there is a rumor that everybody who poster more than 50 times on this thread, will receive a free new Mac mini from APPLE once it's released
Well, then, post #1 from me in this thread
at least, I think it's #1. Could be that I've posted here previously. Feels like forever since I began reading the thread.
As for my hopes
, I've still my mid-2007 mini (upgraded to 2 GB memory), with OS X Lion. Although Software Update tells me I could install Mavericks, am reluctant to give that a go. I can't manage a new, major purchase until next August - in which case, it would make sense to wait until Fall 2015 announcements before purchasing, unless the mini has already undergone a major remodelling between now and then.
Have been facilitating back and forth between buying an iMac next time or going with a mini again. (The 2007 mini was my first ever Mac. My only regret in switching is that I waited so long!)
Have been thinking iMac only because I MUST get a new display. My LG W2253, 21" flatscreen just doesn't cut it, the biggest problem being the poor viewing angle (170-160).
My mini has done so well, though, that I'm leaning toward getting another one and also buying the TB display. Another reason for going this route was how easy it was for me to pack my mini into its box and walk it several kms over to the Mac service store to have the memory upped. I'd not be able to carry an iMac there!