess of the contacts I "linked" that I've never tried it since...).

Even if all iOS developers are single, surely much of the above relates equally to work relationships? A bunch of people work in a department/work group/company with a single physical address but multiple phone & email addresses, including some group ones (department main phone number = home phone landline, department general email = family group email, etc).

Someone leaves that department but keeps phone and email, so I want to move them to another group or just out of that group to an individual contact. Same as someone leaving a group house or a marriage.

Or maybe they're a group of people in different locations, each serving some aspect of a business relationship -- so again you'd like to have them all in one place. Giving each of their records a company name and then sorting on that name still doesn't group those individuals or separate them from, say, everyone else at Apple...

Oh, and I'd like Game Center to stop dropping that !@#$ banner every time I open a game.

I'd like Game Center to work correctly too -- you know, the way it did before it started dropping that #!@ banner...
Make spotlight more "global". For example, when typing a movie title—spotlight should shows IMDB link,rating, etc. At the moment, only movies you already opened before from the app—indexed on spotlight. other than that, location, restaurant, places, etc would make it better.

This post is from October but I was curious... Has this already been updated? When I type in a movie it brings up the rotten tomatoes ratings, local movie times etc.

Edit: maybe it's linked to the fandango app
A decent keypad like Android and the ability to place cursor accurately like Android.
My Wishlist for IOS 10 is:
1. true multitasking that's on the iPad to be on the iPhone
2. Themes (if not that at least a new UI) really would like a Dark theme to be included
3. to be able to kill all my apps at once (so time consuming)
4. Customizable control center
5. I want to be able to set default apps
6. delete the apps that I don't want on the Phone (the ones that we can't delete)
7. Please i beg you apple I can wait please make iOS 10 less buggy
Why not better utilize 3D Touch by letting us use it on the Bluetooth button from the control center screen. I use it everyday and hate having to go to settings every time to find the device I want to connect. I think it'd be so simple for them to do that
Either allow me to use Waze through Siri or let the maps app avoid tolls by default. I much prefer the maps app avoid tolls by default.

Allow Siri to understand, "tell my wife where I am" and send my current location.

Allow Siri to understand the "Yomi" for contact names so I can call my Japanese friends by saying their name and still see it in Japanese.

I already put them on the feedback during the betas as suggestions.
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