What you're trying to compare is purely a cosmetic 'feature' rather than the performance based upgrade that speaks to the essence of what computers are specifically designed for.
Hmm. Why don't we consider this for a moment, then. You state that an SSD "speaks to the essence of what computers are specifically designed for." This means that you are saying the essence of a computer is, literally, the rate at which it can transfer data to and from a long-term data storage peripheral.
Yes, there are situations where communication with long-term storage is significant; for example, interacting with large, random-access databases (large meaning that the data cannot all be stored within RAM at one time). Very large collections of photos are an excellent example here.
However, in my experience, long-term storage is mainly touched when (a) loading a monolithic file or executable into RAM, or (b) storing a monolithic file. So, it is when you start up the computer (load the OS into RAM), or start an application, you are most likely to notice the rate at which long-term data is accessed.
So then: is the quantity of this wait time the "essence of a what a computer is specifically designed for?" Does the difference between a 30 second bootup and a 5 second bootup define whether a computer is usable or unusable, even if there's no difference in performance after the machine boots up? Or after an application loads?
And, if bootup speed is such a concern, I've gotta ask: why do you turn your computer off in the first place? I myself have exactly 0 seconds of bootup wait when I first check my machines in the morning, because I never turn them off.
Similarly, I don't understand why you might be concerned with shaving a few seconds off file saving times; all long-term storage I/O should be buffered. That is, you spool off the data to a background process, and let it communicate with the storage device while you continue to work on whatever you want in the foreground. I/O operations require almost no CPU cycles, so they generally will not affect other running processes.
Anyway, in summary: an SSD does run much, much faster than a magnetic HD. But, except for a small minority of activities, interacting directly with the HD is not something a typical user should need to bother with. I personally spend about as much time considering the appearance of my computer's case as I do twiddling my fingers and waiting for a long-term storage data transfer to complete...