Been debating on and off to try out the Google Play edition ROM, but I've never rooted/flashed an Android before. Think I've finally decided to man up and give it a go. Been watching plenty of youtube guides etc.
Correct me if I'm wrong but I think the general steps are:
1. Unlock bootloader at HTC Dev. This will apparently wipe everything.
2. Flash a custom recovery like clockwork.
3. Apply a su zip file to root it (do I actually need to do this or can I go GE without root? - Would like to continue to use SkyGo and the like if at all possible)
4. Apply the GE ROM from a trusted XDA thread.
At which point do I make my nandroid backup? I assume after putting the custom recovery on?
If I want to go back to stock again I believe I just apply the RUU file to revert back?
Sorry for the noob questions. Safer here than XDA and I'd rather not end up with a £400 paper weight