I would imagine they work the same as they do in the US. If you're navigating up a road that has a speed camera up ahead, Apple Maps will announce "25 MPH speed camera ahead" when you're maybe a block or two away. If you're driving above the speed limit at the time, Apple Maps will make a second announcement: "25 MPH speed camera ahead. Please watch your speed."
Phone is still not letting me saved marked up pics, but going to see if I can describe this parsing "issue" with Maps.
Maps on my iPhone XS Max:
Maps on CarPlay (connected through the same iPhone XS Max):
- If I enter the letters "Step" into the search bar, the first results back are the two people named "Stephanie" in my contacts
- The next two options on the list are local POI's that start with "Step"
- If I continue to spell the name and enter "Steph", the first result changes to the only "local" town that starts with those letters "Stephenson, MI, United States"
- The rest of the list continues with the two Stephanie's and then the closest POI that starts with "Steph"
- Continuing to spell out the name "Stephanie" will alternate between streets named and the contacts, but the contact names are always near the top of the list.
- I tried the same thing with my son's girlfriend "Andrea" and while she comes near the top of the list, because there are so many other options (towns, streets, POI's, etc.) that start with "And", there are just a few more options before you see her contact come up, but it IS there.
- What's interesting, is that the more I type of her name, there are SO many "Andrea" POI's, that she eventually falls further down the list.
- If I enter the letters "Step" into the search bar, the first result back is "Stella's Lounge." I can only assume this comes up as Apple simply thinks I'm spelling it wrong and hit the "p" by accident....kind of impressed by this actually. (It also showed up on the phone list)
- Getting to "Steph" brings up "Stephenson, MI, United States"
- What's weird at this point is that if I hit "search" to see what else might be on the list, it wants to route me to "DJ's Pizza Plus" in a town 25 minutes away. I cannot for the life of me figure out how "Steph" relates to this POI.
- "Stepha" brings up "Stephanie Dr"
- Hitting "search" again at this point brings up "Stella's Lounge" and "DJ's Pizza Plus" as possible destinations to route to.
- Getting to "Stephan" changes things a little as that is a male name and starts bringing up POI's with that name...mostly Doctors or Dentists with their names in their business location
- This goes on...I even went as far as "Stephanie F" and it still won't bring her up as an option...only POI's
- If I hit "search" at this point with "Stephanie f" in the search bar...."No Results Found"
So...if I put on my "I don't work at Apple, but if I did, this is what I assume they are thinking" hat (which you know I love to do), it seems pretty clear that they are thinking this:
Part of me actually thinks this is very smart (and who am I to disagree with hundreds of people at Apple that researched this to death), but my one issue is, why can't it at least come up as an option when I hit "search?" I mean, "No Results Found?" Seriously?
- You are in your car using CarPlay, so we should be defaulting to POI's because you are driving already and don't need directions to people in your contacts list like you do when you are searching Maps on just your phone.
btw...this also proves that CarPlay does not simply "mirror" the iPhone connected to it when it comes to apps and information being accessed. That's what really caught me off guard (and the main reason for this post).
I should also note, the second I hit the microphone icon and just say Stephanie's name, it brings up her home address and routes there very quickly...so, Siri does work to search for contacts.
After your second reply it seems you have different issues than mine.
you actually complaint about the intelligent search in either Map or CarPlay, which may prompt you contact info. I guess the search result would be hinged on how frequent you access a contact or the poi nearby your current locations.
what I complaint about is the the Map integration with other native app like contact and calendar. It is about clicking the addr in one app (contact app or calendar app) which would switch to Map and is supposed to display the addr location.
you used a proper word , parsing. I thought the addr info was passed from other app to Map, so I was puzzled that the same landmark or building work perfectly in map search could fail if the addr info was “passed” from other app.
so you are right! The addr info was like parsed first before passing to Map. And there is certainly a long life bug in this parsing algorithm. It seems this parsing looks for street names and no to retrieve the proper info to be passed to Map, hence it fails with simply a landmark name.
Same failure in the integration between calendar and map.
in android phone (over 10 years exp for me) it is fine to fill in full addr in the calendar for an event, I meant full to include building name, floor and room number. Clicking such a full addr could bring you to google map and display the destination (building) correctly. In iOS, a full addr in the calendar event would always fail you to display the meeting place in the Map.
I think in CarPlay it makes sense to give poi priority to be listed first.
Anyway, it looks like the native app share different algorithms for parsing. That s why different native apps behave differently.
So...that feature always works well for me...hah!
I’ve been adding addresses to my calendar meetings for years now just for this reason.
Before COVID, I traveled extensively for work to cities/businesses I had either never been to or had no familiarity with. Many with long addresses, building numbers, suite or floor numbers in the address. Some even put in the meeting invite by the person I was visiting.
The only issue I ever had was a couple of times where Maps simply had the poi in the wrong place...like, it took me to the address on the street, but it was just wrong because it was missing a small detail (like the address given or entered by me was 123 Main Street instead of 123 S. Main Street)
I can’t remember the last time the Calendar app on the phone didn’t know either the POI or the address as I was typing that info in. And it always transfers properly for me from calendar to Maps or on CarPlay.
Would love to see photos of examples you have come across where it is causing an issue.
And again, being in the USA, Maps has been pretty damn good for a while now. UK is seeing some of the “bugs” present when old flips to new, but they are taken care of quickly!
I now show how bad is the parsing of addr info in contact app.
first photo is a landmark building “Jardine House” shown in the Map.
second photo is a dummy contact with addr set to “Jardine House”
Third photo - clicking the addr switched to Map, but the location was not found.
Basically, clicking the addr in calendar got the same. To make it work, the addr has to include street name and street no.
You said the addr in calendar works for you. What format of addr you entered? Did it contain street name and no?
how about an addr with only building name, floor and room number?
This is how it works for me as well, the only complication i have is that my calendar is from Google Calendar so if add an event from the website on my PC and add the location there then Calendar doesnt show it properly. I always have to add it via the calendar app on my iPhone or iPad for it to work properly and allow me to click through to Maps. I think this is a google calendar issue as much as its an Apple issue.Here’s what I’m talking about....and works fine for me....I might be misunderstanding your issue.
I go into the calendar to set up a meeting at Jardine House. As you can see below, just typing in the name of the POI brings it up in the search results (and I’m nearly 8,000 miles away)
I then just tap on the correct search result to add to my meeting.
Tapping on the address in the meeting then opens up Maps giving me the option to get directions to the address.
I didn’t need to know (and of course, don’t know) the address to Jardine House, but assuming the POI info is correct, it is filled in for me.
Per you other question, if I enter info manually into an appointment with floor, suite, etc....still works for me.
I just use commas between the different info fields so I still know the person, floor, office, etc that I need in the meeting invite.
Apple Maps still figures out the correct location even with all that information in the field as shown below.
If I remember later, I am going to check Panera again, and if it is still wrong, do a fourth report. They don't even give any sort of feedback, not even an acknowledgement.I had a very strange one today with the incorrect entrance. Try Great Eccleston Dental Surgery 🙈 I literally don’t know how the direction could be so wrong!!
I had a very strange one today with the incorrect entrance. Try Great Eccleston Dental Surgery 🙈 I literally don’t know how the direction could be so wrong!!
Here’s what I’m talking about....and works fine for me....I might be misunderstanding your issue.
I go into the calendar to set up a meeting at Jardine House. As you can see below, just typing in the name of the POI brings it up in the search results (and I’m nearly 8,000 miles away)
I then just tap on the correct search result to add to my meeting.
Tapping on the address in the meeting then opens up Maps giving me the option to get directions to the address.
I didn’t need to know (and of course, don’t know) the address to Jardine House, but assuming the POI info is correct, it is filled in for me.
Per you other question, if I enter info manually into an appointment with floor, suite, etc....still works for me.
I just use commas between the different info fields so I still know the person, floor, office, etc that I need in the meeting invite.
Apple Maps still figures out the correct location even with all that information in the field as shown below.
After playing around with it a little more, yes, it helps to use what Apple suggests.
Removing the postal code from my last example caused it to NOT find it.
Looks like a "complete" address is required, but Apple should offer that up when searching....the issue is when manually entering into contacts as he mentioned. If you don't fill in an important part of the address, Apple will not map it properly...and you can see that in his contact example because the map area is blank.
If I create a contact and the address is SalesForce Tower, New York, NY 10036, Apple will not map that properly even though calendar and Maps can find it as a POI.
Contacts requires you to put in the pertinent info like street address...you should then see a Map in the contact knowing you have an address that can be linked to Maps.
But after all this...point well made....why doesn't contacts let you "search" for an address Maps should have in their database in the first place? And then use that address while still being able to add other details like a Floor or Suite number to another part of the field.
Tks for testing for me. However, I don’t think you test it properly.
from your screen shot, your addr includes street name and street no. It is becos you pick it from the search result that Apple help you to fill in the street name and no.
if you type in room no, floor info preceding the landmark or building name (normal when you enter the venue of an event in calendar), the search would not prompt you the name of landmark (e.g. Jardine House) or building for your selection, you effectively manual input the addr.
The worst of all is the addr field of contact did not support the intelligent search, hence you would not be able to select from a list of addr with street name and no.
your reply inspired me a wild guess....
the reason why the map could locate a landmark becos Apple maintain kind of a mapping poi to full street addr.
In the Map app, text input auto search from this poi mappings. Normally you won’t input other info like room no and floor in Map app.
in calendar, the poi mapping prompt you a possible list of full street addr.
The worst of all, in contact app it enforces users to input the addr in street and district format and no poi mapping provided.
The contact parsing is REALLY weird...totally agree with you there.
When I type in "Stephanie" I could care less about "Stephanie Street" 1,000 miles away....I want to get directions to the "Stephanie" right there in my contacts...and there's only one!! It's even worst for my son's girlfriend's place. Only "Andrea" in my contacts. In CarPlay, it will give me address in other countries before even showing her address on my list...and I can't even see if it is there half the time. I like that it's a different color at least from a standard POI.
I also feel it is MUCH worse when doing this type of search in CarPlay....and I can't understand why that would matter. I'll try and photograph this later as now it is really bugging me talking about it...hah. Yesterday, I resorted to using Siri by saying, "Stephanie Xxxxxx's home" when asked where I wanted directions to...worked just fine. Why is typing it so bad?
Apple has come a long way from the horrible search parsing when it was first launched. POI's are spot on for me now and have been for a long time, but contact/name search still needs some work.
At times it is like AM is searching from far to near instead of Contacts / Near / Far .....
So, route to the destination like you are showing above...while still in that mode, select “report an issue”
You will then have an option to correct the “arrival entrance” on the Map so it knows to take you to a parking lot entrance proper to that POI versus the closest spot to the marker and having you walk there.
You’ll find a bunch of these where the AI has done that, for parks especially. The frustrating thing is that it seems to default back to the wrong “entrance” during updates here in the US. I’ve had to submit one multiple times after being fixed multiple times. Guess they’re working on that as well.
EDIT: so, I found a couple of things wrong with this POI.
1) there were two options to select when typing in the name. The first one is just the name and road. Getting directions via this option does this spot incorrectly marked on the map. (FYI...I submitted a correction for this POI as well)
2) Here is what you selected...the one with the address. POI marker is correct, but arrival entrance as you can see is marked wrong and takes you exactly where it did when you tried.
I submitted a correction as you can see the steps below.
Wrong arrival entrance shown when I picked “report an issue” for the route and selected “arrival entrance” from that menu
Moved the arrival entrance marker to the correct location on the map (I hope...hah)
Still have to submit a reason why...something basic.
Phone is still not letting me saved marked up pics, but going to see if I can describe this parsing "issue" with Maps.
Maps on my iPhone XS Max:
Maps on CarPlay (connected through the same iPhone XS Max):
- If I enter the letters "Step" into the search bar, the first results back are the two people named "Stephanie" in my contacts
- The next two options on the list are local POI's that start with "Step"
- If I continue to spell the name and enter "Steph", the first result changes to the only "local" town that starts with those letters "Stephenson, MI, United States"
- The rest of the list continues with the two Stephanie's and then the closest POI that starts with "Steph"
- Continuing to spell out the name "Stephanie" will alternate between streets named and the contacts, but the contact names are always near the top of the list.
- I tried the same thing with my son's girlfriend "Andrea" and while she comes near the top of the list, because there are so many other options (towns, streets, POI's, etc.) that start with "And", there are just a few more options before you see her contact come up, but it IS there.
- What's interesting, is that the more I type of her name, there are SO many "Andrea" POI's, that she eventually falls further down the list.
- If I enter the letters "Step" into the search bar, the first result back is "Stella's Lounge." I can only assume this comes up as Apple simply thinks I'm spelling it wrong and hit the "p" by accident....kind of impressed by this actually. (It also showed up on the phone list)
- Getting to "Steph" brings up "Stephenson, MI, United States"
- What's weird at this point is that if I hit "search" to see what else might be on the list, it wants to route me to "DJ's Pizza Plus" in a town 25 minutes away. I cannot for the life of me figure out how "Steph" relates to this POI.
- "Stepha" brings up "Stephanie Dr"
- Hitting "search" again at this point brings up "Stella's Lounge" and "DJ's Pizza Plus" as possible destinations to route to.
- Getting to "Stephan" changes things a little as that is a male name and starts bringing up POI's with that name...mostly Doctors or Dentists with their names in their business location
- This goes on...I even went as far as "Stephanie F" and it still won't bring her up as an option...only POI's
- If I hit "search" at this point with "Stephanie f" in the search bar...."No Results Found"
So...if I put on my "I don't work at Apple, but if I did, this is what I assume they are thinking" hat (which you know I love to do), it seems pretty clear that they are thinking this:
Part of me actually thinks this is very smart (and who am I to disagree with hundreds of people at Apple that researched this to death), but my one issue is, why can't it at least come up as an option when I hit "search?" I mean, "No Results Found?" Seriously?
- You are in your car using CarPlay, so we should be defaulting to POI's because you are driving already and don't need directions to people in your contacts list like you do when you are searching Maps on just your phone.
btw...this also proves that CarPlay does not simply "mirror" the iPhone connected to it when it comes to apps and information being accessed. That's what really caught me off guard (and the main reason for this post).
I should also note, the second I hit the microphone icon and just say Stephanie's name, it brings up her home address and routes there very quickly...so, Siri does work to search for contacts.
Why would I put a floor number or room number in before the actual POI??
LMAO!!!!! So of course I just had to try this.
I have a co-worker with the last name of Redmond who live about 20 minutes away.
Drop into AM and start to type Redmond ... Yeah ... You can likely guess ...
Not only did the name NOT come up (it is in Contacts with two addresses and three phones (one’s a fax)) but the top two .... 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
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For an event or a business meeting, apart from the building name,you need the venue info to be precise, to include room and floor info so that you could find right place to meet or gather for the event.
As you noticed, if typed in floor info plus the building name, the search would be too stupid to get you nowhere.