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Just wait for sales this holiday season. iPads are usually discounted bewtween $50-$100 sometimes even a little more by many retailers. I was plannning to buy a 10.5 256 model but that is on hold now. I may decide to shell out for an iPhone X and wait for the next iPad Pro updates. Yes the $50 price hike was a bit irritating but what's worse is that an iPhone X is now a bit faster than a supposedely "pro" model tablet. I find it annoying that the iPad Pro line is always eclipsed by a faster iPhone.
Using citizenship analogy for a consumer product is already flawed. Continue though, it's entertaining.

Go as the original poster for his/her definition of "opportunist."

You are the one who mentioned citizenship while I said that doesn't have to be involved in the analogy. Entertaining indeed.

The original poster didn't give a definition. His example might be interpreted differently by different people. That's why I'm asking for your definition, if you actually have one. Give your definition of "definition" while at it, just to make sure.
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I think its messed up to increase a product price mid cycle. If I didnt have an iPad Pro, and was considering one, this would have definitely deterred me. Im well aware of the production environment and the fluctuation of costs of of raw materials, but I feel like apple's profit margins are high enough to absorb the cost.

You must not shop for SSDs much. Sometimes waiting to buy an SSD can result in a $50-$100 price increase from the same company, same retailer, same storage.
It goes both ways, I'm pissed I'd have to spend $1348 on my ideal iPhone (not doing it), but was pretty pumped to buy the iPad I needed for $329. The little price increases are super annoying but then they drop a little gem here and there to keep you hooked.
It's not the end of the world, and probably hardly worth the time and electrons, but what the heck:
1) it's highly doubtful the component price increases were exactly $50. There is likely some rounding-up going on.
2) Apple is famous for many things, but one skill they've been praised for in the past is a very tightly-controlled supply chain, which includes negotiating component prices and supply well in advance. So this shouldn't happen if history is a guide.
3) They may be calculating the iPad is suddenly more useful with the release of iOS 11...
4) You could buy a Surface or a pro Galaxy Tab instead. And you could even argue they have benefits, like card slots and full apps. But you'd also get less for them in residual value when you eventually try to sell them used.
So look at the full lifecycle, the opportunity cost, the total cost of ownership, the time-cost of maintaining this vs a Windows product, and try to dispassionately make the best decision for your needs and situation.
(And if price is a big issue, the new Chromebooks are getting really good these days.)
Does it drive me insane? Erm no.... I got my pro on launch day and even if i didn't a price rise wouldn't be enough to drive me insane. I would consider if the purchase was still needed and then get in with my life.
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Some retailers will give a discount sooner than later. Really a non issue, just buy it from one of those. I don’t bother to go by Apple’s pricing logic, someone always offers a discount if you look hard enough. There is no advantage to buying direct from Apple.

I wish that was true in Oz.
But you'd also get less for them in residual value when you eventually try to sell them used.

That used to be true, but not as much anymore. At least where I am in the NYC area the Apple market is saturated and very hard to sell old iOS devices or even old Mac computers anymore.
That used to be true, but not as much anymore. At least where I am in the NYC area the Apple market is saturated and very hard to sell old iOS devices or even old Mac computers anymore.

But wouldn't that also be true of Android tablets and Windows laptops? eg: the tide rises and falls for everyone? Or are you saying Apple products fare worse now in NYC than other brands?
Also, there is always eBay if your local market isn't buying ;-)
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Dear Apple Fans and Users,

I am as much an ardent fan of using Apple products as much everyone out here is, But just because people have got used to using Apple Products, people love using Apple products Apple has started behaving like an opportunist, exploitative, manipulative, monopolistic, Blood sucking Tyrant !! I am running out of words here...What explanation does anyone have on the $50 price increase on the iPad’s, on an already expensive product !! and on top of that another $50 increase Holy Christ! Apple has made the customers into a Merry Money Making Cash Cow and just goes sucking on and on…

It is outrageous, it is unethical and it is Mind Disturbing!! As we all have been made to understand it is because of the price increase that Apple has to deal with in procurement of components is the price increase happened of the iPad, but what is black and what is white only Apple knows that. An ordinary consumer like us has no means to find out the authenticity of that statement. This is broad day light exploitation.

It leaves with people like me no choice but to succumb to Apple’s whims and fancies and do whatever Apple wishes just because I cannot live without using Apple products. It is entrapment! Does anyone share this feeling with me?

It drives me insane. 50$ will not break the bank but still, it drives me insane that Apple has me ensnared in their product catalog. In turn, I have ensnared a whole lot of my family members in the same trap.

What is worst is what happens when I try to get out of the trap: sell all my Apple stuff at a loss, buy new non-Apple stuff, struggle with it, realise it is not for me, sell all the non-Apple stuff for a loss and buy all Apple stuff again. So the more desperate I become to get out of the Apple trap, the more I end up loosing!

At this point, I have lost a lot more money than the amount of money I wanted to save by going the non-Apple route. A lot more than the 50$.

Yes....there is a problem.

There's no reason why emotions should play such a part in this. This is all part of the intricate game of capitalism. Companies try to coax as much money out of people as they can until people decide they've had enough. There's no one really to get mad at here. It's the system. And you can't even blame capitalism because without it the iPad Pro would almost certainly not exist.

The law only comes into play when companies try to change the rules of the game. And no, Apple cannot have a monopoly on quality. There is no such thing.

Best and only thing you can do is vote with your dollar. If after all this complaining you go out and buy an iPad, it's like running a smear campaign against Trump, and then come Election Day you vote for him.

By that logic, why even complain about the government or the problems plaguing the community we are part of? We can just leave; no one forces you to stay. That is flawed logic because, even though, you are not forced or you do not absolutely need to own Apple product or to live in your country, there is a switching cost. That cost does not make switching painless and easy.

Well with governments you are often empowered with other options besides leaving the country (voting for new leadership, petitions, demonstrations, etc). With companies, it's binary, you either buy their product or you don't. There is no voting. I mean, you can give them feedback, but the money rolling in speaks so much louder.
Or are you saying Apple products fare worse now in NYC than other brands?
Also, there is always eBay if your local market isn't buying ;-)

Yes, more like the value isn't what it used to be 5-10 years ago, and not much better than selling other brands on the used market. But you are right eBay definitely gets you top dollar for your items.
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Well, Apple has always been expensive and sometime overpriced.

I feel that the iPhones are more excessively priced than the iPads personally. I purchased a 256GB model at launch. The $50 increase doesn't bother me beckase I've gotten so much enjoyment out of it.

Heck, it was my sole compute during Irma. That alone makes it worth the $50
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Your sick sense of entitlement is the thing that is actually disturbing here.

What sense of entitlement ? I am a customer, Customer is the king, It is a consumer that Apple is selling to, I am paying Money and buying the item so I have all the rights to ask if the Money I am paying is equal to the value I am getting ! nothing more ! and nothing less ! Maybe you have some extra money with you so you don't mind paying it to Apple.

Do you realize that Apple is not a charity and that NOBODY in the WORLD is actually forcing you to spend a single dollar on Apple products if you don't like the way they are priced?

Agreed Apple is not charity and nor am I asking anything free from Apple, But as a Consumer Goods selling company and a Public listed company and on top of that the kind of social value and name that they carry they have some moral obligation towards the customer and that is to be just fair ! That is all what I am saying. I know that nobody is forcing me to pay a single dollar to anyone, but in the end its all need and demand driven market right ? So If I need something and if Apple is in the Market to sell, to supply that need I am gonna look at that proposition right ?

Grow a pair, vote with your wallet and shut the f*** up.

Now you better understand this and you shut the f*** up !!
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We all have a right to post what we want but we need to leave personal attacks out of it. Having said that, Augustya had the right to respond in the same vein.
We all have a right to post what we want but we need to leave personal attacks out of it. Having said that, Augustya had the right to respond in the same vein.

Then again, sometimes it is best to simply ignore such pointless personal attacks instead of feeding the proverbial troll
So Apple buys in single units? Interesting

Contracts and prices are done well in advance...

It's all about profit and the share holders.
I have to look on the positive side I guess. I got a good healthy discount on the lesser price but I'm not that impressed with the pros at all.
Well, Apple has always been expensive and sometime overpriced.

I feel that the iPhones are more excessively priced than the iPads personally. I purchased a 256GB model at launch. The $50 increase doesn't bother me beckase I've gotten so much enjoyment out of it.

Heck, it was my sole compute during Irma. That alone makes it worth the $50

Whoa, stay safe man
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We all have a right to post what we want but we need to leave personal attacks out of it. Having said that, Augustya had the right to respond in the same vein.

You know what? I usually tend to adhere to such principle. But sometimes people really need a wake up call.

Besides, I could formulate it like this to make it less personal: I am sick of all the people who feel entitled to have what they want at the price they want.

People who think like that are the also same people that usually:

  • Complain that music and movie prices are too high and instead of buying what they can actually afford and support the artists they like, they just get the same content for free from torrent or streaming websites.
  • Complain when a service that was given to them for free suddenly becomes a paid service. They do not realize that they should instead be THANKFUL to whomever provided that service to them at no cost up until that point.
  • Complain about ads on websites so they use ad-blocking software to circumvent the ads and still enjoy the content that should be paid by those ads. "I don't like the ads! They are too many. They are too annoying. Therefore I am ENTITLED to rip off the content makers by consuming the content without giving them a penny for it."
  • Complain when their good deeds are not rewarded with money. "I found this phone on the sidewalk and brought it back to the owner and that son of a b**** just said thank you to me. He should have given me a minimum of a couple hundred dollars considering how much his phone is worth!"
  • Jailbreak their phones claiming that the closed app ecosystems are morally wrong while in reality they do it just to pirate apps that cost a whopping 3$.
  • Start lawsuits when a product breaks because of their own negligence instead of a real design or manufacturing defect. "There are no stickers on the phone that say it can melt if left under the scorching sun of the desert for 12 hours straight. I WANT MY MONEY BACK! NOW!"

People like them have a such a twisted sense of what's right and what's wrong that it plain makes me SICK. You can't call something IMMORAL just because YOU DON'T LIKE IT.

So please excuse ME if I actually have the balls to speak up to this nonsense. It actually saddens me a bit that there are so many people agreeing with the original poster.
  • Complain about ads on websites so they use ad-blocking software to circumvent the ads and still enjoy the content that should be paid by those ads. "I don't like the ads! They are too many. They are too annoying. Therefore I am ENTITLED to rip off the content makers by consuming the content without giving them a penny for it."
I agree with most of what you said, except for the ads part. I guess for those that block ads just to block ads I agree with. However, ad blocking is now a big security implementation. I have gotten bit by browsing to legitimate websites that contained malicious ads. So I use an ad-blocker now for the security.
I agree with most of what you said, except for the ads part. I guess for those that block ads just to block ads I agree with. However, ad blocking is now a big security implementation. I have gotten bit by browsing to legitimate websites that contained malicious ads. So I use an ad-blocker now for the security.

I think you have a valid point there. I like where Apple is going so far with the new "Intelligent Tracking Prevention" built into the next version of Safari, but more work needs to be done.

Ads should probably adhere to a standard and be signed with a digital certificate that the browser can read before they are loaded. That way, unsigned ads will be blocked by default.

And if any of the signed ads misbehaves, we can pinpoint exactly which kid made the malicious ad and sue his parents.
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