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1) allow to transfer music files through bluetooth, allow sending photos, videos, and music to all other phones eg, android, Windows.
2) let safari download and upload the files, eg, downloading music and videos.

3) give a hdmi port, from which we can directly connect the phone to tv with normal hdmi cable.
4) longer battrey life, and stability for previous versions of iphone, eg, it make it smoother for even iphone 5/5s too.
5)customized control centre.
I would like the control center when you swipe up to take you to the coresponding setting when you either 3D Touch (or long press for older devices) Say for instance I would quickly like to jump to my Bluetooth settings I could swipe up and do one of those two and get right into it
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The stock keyboard needs to be addressed and made consistent across all devices in a couple of ways.

Every keyboard needs arrow keys in four directions. This would make bumping the cursor a character or two far easier than having to shift your grip to activate the full cursor control, which is also too tedious and aggravating.

Numbers should be present across the top of all keyboards as well. It isn't rocket science.

Right now, the keyboard experience is frustrating and makes using iPads in particular for text input a maddening experience.

I also have a consistent issue with Safari not displaying web pages in tab view. When I get to the fifth or sixth tab, on an iPad min with 2 GB of RAM, often that page will load, but nothing will be displayed on screen. If reader view is available, the page will display. Been an issue in all iOS9 versions and yes, many folks have notified Apple of the problem.

Better file management. This will take a complete re-write of iTunes, but the current mess that makes organizing videos or pdf files on a iOS device is unacceptable and a huge detractor versus Android. Right now, simply finding videos on an iOS device is a PITA due to names being truncated and there being no way to group videos. IT would be wonderful to say, group your workout videos within the "home video" spectrum. iTunes also fails at this, with check boxes and scrolling through huge lists of video to select them for addition to your iPad. Drag and drop works, but isn't optimum either. Home Videos need folders and structure.

Same with pdf files. While you can use iBooks to organize, it doesn't seem to translate consistently when syncing to iOS.

Basic organization needs work, especially with iOS devices gaining massive storage capacity.
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iPad Pro Wishlist
1 - icon placemenent on home screens more personalized and more on bottom dock
2 - improve adjustments on camera app
3 - better dictionary and add thesaurus
4 - write files to and from SD card adapter
5 - 2 instances of same app side by side
6 - notes - bring back sync with outlook notes
7 - app store - search box often erases screen, the popup window showing app specifics limits how much info I see, ability to list and sort apps by price, updated date, reviews, etc
8 - gps in all non cell ipads - not ios but thought I'd throw it in there
9 - keyboard - takes up half the screen in landscape, generally too big, need all 4 arrow keys
10 - sidebar navigation, list view maybe in order of preference of most used or alphabetical
11 - bring back underlined spell checking in safari
12 - bring back simple voice memo
13 - wifi - prioritize connections
14 - ability to sync wifi that isn't a pain
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Fix Spotlight and the Messages app for searching ALL of your texts. It's broken right now for everyone. It find some messages but not everything. Find someone you text a lot and go back 5 months. Find a word or phrase and then use the Messages app or Spotlight to find that text. I'm certain you won't. Try a few other contacts and see. It's a hit a miss. Never had this issue on Android.
Being able to edit the order or remove apps from the sidebar is a good one harriska...
It is kinda hard to suggest Software features when Hardware dont improve. Adding more things takes more Memory, CPU resources etc....

Most of the things I have problems with are iCloud related. Like Voice recognition which sometimes doesn't work, i have to repeatedly say the same thing and it doesn't connect. So it is not a recognition problem, but connection problem.

App Store, better search and suggestions. Currently it sucks after all this years. ( Again iCloud Related )

WiFi preload, try to preload most of the information when I am connected to a WiFi and charging my iPhone. For example, When you go back to office ( WiFi ) and Charging, iPhone will preload most of the information in background, and try to pull as much information as possible when you unplug the iPhone. Apps like Facebook, Twitter, Bloomberg, or other most often used news serveries. The idea is when you go out for lunch you will likely have all the update already. This will dramatically save Mobile Network data usage.

Option to make Voice Call an Notification instead of full Screen. Do anyone make calls anymore? Rarely, at least according to stats. So why should a call distrub me when I am on full screen movie or playing a video game? Voice Call should be like any other messaging app, just a simple notification will do.

I really wish Visual VoiceMail could be a standard and free. I can pick up the voicemail when ever i want to.

Settings are in need of a DEEP rethink.

Use Apple Music as Ringtone. ( You can customize which part of the 30 seconds to ring ), Again an Services thing rather then iOS 10.

Some Photos should be hidden by default. These days it is far too common people asking to see others photo album, and there are things you dont want them to see.....

Get rid of some Default apps, or simply make them great. Weather needs their local notification, mssing a lot of these government weather warnings from countries.

Tab for Phonebook? I have been asked far too many times how to make the Phonebook to show clients ( for Work ) and Real life Friends only.

Get rid of 16GB - ( For Pete Sake this is 2016 )

iPhone upgrade program should include iPhone capacity iCloud Storage space for Backup.

Scrolling in "peek" views. - ( No need to hold on to it to preview, one more tap to pop. )

Video Viewing, can the God Damn Quicktime player just at least support MKV. ( Sames goes to OSX as well )

Need a little more Visual Clue, current design trend is stupid. Taking away too many things.

Larger dictation button on keyboard, or some shortcut for it to activate.

There is quite of lot of under the hood changes, things like fully utilize Metal top to bottom.

Go 64Bit, ARMv8 only.

The BLEEMING Alarm clock needs to learn from my Calendar When is PUBLIC HOLIDAY.

By the way Calander should default give you all the public holiday for your location / region.
1. Add an "after dark tint", like the f.Lux app I use on my Laptop.

2. Add "Avoid Tolls" to Apple Maps.

3. All me to remove default Apps: Tips, Watch, Stocks

4. Make the Tips App useful after one use. After I've read through it once, what point does it serve? All it seems to do is to refer me to Apple's website - which I can go to myself

5. Support for Sixaxis (PS3 and 4) controllers. If PlayStation Controllers worked with my iPad, AppleTV and MacBook, it would rival Microsuck's feature of "Xbox controllers work with your PC". Give Mac users a reason to go with Sony rather than Xbox.

6. Ability to "remove the red dot" from Applications wanting to notify me of something.

7. Ability to have my IPhone notify me of a Message on Locked Screen, WITHOUT showing a preview of whT the message says. This is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT with regards to online banking security, where my mobile phone is used as a second tier security verification.

8. Make AirPlay better. I'm constantly getting low-res pixilation issues, or AirPlay makes my iPad hang and not do anything.

I dare to dream.

Given that I understand #7, you can do this. In Notifications > Messages, go to the very bottom. You can toggle "Show Previews" on and off.
- Ability to set default applications
- Consistent keyboard use throughout all applications (if I have a third party selected, don't default back to Apple keyboard in some applications)
- Ability to customize 3D touch contextual menu options
Like to have location based settings. So when I'm home I don't have screen lock and a bunch of other things. When not home other settings take over.

Also when really weak network go into sleep like mode - no auto checking of emails etc. So save battery. Local movie theater has really no cell service and battery gets really eaten when I go to movie
Some of the things we are asking for are things found on android but things we will never see on iOS. Such as fully integrated third party keyboard and setting default applications.
I want/ need:

- all iCloud options be off by default when setting-up an iOS or Mac OS X device (let me turn on the ones I want, which are none except Find My iPhone/ Mac)

- built-in call recording function with NO beeping

- speed: get iOS to be faster at everything it can do

- built-in (native) VoIP client for entreprise use (not everyone is on Facetime)

- better iCloud reliability (Apple ID bugs leave deleted devices behind and they show up in iOS under Settings > Phone > Calls on Other Devices

- merge the three web pages dedicated to Apple ID, iCloud and Apple Support Profile for better and simpler devices management

- build-in more useful third-party apps concepts such Delivery to track packages, Flights tracker etc.

- hope to see Apple Pay take off: I want to use everywhere including at gas stations.
- Customizable 3D touch menus.

- Delete preinstalled stuff: stocks, watch, find my friends and so on.

- ID Touch on photos, folders and mail.

- Apple Music

1. Stop messing around with the cover art works we already had.

2. Move “My music” tab to the left.

3. Change that white color (it´s too bright to use it at night).

4. Unify artists name when using different languages: With an account in Japan, some of the artists are displayed both in alphabet and in Japanese, so you´ll have duplicated artists. Besides, the albums you may find under the alphabetical and in the Japanese name are different!

5. In the artists ‘page, having “Albums” at the top may be easier to navigate. Personally I´m not interested in “Top songs” or “Top albums”.

6. Improve search results: With some artist you won´t find all albums displayed under “Albums”. In order to do so, you have to tap randomly on one album, and then on that page at the bottom on the other albums by this artist. Why is that?

7. I miss the iPod landscape mode.

- Maps

1. Still no transport available in Tokyo!

- Instead of using the home button, with iPhone 6s you can press anywhere in the left part of the screen to move between apps. I really love this one, and thanks to this I hardly press on the physical home button. There are 2 ways to do it: 1. Tap and hold anywhere in the left part of the screen, press even further; or 2. Tap and hold anywhere in the left part of the screen and (holding) move it to the right. I´d love if they make it faster with only one step, just tapping and holding.

- Make Siri multilingual: I know this is a tricky one. Some of my contacts are in Japanese are others in alphabet. When using Siri in Japanese it doesn´t recognize the alphabetical names and vice versa, so I have to change Siri´s language settings constantly depending on what I´m doing in which language. It´d be great if Siri could be used for searches or contacts in a multilingual context.

- Each time you turn off you device, whenever you download smth from Appstore you have to enter your password again before bein able to use ID Touch. It´d be nice if they could add an option to turn this off, I´d prefer using my ID Touch each time, no matter if I turned off the device.

- More iCloud space.

- Rethink setting´s menu in general.
I'd like to see the ability to disable that stupid shutter sound on the camera. It's a digital camera on a device that wasn't even dreamed of when film cameras had automatic film winders. (the sound it mimics) Auto-Winders were heavy, bulky and HATED by me. They weren't cool.... and how they got stuck as the UNCHANGEABLE default sound for the iPhone camera is certainly a mystery. It wasn't cool then, and it's not cool now!
If you can brave iMac startup sound, this shutter sound is nothing!
built-in call recording function with NO beeping
Since that is illegal in a lot of countries you can forget about this one.

built-in (native) VoIP client for entreprise use (not everyone is on Facetime)
This is rather difficult to do and usually unwanted or unnecessary. The problem is with the features provided by an enterprise VoIP solution. Some of these solutions (Skype for Business for example) already provide the necessary clients for several operating systems with a feature set that is fully supported by the server side. If iOS would incorporate something you'd only get the basics. Apple could, in theory, build in full support for Office 365 and thus support Skype for Business next to Exchange. The main reason that this is unwanted is the fact that this is yet another built-in app hardly anybody uses but would very much like to get rid off it.

build-in more useful third-party apps concepts such Delivery to track packages, Flights tracker etc.
Nobody is waiting for things like this, especially as of iOS 9. What needs to be done is better integration with apps like that. It's fine if Safari, Mail, etc. detect that something is a package or a flight number and give you the option to open it in the corresponding app. Luckily we are seeing more and more of this. Take a look at what the Wallet app can do as of 9.3. The main reason for doing this is flexibility. It allows everyone to create their own set of apps they find useful instead of being stuck with many built-in apps they'll never use (which is how things currently are).

Besides integration like this I'd like to see more refinement of things like iCloud, the App Store, Split View (being able to run the same app both left and right would be nice but also having the same kind of app selection & switching left and right) and being able to set my own apps as default (very useful with calendar apps and such). Having a bit more info when looking at the wifi you are connected to (ssid, ip settings but the frequency (2.4/5GHz) plus channel) is useful for troubleshooting but not a necessity.
Since that is illegal in a lot of countries you can forget about this one.


I don't expect Apple to add the feature but that is not the reason they won't.

Many past cellphones and current cell phone models have the feature built-in.
Several of my past personal phones in fact and one I still have (LG A165 I love for that feature and its dual-SIM capability) had/ have it.

I started reading the rest of your post and you lost my attention with the other arguments and the tone.
Apple has a history of either buying a company with desirable tech (do you remember Cover Flow) to integrate into their OS or simply copying it (f.lux most recently).

I don't consider Skype (which changed hands, what 3 times now) a VoIP solution. Have you even seen or used the Android built-in SIP client? Love it and that was the reason I had Nexus phones for years depsite having to put-up with the Google BS.

Thankfully Apple know better than you and I what's best for them.
I would like the control center when you swipe up to take you to the coresponding setting when you either 3D Touch (or long press for older devices) Say for instance I would quickly like to jump to my Bluetooth settings I could swipe up and do one of those two and get right into it

Something very similar is already being added. iOS 9.3 adds 3D Touch quick access shortcuts to the Settings icon. Bluetooth being one of the 4 quick access options.


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