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For starters, I would never pay full-price for an iPad now so whatever they list as is unimportant to me.

In the past year, I've found myself using my iPad 2 less and less.

I'm not reading many ebooks now (which for me was the iPad's greatest strength) and aside from FaceTime w/family members and reading comics on it...everything else is done on my iPhone or my Samsung tablet (which only cost <$250).

The iPad continues to be a niche product for me and I don't see that changing until Apple adds many more features to iOS.

If the new iPads and iOS 11 are helping you...ok.

But I'll just keep using what I have until something breaks or a really big iPad sale comes along. And I'm fine with that. :)
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I think you have a valid point there. I like where Apple is going so far with the new "Intelligent Tracking Prevention" built into the next version of Safari, but more work needs to be done.

Ads should probably adhere to a standard and be signed with a digital certificate that the browser can read before they are loaded. That way, unsigned ads will be blocked by default.

And if any of the signed ads misbehaves, we can pinpoint exactly which kid made the malicious ad and sue his parents.

I am more happy about their auto play blocking feature.

And I can understand blocking ads without the security aspect. Sites are the ones to blame, will full screen ads that slide in, auto-play video ads, 12 big boxes with flashy ads. If sites just did not go so overboard, I bet a lot of people would not block ads.

There are some sites I will never go to anymore just due to how many ads there are. And if you browse them on an iPad or something that size, you are looking at 30% of the screen visible for content.
If sites just did not go so overboard, I bet a lot of people would not block ads.

That's still asinine behavior. As you stated later in your post, when a website becomes too annoying or almost unusable because of the ads, the right thing to do is to get the same content from somewhere else.

If people actually did that, the websites that carry the least obtrusive ads would get most of the traffic and therefore the most economic growth. And guess what? When website owners start to notice a trend, every single one of them will follow and drop the annoying ads.

This is how you shape the world as a consumer. Sad to see that most people are way too distracted by cultivating their ridiculous sense of entitlement to even understand what I am talking about here.
That's still asinine behavior. As you stated later in your post, when a website becomes too annoying or almost unusable because of the ads, the right thing to do is to get the same content from somewhere else.

If people actually did that, the websites that carry the least obtrusive ads would get most of the traffic and therefore the most economic growth. And guess what? When website owners start to notice a trend, every single one of them will follow and drop the annoying ads.

This is how you shape the world as a consumer. Sad to see that most people are way too distracted by cultivating their ridiculous sense of entitlement to even understand what I am talking about here.

I do not do that, but I can understand the appeal of blocking ads. Sometimes there is only one unique site that has the content and it is filled with ads.

If it wasn't for the security, I would not be running an ad blocker. Even though I visit some websites that are absolutely trash due to ads. And I still get them on my iPad because I am not as concerned with the security as I am with my Windows 10 system.
You must not shop for SSDs much. Sometimes waiting to buy an SSD can result in a $50-$100 price increase from the same company, same retailer, same storage.

You must have misunderstood, because that is exactly what Im saying, production costs differ. Though Apple probably makes $150 profit minimum from the devices. Instead of taking the hit to their profit margin, they are passing it onto the consumer. Its not good publicity for a company to raise prices of a commodity mid cycle, especially for an off-the shelf item. If they were to have made it this price since its release, then its understandable, but to raise the prices after announcing a final sale price, is just unprofessional.
Costco & MacMall seem to be the only retailers holding their pre 9/12/17 Apple Event prices for the 2017 iPad Pros wifi 10.5":
Size Costco MacMall Apple
64GB $619.99 $599 $649
256GB $719.99 $699.99 $799
512GB $919.99 $944 $999

a) Nobody has a gun to your head forcing you to buy anything.

b) You had a huge thread going when the 2nd gen Pros first came out and were hemming and hawing about whether or not you should upgrade for WEEKS. If you are still wringing your hands about that decision and never jumped on the new iPad, then it should probably just be considered lesson learned on your part. On the bright side, the refurbs will probably hit the Apple store soon if they haven't already.

c) This "trap" you speak of is in your head. Were all your family members thinking about buying iPad Pros or something? I'd wager most were not. And if it's really more just about your own purchase (I have a feeling it is) then you have plenty of other options. You could go to another vendor and switch to Android. It would be a pain, but it's not impossible. Or you could just NOT buy the latest and greatest thing every time Apple releases it. Taking that route would be the best of both worlds, because you didn't end up spending the extra $50 AND you're still in the Apple ecosystem that you seem to prefer over Android.

From what I've read, the price increases had to do with increasing prices of NAND storage. Apple is not going to chase Samsung and other hardware makers into bargain bin territory and devalue their product. They're going to charge what they feel they need to charge, and when you pay those prices, you're going to get really nice hardware. If you don't like it, Apple is not a monopoly and can't force you to buy their stuff.
There are many apologists out there-- almost as if they work for the company or feel they're defending their local mums and pops shop that can't withstand a little scrutiny and criticism,

boggles the mind
And still there are others who would love to come here just for one day and NOT see a bunch of entitled sniveling about 1st world problems.
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I made a similar thread complaining about this. It’s ridiculous how they increase the cost per unit, really is. Especially when they have 800 billion in cash just sitting around.
What drives me crazy is people who think Apple should not make a profit. My entire IRA depends on this and has more than doubled in value.
Trust me, they were already making a huge profit before they increased prices, LOL. They have almost a trillion dollars in cash.
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I made a similar thread complaining about this. It’s ridiculous how they increase the cost per unit, really is. Especially when they have 800 million in cash just sitting around.
Trust me, they were already making a huge profit before they increased prices, LOL. They have almost a billion dollars in cash.

It's a buisness, the point is to make cash.
You know what? I usually tend to adhere to such principle. But sometimes people really need a wake up call.

Besides, I could formulate it like this to make it less personal: I am sick of all the people who feel entitled to have what they want at the price they want.

People who think like that are the also same people that usually:

  • Complain that music and movie prices are too high and instead of buying what they can actually afford and support the artists they like, they just get the same content for free from torrent or streaming websites.
  • Complain when a service that was given to them for free suddenly becomes a paid service. They do not realize that they should instead be THANKFUL to whomever provided that service to them at no cost up until that point.
  • Complain about ads on websites so they use ad-blocking software to circumvent the ads and still enjoy the content that should be paid by those ads. "I don't like the ads! They are too many. They are too annoying. Therefore I am ENTITLED to rip off the content makers by consuming the content without giving them a penny for it."
  • Complain when their good deeds are not rewarded with money. "I found this phone on the sidewalk and brought it back to the owner and that son of a b**** just said thank you to me. He should have given me a minimum of a couple hundred dollars considering how much his phone is worth!"
  • Jailbreak their phones claiming that the closed app ecosystems are morally wrong while in reality they do it just to pirate apps that cost a whopping 3$.
  • Start lawsuits when a product breaks because of their own negligence instead of a real design or manufacturing defect. "There are no stickers on the phone that say it can melt if left under the scorching sun of the desert for 12 hours straight. I WANT MY MONEY BACK! NOW!"
People like them have a such a twisted sense of what's right and what's wrong that it plain makes me SICK. You can't call something IMMORAL just because YOU DON'T LIKE IT.

So please excuse ME if I actually have the balls to speak up to this nonsense. It actually saddens me a bit that there are so many people agreeing with the original poster.

Now that was well written, explanatory and much better than "shut the f##k up":D:D
[doublepost=1505521834][/doublepost]Well I'm happy, my local retailer is honouring the order price of A$1629 for the 10.5", 512 so that's saved me A$70 and I'll hopefully receive it sometime next week. Good company to deal with and service to boot.
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I made a similar thread complaining about this. It’s ridiculous how they increase the cost per unit, really is. Especially when they have 800 million in cash just sitting around.
Trust me, they were already making a huge profit before they increased prices, LOL. They have almost a billion dollars in cash.

Sorry but you are confused. A billion dollars would just be pocket change to Apple.

You need to introduce trillion into your conversation.
Seems like a component cost based increase, probably due to storage cost increases. Yes it’s not what one would want but it’s not worth getting wound up about in my opinion. I say this having bought a 256GB iPad Pro 12.9” just today. My advice is to save your ire for things that really matter. You’ll know when those things come along!
So I got around to reading this entire thread because I've been an infrequent visitor to the iPad forum for the past month or two with all the iPhone stuff going down.

So the OP still hasn't bought anything since April (?) when the new models came out and is upset now that Apple raised prices.


Perhaps he was waiting for a good sale and nothing so far, fit the bill. I'm not sure why he is angry, but ok.

Like I said though...I would never buy an iPad at full price anymore. We'll see more sales before the end of the year.

Unless now with 6-8 months having passed...maybe he will hesitate because he is looking ahead to next year and another iPad refresh. Maybe in April?

Decisions...decisions. :)

PS. See the USB3 transfer speed thread. Apple really needs to stop with this incremental improvement bulls***.

Just another reason why I am not rushing to buy any new iPad.
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Best and only thing you can do is vote with your dollar. If after all this complaining you go out and buy an iPad, it's like running a smear campaign against Trump, and then come Election Day you vote for him.

I am getting there though. For e.g., my next laptop will not be a Mac cause the pricing is vulgar IMO. The joy I get out of using Mac OS is a lot less than the disgust I would feel if I had spent the money on a touch bar MBP. That ratio is now less than 1.

The same thing has happened with iPhones as well. In my eyes, the iPhone 8 should have been iPhone X. Almost bezel-less displays are where every other premium phone makers are moving to/already there but Apple, being the sneaky POS, decided to introduce yet another price tier. iPhones before the X were already priced above everything else in the market. So the ratio here too has dropped to less than 1.
Tablets - no contest here. iPad rules by a mile. There is nothing in the market to contest this.
Tablets - no contest here. iPad rules by a mile. There is nothing in the market to contest this.

Yes, the iPad is still the king, but every year the competition gets better.

One area where the iPad is still bringing up the rear even now, 7 years after its inception, is the ability to transfer easily files to/from the iPad.

On my Android tablet, it's as easy as connecting a cable.

On the iPad, connecting the cable is only the first step. Then I have to fire up iTunes and then choose the app that will handle/manage the transfer.

It's just more complicated than it needs to be on iOS. And another reason why I keep Android around.
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Yes, the iPad is still the king, but every year the competition gets better.

One area where the iPad is still bringing up the rear even now, 7 years after its inception, is the ability to transfer easily files to/from the iPad.

On my Android tablet, it's as easy as connecting a cable.

On the iPad, connecting the cable is only the first step. Then I have to fire up iTunes and then choose the app that will handle/manage the transfer.

It's just more complicated than it needs to be on iOS. And another reason why I keep Android around.
Which Android tablet do you use?
Are there any Android tablets that are treated with regular updates?
Which Android tablet do you use?
Are there any Android tablets that are treated with regular updates?

I have the Samsung Tab Pro 8.4

It was never supported beyond the KitKat that it came it. Samsung dropped the ball there. But the Google store still has app updates AFAICT.

My only dislike of it is the 8.4" screen is too small as an ereader.

But on everything else, it does well...web browser, emails, Pandora/Spotify, movies/videos, name it. 2580x1600's gorgeous. SD card support so space isn't a problem either.

It's the main reason why I'm fine with delaying another iPad purchase indefinitely.

I'm tired of Apple nickel-and-dimeing us with these incremental iPad updates.

So maybe 3D Touch and perhaps USB3 speed in 2018. My gut feeling is that Apple will wait till 2019 before giving us OLED and 8gb RAM for the iPads.

Who knows?

Only thing I do know is the iPad Pros are overpriced...never pay list on them if you can help it.

I'd look at the Asus 10" tablet for under $400 if you want a suggestion.
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I just have to shake my head in wonder. In 1983, an Osborne 1 with a 5" screen, two 90K floppy drives, and 64K (yes, K) of RAM was $1895 and came in a case that looked like a portable sewing machine and weighed about 30 lb. The early IBM XTs (with 10 MB hard drive, really low res color, 64 to 256K RAM) with dot matrix printer ran close to $10K.

Sure, I think Apple stuff is overpriced. My three iPads and two very old iPods are the only Apple hardware I have. Nobody held a gun to my head to force me to buy any of my Apple hardware and accessories.

Thank goodness for choices! We can choose to buy Apple or something else or nothing at all. First world problems being whined about here...
Only thing I do know is the iPad Pros are overpriced...never pay list on them if you can help it.

I'd look at the Asus 10" tablet for under $400 if you want a suggestion.
At the moment, I am very happy with the iPad Pro 10.5. Credit card cash back helped me to get 8% off.

...First world problems being whined about here...
I usually don't respond to posts like these but I think this entire forum is a by product of first world joys and issues ;-)
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