Your setup is similar to mine. I run a 2017 iMac with 24 GB RAM, will all my personal stuff on it, and a separate 2014 Mac mini for work, side-by-side. Having copy and paste span across computers in macOS is quite helpful.I run browser, email, notes, calendar and a bunch of other things on the iMac during the day. If I had 24 GB of RAM, I could run it all on the mini. I have a Windows desktop on my secondary desk and it has 128 GB of RAM so I could run my Windows VM on that system. I would have to walk over to my other desk to do that though. I use less than half the RAM on the iMac when I'm not running the VM. The rest is used for cache.
I hit reply and it put the other stuff in there so I just responded to it. I just saw the first query and answered it and then saw the second.
I will replace my 2014 Mac mini with an M2 / M2 Pro with 16-24 GB RAM. Initially I will run just my work stuff on it, but eventually, it could replace my 2017 iMac. Currently I'm running my Mac mini with 30" 2560x1600 Cinema HD Display which is a non-Retina screen, but I really like the screen nonetheless. While not as crisp as Retina, I like the larger default font sizing, which works well for my work, esp. the VPN into my Windows desktop at my workplace. I've just never liked Apple's chosen 218 ppi for desktops including on my 5K iMac. The older 30" is 101 ppi which means a Retina version would be 202 ppi. I would love to be able to buy a ~200 ppi 5K Apple Retina screen.
However, I'm going to stick with the iMac along with the Mac mini for now, even after I get the M2 / M2 Pro Mac mini to replace the 2014 Intel model. The iMac 2017 will get Ventura and security updates for a couple of years after that, and I'm in no rush to consolidate everything into one machine.