okay finally back online. And what can I get with this mini.
okay 999 gets me a dual core i7.
I can add an ssd and some ram
for free
so 999 and I get the 3.0 i7 cpu but it is a dual core. or
699 and get the 2.6 i5 and it is a dual core.
wow a no brainer for me I order a 2.6 i5 stock
keep my quad core.
and sell either the 2011 with discrete gpu
or the stock 2012 with intgrated gpu .
my gain is a quicker gpu in the iris and a quicker cpu as the new i5 is better then the old i5.
maybe 200 out of pocket more like 300 out of pocket. for the up grade.
Your logic makes sense to me. the $699 i5 is the value leader. Upgrade RAM myself if needed? 8gb might be fine for me.
Question: Upgrade to a Fusion drive SSD/1TB Storage.
Or can I add an SSD to the existing version with the 1TB HD? Or does the SSD replace the HD?
If I add a SSD, Can I assign the OS to the SSD to make things open and run fast? Or would I have to reload the OS on the SSD drive?
Does anyone know if the RAM is user upgradeable in the new Mini? If so, adding an 8GB stick would probably serve me well for a total of 16GB RAM.