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Really would like to see Skylake Mini and skip the Broadwells. Broadwell will be short lived in my opinion.

There is a chance that the next Mac mini might include a Skylake CPU. The main improvement that Broadwell offers over Haswell in the context of the mini is solid 4K monitor support. Skylake would make it easy for Apple to offer 5K monitor support (using Thunderbolt 3 and Displayport 1.3) in a future Mac mini.
There is a chance that the next Mac mini might include a Skylake CPU. The main improvement that Broadwell offers over Haswell in the context of the mini is solid 4K monitor support. Skylake would make it easy for Apple to offer 5K monitor support (using Thunderbolt 3 and Displayport 1.3) in a future Mac mini.

I think it may be possible that 2016 may bring a Skylake Mini but the way Apple has treated the poor little guy I have my doubts.

The Mini is usually a year to a year and a half behind the other Macs and Apple has not been treating the Mac desktops very well in the past 2 years.

They seem to only be interested in Mobile, wearables and Space ship type buildings.

I have lost most of my faith in Apple as far as desktops go.
I think it may be possible that 2016 may bring a Skylake Mini but the way Apple has treated the poor little guy I have my doubts.
I think it will depend on whether or not Apple want to push the mini as compatible with 4K or 5K displays.

The Mini is usually a year to a year and a half behind the other Macs and Apple has not been treating the Mac desktops very well in the past 2 years.
I think that's an exaggeration. In the past 2 years, Apple have given us a hugely improved Mac Pro and the awesome Retina 5K iMac.
Me. I have much data stored on CD and DVD, much music stored on CD, old installation DVDs for various things. For example ... all my Office programs that run on Windoze that also came on disc with the new copy of Parallels. I had to buy and external drive to read them on my new/old 2012 mini, so I did go ahead and get the BluRay version because what the heck. Would have been lots easier on my desktop if the disc drive was built in.

Got lots CDs in storage that will burn to iTunes one day and need reader for that. I guess the takeaway is that if you are young enough that the first music you bought was digital, you don't need no stinking disc drive. But if you're a geezer, who spent all that time ripping albums to disc ... I mention no names except my own.

The optical drive was one of the most unreliable parts of the Mini. Given that it was becoming less used, and is now seldom if ever used, it became superfluous to the requirements of many. Dropping it was controversial at the time. However, it was and still is available as an external drive, which now seems to make sense.

The optical drive on my 2009 Mini has become unreliable. I bought an $40 LG external drive, which works fine.

The first music I bought was on vinyl, but those 33 and 45s were left with friends, and have long since disappeared.

I still do have a lot of tapes, some of which I used for work until a year ago. I am using Garage Band to digitise them as needs arise. It is hard to find a tape player that works on campus these days, but I still do have one at home.

All the CDs I have with me now have been loaded on to my computer, and the ones I have back in my home country will also be when I return.

I have yet to download any music (or anything), as I don't have any means of paying for it; I don't have a credit card. When I upgraded to Mountain Lion I paid a shop to do it. I haven't upgraded further because my internet speed is so slow, and it's not all that reliable. Such is life in a developing country…….

To me the CD / DVD would still be a useful medium, but times are moving on. I just have to work my way around it's demise.

The new Mac Mini will most certainly not come with an optical drive, but it could well be a little controversial.
I think that's an exaggeration. In the past 2 years, Apple have given us a hugely improved Mac Pro and the awesome Retina 5K iMac.

Oh, you mean Apple's "awesome" innovation of taking a gorgeous modern, $2000 5k display that could easily be a first-rate display for 10+ years and permanently attaching it to mediocre 2013 hardware that is already laughably obsolete and can't even properly drive the display. Wow, Apple sure does have amazing engineers working for them.

You know what would be "awesome"? If Apple made a nice standard 5k screen with a little box holding the computer bits that can attach to. Maybe they can call the box a mac mini or something.

And don't even make me laugh about the "awesome" new mac pro. It's a dedicated video render device. As a general computer for most usage cases, it's a piece of garbage (probably why it looks like garbage can. It might be nice if you do a lot of video, but for the rest of us power users, it's easily beat by a $500 consumer desktop.

I do find it funny though that you still use the word "awesome". Didn't Timmy and Philly turn that word into a joke?
Oh, you mean Apple's "awesome" innovation of taking a gorgeous modern, $2000 5k display that could easily be a first-rate display for 10+ years and permanently attaching it to mediocre 2013 hardware that is already laughably obsolete and can't even properly drive the display.
In my (admittedly limited) experience using one, it seems to drive the display properly.

You know what would be "awesome"? If Apple made a nice standard 5k screen with a little box holding the computer bits that can attach to.
I agree that would be awesome, but it requires the bandwidth of Thunderbolt 3 and Displayport 1.3. Since Apple are unlikely to put a discrete Thunderbolt 3 controller into the Mac mini for cost reasons and Broadwell integrated graphics are fine for 4K monitors but inadequate for 5K monitors, that will have to wait at least until Skylake.

And don't even make me laugh about the "awesome" new mac pro. It's a dedicated video render device. As a general computer for most usage cases, it's a piece of garbage (probably why it looks like garbage can.
I don't do any video rendering. The current Mac Pro is awesome for anyone who wants to drive two 4K displays. I expect the next update to the Mac Pro to include Thunderbolt 3 and Displayport 1.3 in order to drive two 5K displays.
Spoken like someone with an iPad and no Mac.

Talk about what you know about please. Not necessary to make random speculation and personal attacks if you have nothing of substance to add to the conversation.

I have an MBA at work and Mac Mini 2010 server at home for a long time - seen clearly the slow but steady “toy-ification” and tethering and lockdown of the OS. Now the same is happening on the hardware.

If the customers sit around an accept it, it will happen. This isn’t just theoretical. Even Woz has pointed this trend out…..
If Apple start selling out ARM-based mac hardware with touchscreen capabilty that will run the IOS apps that people already have e.g. iWork, then existing customers will probably go along for the ride.

I wonder if the rumored larger iPad Pro is really going to be an iPad or really an iPad-like (no keyboard or maybe cover keyboard like Microsoft) MacBook Air that incorporates touch screen capabilities. Maybe it will even offer dual booting in either the mobile OS or the full OS X.

Maybe with todays HP Pavilion Mini (Pentium 3558U processor, 4GB of RAM, and a 500GB, 7200RPM hard drive) $320,or the even cheaper HP Mini (Celeron 2957U processor, has 2GB of RAM, and a 32GB M.2 SATA solid state drive) $180....Apple will feel some heat?



Some people think Apple is phasing out the Mac Mini, but I doubt it. I think they're gearing up to match the lower pricing soon and that's why everything is getting soldered on it.

As for the AppleTV, I think it'll be beefed up and turned into more of a competitive media and gaming device that will work with all the iDevices Apple has as well as their laptops and desktops. I'd just like to see Apple do a decent game controller for the iDevices.
Some people think Apple is phasing out the Mac Mini, but I doubt it. I think they're gearing up to match the lower pricing soon and that's why everything is getting soldered on it.

As for the AppleTV, I think it'll be beefed up and turned into more of a competitive media and gaming device that will work with all the iDevices Apple has as well as their laptops and desktops. I'd just like to see Apple do a decent game controller for the iDevices.

IMO Apple will never lower the price of the Mini below $499. They have said they will never make a cheap computer.

You may be right about :apple:TV. I expect them to have streaming and gaming use.

Apple is always behind the market on both and always playing catch up. If it wasn't for OS X they would be pushing up daisies in the computer market.
I shouldn't have used the word "match pricing". Rather I think they'll keep the pricing lower on the Mini's, but not as low as a $180 computer.

I don't think Apple is behind overall or near death:D. I remember seeing an early 1990's Time magazine cover with Apple's logo on a tombstone. And look where Apple is now. Apple innovates and everyone follows. Use of a computer isn't limited to specs in total. It is the optimized OS and the ecosystem and user friendliness. Plenty of people that I know had Android phones that switch to iPhone and iAudio devices and switched to iPods. In the next move, many bought an Apple laptop or Mini because they could use everything together quite well. Still, there's room for the WinPC market too for those that want a dedicated powerful gaming PC or don't have the variety of needs I do.

I'm a professional graphic artist and also do 3D work. There are more powerful desktop computers to use, but since I do a variety of work the MacIntosh suits me best. I can run OS X, Windows and Linux natively on all my Macs without any hacks and zero problems when OS upgrades are issued. I can't find a better maintenance free computer that does all that as easily as the Mac. Once the MacPro comes with an Nvidia card I'll buy one. For now I have the MBPr late 2013 that works quite well.
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I shouldn't have used the word "match pricing". Rather I think they'll keep the pricing lower on the Mini's, but not as low as a $180 computer.

I don't think Apple is behind overall or near death:D. I remember seeing an early 1990's Time cover with Apple's logo on a tombstone. And look where Apple is now. Apple innovates and everyone follows. Use of a computer isn't limited to specs in total. It is the optimized OS and the ecosystem and user friendliness. Plenty of people that I know had Android phones that switch to iPhone and iAudio devices and switched to iPods. In the next move, many bought an Apple laptop or Mini because they could use everything together quite well. Still, there's room for the WinPC market too.

I'm a professional graphic artist and also do 3D work. There are more powerful desktop computers to use, but since I do a variety of work the MacIntosh suits me best (I can run OS X, Windows and Linux without any hacks). Once the MacPro comes with an Nvidia card I'll buy one. For now I have the MBPr late 2013 that works quite well.

I will take nothing away from their mobile products including the MacBooks but the desktops leave a lot to be desired at the prices compared to hardware included.

I own The iPhone 6 and iPad Air 2, a 2013 rMBP and a 2012 Mini.

I used Windows for 25 years of pure frustration. As an engineer it was my only choice as far as programs go. After I retired I trashed my old XP HP and bought a Mini. I like it a lot but if I could buy the OS to license on the PC of my choice I would do it in a heartbeat.

I'm just not satisfied with all in ones and sealed desktops. I guess I'm just to much old school.
I'm not young either, and I scrambled to get a 2012 Mac Mini just to get some extra bang for the buck by upgrading the RAM and SSD. I'm using the Mini to tackle my DVD collection running Handbrake and to run extra duties as a 3D render farm.

I understand your point, I'm not sure it matters much unless you need some powerful rig for a specific need. Then you really should be looking above a Mac Mini anyway.
I'm not young either, and I scrambled to get a 2012 Mac Mini just to get some extra bang for the buck by upgrading the RAM and SSD. I'm using the Mini to tackle my DVD collection running Handbrake and to run extra duties as a 3D render farm.

I understand your point, I'm not sure it matters much unless you need some powerful rig for a specific need. Then you really should be looking above a Mac Mini anyway.

Enough power but graphics performance sucks.
Talk about what you know about please. Not necessary to make random speculation and personal attacks if you have nothing of substance to add to the conversation.

I have an MBA at work and Mac Mini 2010 server at home for a long time - seen clearly the slow but steady “toy-ification” and tethering and lockdown of the OS. Now the same is happening on the hardware.

If the customers sit around an accept it, it will happen. This isn’t just theoretical. Even Woz has pointed this trend out…..

They why do you want an ARM based mini? None of your existing Mac software will run on it without (slow) emulation. The only advantage is (as you pointed out) iOS software will/may run on it. That's why my comment that it's spoken like someone with iOS devices but no Macs, for whom iOS compatibility would be a plus.

I get nervous whenever I hear about a move to ARM processors -- I've got far too much invested in the Intel-Mac ecosystem.
They why do you want an ARM based mini? None of your existing Mac software will run on it without (slow) emulation. The only advantage is (as you pointed out) iOS software will/may run on it. That's why my comment that it's spoken like someone with iOS devices but no Macs, for whom iOS compatibility would be a plus.

I get nervous whenever I hear about a move to ARM processors -- I've got far too much invested in the Intel-Mac ecosystem.

Additionally, there seems to a trend away from ARM this coming year. Look at the current CES - Intel seems to be dominating the mobile space this year. For the first time I can remember the majority of new tablets and smartphones seem to be running an Intel CPU rather than something from Marvel, Qualcomm, or any of the other ARM licensees.
I think it may be possible that 2016 may bring a Skylake Mini but the way Apple has treated the poor little guy I have my doubts.

The Mini is usually a year to a year and a half behind the other Macs and Apple has not been treating the Mac desktops very well in the past 2 years.

They seem to only be interested in Mobile, wearables and Space ship type buildings.

I have lost most of my faith in Apple as far as desktops go.

The Mini didn't used to be a year and a half behind. I think the Mini might be mirroring what happened to the Pro: Left without an update for a long time, then gets a very weak revision to last until a completely new form-factor arrives.
The Mini didn't used to be a year and a half behind. I think the Mini might be mirroring what happened to the Pro: Left without an update for a long time, then gets a very weak revision to last until a completely new form-factor arrives.

I hope that is the case because Skylake could level the playing field for CPU and GPU performance.

It will be interesting to see what happens.

True, but they announce some new SoC every year, and historically it usually has been disappointing. Nvidia has a bad habit of tweaking and selecting benchmarks that make its chips look unrealistically good. This year may be different. However, I am more interested in trends of number of devices that actually implement a certain chip rather than just the chips availability - I think that trend will influence Apple (albeit only a little) as well.
You know what would be "awesome"? If Apple made a nice standard 5k screen with a little box holding the computer bits that can attach to. Maybe they can call the box a mac mini or something.

LAUGHING! So true. In fact, that was what convinced me to go with a mini when I needed to replace my ancient PowerBook - someone on here posted about sticking their mini on the back side of the monitor with velcro. And I did have me some industrial strength velcro ...
They why do you want an ARM based mini? None of your existing Mac software will run on it without (slow) emulation. The only advantage is (as you pointed out) iOS software will/may run on it. That's why my comment that it's spoken like someone with iOS devices but no Macs, for whom iOS compatibility would be a plus.

I get nervous whenever I hear about a move to ARM processors -- I've got far too much invested in the Intel-Mac ecosystem.

Not sure how you managed to conclude that I WANT that. I said that is where they will end up, based on their trajectory.

I remember seeing an early 1990's Time magazine cover with Apple's logo on a tombstone. And look where Apple is now. Apple innovates and everyone follows.

Yes, their latest sales hit, "iPhablet 6" & "iPhablet 6+" were incredible innovations.
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Not sure how you managed to conclude that I WANT that. I said that is where they will end up, based on their trajectory.

Yes, their latest sales hit, "iPhablet 6" & "iPhablet 6+" were incredible innovations.

A pity about carrying your often somewhat defensive and cynical tone into this generally good natured thread.

The 2014 has had a little love already, with the top o' the range now available with 2 GB Fusion as an option.

OK, it still may not be the computer to match the dreams of a few, abut for many the Mini, even in its latest incarnation, is all the computer they need.

The new Mac Mini is almost certainly coming, which is surely something to be joyful about.
A pity about carrying your often somewhat defensive and cynical tone into this generally good natured thread.

The 2014 has had a little love already, with the top o' the range now available with 2 GB Fusion as an option.

OK, it still may not be the computer to match the dreams of a few, abut for many the Mini, even in its latest incarnation, is all the computer they need.

The new Mac Mini is almost certainly coming, which is surely something to be joyful about.

If the prices of the 2014 were not so ridiculous (especially a dual core Mini at 1K) it maybe more palatable for more people.

I would pass and have passed hoping for a possible Skylake Mini in the future with quad core but seems unlikely based on what happened with the 2014.

But I hold out hope and a new Mac Mini is (fingers crossed ) almost certainly coming. :)
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