I think I know. Put the iMac back on a swivel cause thats really nice. But, instead of just making it straight. Put sort of a swooped curve around it. As if the thing is flying really fast. It sort of goes well with the Nano commercials. Upgrade the iSight def. I'm not sure about the base. But a swooping almost vortex design would be like nothing they have ever done and could hardly be called a throwback even if they did put it on a swivel. Maybe even release it in colors to entice more younger consumers. I mean a lot of people look at the iMac and say. Why that over a Mac Mini? Or why not just a much cheaper PC + Screen. It really doesn't have anything in terms of elegance, design, or convenicnce that makes it stand out compared to the laptops. Plus, if the Mac Mini were any better, like say a customizable mid-size conroe headless desktop, the iMac would be smashed. Its so fugly right now. But spice it up with a swoop. Add some color perhaps. It would go very nicely with a nano.
So. Hers what they should do.
Update the Mac Mini. I'm sorry but simple curves and shapes are out. You need something either razor thin or good looking. I suggest a razor thin Mac Mini with a large footprint. That could be mounted like PS2 in various positions. It would be perfect behind a TV.
Then move the iMacs down market. With swoop design and colors. Cheaper prices with less on them naturally. Not too much down market just enough so that there is the ability for younger people to jusitify its price more.
Then put out a headless machine aimed at customization but make it headless. Cube would be a good design. As long as it looks not like a PC box itll be good. Yet, make it so it replaces basically the higher fringes of the iMac. Especially since most people rather buy a 24" LCD plus a computer than a 24" iMac.
Then you just have the powermac. Which needs a case redesign. I say go with like a white or black box that sort of glows. Not quite sure, but the alumminum is losing it nowadays.
Then 12" Tablet with keyboard on screen so it has no keyboard. Perfect ultraportable.
Upgrade the 13" to be higher performance in the black model and more custimable so its more of a 13" Mac Pro than just a black Macbook.
New cases for the Powerbooks. And
Leopard for them all..... one can dream right.