So, between 2018 and 2022 the old-tech $1099 Mini got a minor storage bump? And it's now got the same storage as the $899 M1 Mini? Not exactly a game changer.Considering the old Intel i5, 8 GB, 512 GB, Mini spec is currently $1,099.00 the same price the i5, 8 GB, 256 GB did in 2019 (got to love internet archive) you clearly don't know what you are talking about.
We're not necessarily talking about hardware/software that ancient - the point is that until maybe ~2010 even a 5 year-old computer would have been a museum piece, whereas today a ~2012 Mac is perfectly usable for modern office productivity tasks - the only real issue being the security risk if the OS is no longer getting updates... and that can be mitigated by the same sort of basic precautions that you should be taking 1998 and hotel that used a UNIX system because the program was too old to run on 2008.
N.B., a Mac Studio running Monterrey is a UNIX system - and just because the software is old doesn't mean that it's no good. A pre-DOS UNIX system was a lot more powerful than DOS. You don't want to believe everything you read in reports on tech industry surveys and your BS meter should be twitching as soon as you see a figure like "a record 1,579 data breaches" without any discussion of what proportion of those were actually down to old tech. New tech won't save you from weak/stolen credentials, social engineering or inside jobs. )
By the time you added a disc drive (thick end of $500 at the time) and a display (probably $200) to make the Apple II even remotely comparable you'd be looking at $2000. How close do you want to be to prove the point when the Mac had 32x as much RAM, and several times the CPU power? The point is, after ~6-7 years what you could get for $2-3k had changed to the point that they weren't really comparable.More over at $1,298 at launch an Apple II was far cheaper than the 128 Mac US$2,495 at launch.
...even through the 90s and early 00s a 5-6 year old computer was a door stop, hopelessly out classed and lacking game-changing tech. Today, however, we're seriously worrying about whether a 10-year-old computer is still getting security updates...