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How will the case change?

  • It will remain the same altogether: no hardware changes in the next update

    Votes: 104 16.6%
  • Have a slimmer form

    Votes: 195 31.2%
  • Revert to a variation on the lamp

    Votes: 44 7.0%
  • Totally new design all together

    Votes: 282 45.1%

  • Total voters
I think 15" widescreen is kinda obselete for computers now.

My old x41 (IBM all in one) at home has a 15" standard screen and my sister's 13" MB is the same width, and i think a 15" MBP is the same height. Not sure. But anyway, the (new) widescreens that have a larger footprint are really smaller if you don't consider the extra width. So I think 17" is the new 15".

I'm also used to a 20" screen from my high school's graphics lab. Going from the PowerMacs we had to PCs in the building with 15" standard screens was unbearable.

I really think 15" is done (for desktops). But who knows. Maybe with this new resolution-independence it won't really matter anymore like it does today.

I would love a return to something like the iMac G4's form factor. Maybe they could make the base a cube and integrate speakers onto the side of the screen?

It would also be nice if one could mix and match the base and the screen: i.e. one could choose any of the offered hardware configurations with any of the offered LCD configurations. But that probably won't happen.
I think 15" widescreen is kinda obselete for computers now.

My old x41 (IBM all in one) at home has a 15" standard screen and my sister's 13" MB is the same width, and i think a 15" MBP is the same height. Not sure. But anyway, the (new) widescreens that have a larger footprint are really smaller if you don't consider the extra width. So I think 17" is the new 15".

I'm also used to a 20" screen from my high school's graphics lab. Going from the PowerMacs we had to PCs in the building with 15" standard screens was unbearable.

I really think 15" is done (for desktops). But who knows. Maybe with this new resolution-independence it won't really matter anymore like it does today.


I agree the 15" is pretty much gone from desktops, and there's no reason to bring it back. 17" widescreen is about as small as any new computer should really be used with.

On the topic at hand, though, the next iMac... well, I'm not sure that the iMac G4 would be the backwards step they take - it's a cool design but it was so lauded that they might get some negative press from recreating it. "Apple's run out of ideas and are going back to their best designs" type comments. And, truthfully I could sort of see the logic there.

So, two options that I see:

1) They keep the AIO desktop (which I think is stupid - they sell some fantastic laptops that could fill that market need perfectly). In this scenario, I envision a throwback to the old acrylic displays. An LCD with an L-shaped stand that houses a computer in it. Very similar to the current iMac, but it's much thinner, and the computer bit aren't directly behind the LCD. This would have some advantages from a technical standpoint, such as allowing the optical drive to be horizontal (which helps performance slightly), and spreading out head to a place which you could easily use a lot of passive cooling and minimal fans (which people like).

2) They ditch the AIO, and introduce a third laptop line between the MB and MBP (the iMacBook) which has MBP features, but isn't super thin and light, has less battery life, etc, and is designed for primarily home use with occasional travel, which is how a lot of people use their MBP/PBs anyways (esp the 17" models). They then replace the iMac with a mini Pro design. Something either like a way scaled down Mac Pro (looks wise) or a scaled up mini. Specs similar to what the iMac has, 2 RAM slots, 1 3.5" drive bay, 1 5.25" drive bay, a handful of USB/FW ports, but add in an Express Card slot and a PCI-Express slot for upgradeable video.

If they did #2 they should release a new line of displays, moving the 20" to the consumer line, and leavinG the 23 and 30" for a pro-line. Add a 17" or 19" 1440x900 display to the 20" in a new case that is styled like the current iMac. No FW ports, but keep USB on them. Get the costs down to $200 for the 17" and $400 for the 20". Add component and SVideo inputs the the 23 and 30" models to help distinguish them.
I think that whatever anyone thinks about the next design will be completely off. :D Apple always has something extremely creative up their sleeves... I don't think that anyone could really imagine what the next iMac will be like.

I personally love the G4s' form. If they went back to something like that, I'd be more than happy.
Personally I think when the change comes, it'll be dramatically different to what we have now, maybe taking a step backwards to elements of the iMac G4.

If that were to happen, then I would purchase one immediately. I absolutely love the design of the G4, but then again, who says they don't? I say that step backwards would be one well worth taking.
To be honest ..... what other designs are there for a computer ?? !!

Either all in one, built in around the screen ..... or a base with screen attachment !!

Unless they wanna cannibalise the Mini or Pro format .....

Personally, I loved the G4 ..... if only they made a version that had :

1) Better Graphics Card (PCI Express)
2) Surround Sound Card
3) TV Tuner Card (iTV)
4) Upgradeable components with removable back (can't believe older iMacs did this but they changed it for the new models, WTF !!)
5) Fan/Temp Sensors
6) Faster SuperDrive (eventually HD/BluRay compatible!)
7) Ports/Jacks mounted underneath
8) Ability to turn off just the screen (can't believe this isn't there!?)
9) Available in more colours and with smaller "chin"
10 Pull-out Carry Handle
11) More Screen Inputs (DVI)
12) Memory Card Readers
13) Swivel/Raise/Lower/Portrait Move-able Base
14) Cheaper & Quieter
15) 2nd Hard Drive
16) "Glossy" Screen with faster Response Time
17) Powered USB Keyboard
18) Adjustable iSight with Lens Cover
19) Forward Firing Speakers
20) Built-in Printer behind the screen
21) Sexy Blonde Nymphomaniac included with AppleCare

From -

When I say "gaming" iMac - basically I mean an iMac that can have the latest and greatest graphics card installed and possibly sound card too ..... it would become a true "All In One" does everything, machine as opposed to being a compromise ...... :rolleyes:

And if you think the gaming market is tiny ..... then dude you have been drinking your own piss again !! :D

Apple make beautiful machines, yet they only have 2-3% of the market ..... until they make a kick ass iMac which can compete with PC's on every level ..... they are doomed to stay in a tiny niche ..... picking up the scraps from PC's table ..... :mad:

An easily upgradeable Gaming/Multimedia iMac would make Apple a mainstream player !! :)

Personally, I have to disagree with this (sorry for going back to an old post, but I spotted it while reading through).

Im acually glad Apple dont have a large percentage of the Market. Thats primarily what ruined Windows and exactly the reason everyone switches to a mac. Think about it. Windows 95 was a great OS for its time. Then, as more and more people started buying it, they made 98, which was slightly better, then 2000, as more and more people have brought windows, its just gone downhill. They have to many customers for their own good, which leads to people trying to "Hack The OS" and create viruses for it. Think about it. If everyone went out and brought a mac, it would be chaos. There would be millions of people trying to break the OS, apple wont be able to cope, just like MS now, and Macs will be so common, they wont be "cool" to have anymore.

Anyway, I have to say, the design at the moment is a little to minamalistic for me. I mean a screen surrounded by white is pretty boring. I really liked the old G4 design. What would be quite interesting is, as their blackbooks are doing so well, they decided to bring out a range of Black macs, like a black imac. Now that would be something interesting.
I would love a return to something like the iMac G4's form factor. Maybe they could make the base a cube and integrate speakers onto the side of the screen?

It would also be nice if one could mix and match the base and the screen: i.e. one could choose any of the offered hardware configurations with any of the offered LCD configurations. But that probably won't happen.

That's the one I want and expect to see--a cross between the cube and iLamp, with base components anywhere from mac mini to imac (w/ high end graphics), and consumer grade display with isight. Apple has been very good at creating enough differentiation between consumer and pro lines that professionals forced into higher end (bright white imac w/ chin, glare on edge, not expandable). I could also see an imac with a thick mb sized base with imac or cd style riser. IMO, I doubt we'll see the form mentioned by op since would be easier to move around. Many people don't really need lightweight, battery powered laptops (with added expense and problems) but since want to move around the house, or from house to work, have to buy laptops. A corded imac sized/notebook style would sell (a corded 10 lb 17" MBP for $1200), but the imac has always been a hassle to haul around, and will continue to be to push notebook (and Applecare) sales. I hope to see new imac forms within next 2 to 3 months.
They'll do something radical in terms of tech design

What about an optional 'projectable' keyboard which lights up on your desk from the bottom of the screen?

I can also see them doing something with back lighting, like some the HD TVs have - to create 'mood'.
i think they will scrap the 17" and keep 20" and 24" models, just like they did with the 15" model when moving to the G5, the next monitor i will buy will certainly be a 20" I'm currently using a 17" CRT, but after using our 20" C2D imac my screen has become claustrophobic, and my favourite of all the Designs is the iMac G4, its so beautiful so elegant, and in my opinion the G5 was a step backwards in terms of design (obviously not power)
I'm not sure that Apple will eliminate the 17" model so soon. With resolution independence on the horizon, 17" is a very comfortable size for the average consumer.

Not everybody's grandma wants a humongous screen.

But, slightly off topic, is 24" a sweet spot? The cinema displays are 23", so will Apple change them to 24"? And what about 25"? That's a nice even number between 20 and 30! I don't know too much the effects of size and resolution, but just from sizes I would assume the 25" would be the successor to the 24".

There is no real differance between a 24" and 25" is there ? !

I reckon they will stick with the 24" sweetspot ..... or go up to 28" or 30" .....
I love the G5/Intel design, and I personally think that Apple won't go back to the G4, but instead will come up with some radically futuristic design that will eventually grow on all of us. (that seems to be what they always do)
I don't get this. What about the Mac mini's size means it can't be your main computer? I have a nice 20" widescreen LCD that dominates my desk and thee mini sits under it. Assuming you're not interesting in gaming (I'm not) the Mac mini is an extremely capable machine, more than capable at doing almost anything 99% of home users would want (where the 1% want to play high end games, but for some reason, bought a Mac to do so).

You are absolutely right. I agree with you. I have got 20" widescreen LCD and Mac mini but I changed it from Intel Core Duo 1.66GHz to Intel Core 2 Duo 2.0GHz. :D Thats amazing machine and sometimes if I want play games, I have Civilization IV and it plays absolutely brilliant.

For heavy gamers, get consols. ;)
Maybe they will use fibre optics in the display as the isight instead the one mounted on top...
I'm sorry... Devil's Advocate.

The G4 iMac design, tho one with the UFO base and wivel screen...

...well it sucks.

I think the present iMacs look FAR better than the crazy bobble things. And they are far more robust. If I had a G4 iMac, I'd be constantly afraid that the crazy metal stick joints would weaken, and the screen would fall...

The new iMac looks so much cooler and practical.

I've said it before, I like the idea of a Mini Mac Pro. Mac Pro will be on 8 cores soon, while everything else is stuck on 2. Mini Mac Pro could have 4, or just two better ones, if it's made to fit a Conroe. Would be nice to fit a Geforce 8800 or ATi's soon to be released R600 in there too, as either a BTO or even better, if Apple allows us to stick any GPU we want in there that we buy.

I wouldn't care if they made a beefier iMac that could do this. It just seems a lot less likely, and it would have to be pretty darn chunky.

Also, I doubt whether Apple will ever make a fatter laptop. We will probably never see an Apple laptop thicker than 1.1 inches again. I would imagine the 17" iMac is reasonably easy to carry around.

Hooray! Post no. 42! I must speak the truth!
I'm starting to think that the macmini will have a refresh...due to its lack of updates and proximity to MacWorld.

Anyway back to the iMac:

Why can't Apple take a Powerbook, turn the screen around, and sell an iMac Pro or such? It wouldn't be as powerful, sure, but it'd be close...

1" Thin. Man. For a whole computer.

Oh wait, my MBP is already that :p.

imac = perfection

I seriously think that iMac has perfect design. No need to change the outside appearance. I just wish they improve the screen resolution. That's it.
I have Civilization IV and it plays absolutely brilliant.
Saying that though, it's not too shabby on my iMac G5 either, although it was virtually unplayable until the patch came out. I think the amount of RAM you have makes a huge difference (I have 1.5GB).
I'm sorry... Devil's Advocate.

The G4 iMac design, tho one with the UFO base and wivel screen...

...well it sucks.

I think the present iMacs look FAR better than the crazy bobble things. And they are far more robust. If I had a G4 iMac, I'd be constantly afraid that the crazy metal stick joints would weaken, and the screen would fall...

The new iMac looks so much cooler and practical.

I've said it before, I like the idea of a Mini Mac Pro. Mac Pro will be on 8 cores soon, while everything else is stuck on 2. Mini Mac Pro could have 4, or just two better ones, if it's made to fit a Conroe. Would be nice to fit a Geforce 8800 or ATi's soon to be released R600 in there too, as either a BTO or even better, if Apple allows us to stick any GPU we want in there that we buy.

I wouldn't care if they made a beefier iMac that could do this. It just seems a lot less likely, and it would have to be pretty darn chunky.

Also, I doubt whether Apple will ever make a fatter laptop. We will probably never see an Apple laptop thicker than 1.1 inches again. I would imagine the 17" iMac is reasonably easy to carry around.

Hooray! Post no. 42! I must speak the truth!

I think your wrong, The G4 was a thing of Art and beauty, now its a ugly mess....I own a 24" and just bought a 15'' G4 and i am happy to get one,,,,selling my mac book the minute it gets here......and waiting till next year for more toys!!!
I like the new iMac design, clean and simple. At first I didnt' like it, I called it the "Pizza Box" Design, but now i love it. I don't even see the area below the screen, and I actually think it gives balance to the computer.

I would only like one change to the computer, that they put a headphone jack on the front or the side. I used to have an old G3 iMac and I could have my speakers plugged into the back (while, side for the G3) and then if i wanted to used headphones, I could plug into the front and it would override the speakers.
I'm surprised no one has reposted this old-new design:


Link here.
I'm surprised no one has reposted this old-new design:


Link here.

I've seen that, and while I love that design and idea, we are talking about the NEXT iMac design. Unfortunately I don't think technology is quite there, at least not outside of the military sector.

Thanx for the link. It's now my wallpaper.
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