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macrumors 68040
Original poster
Jun 2, 2017
@killinmilk I'm glad to hear that this little Wiki page I compiled is still helping people out to this day, even if it's a touch outdated. :)

No, the Debian Ports project only compiles unstable packages for PowerPC. But in a nutshell, because the Debian stable and unstable repositories merge together every two years, we can "cheat" and use what are effectively unofficial stable releases of Debian by using a snapshot of the Debian repositories exactly as they were at the time of these temporary merges before they split off again and started hosting different package versions once more.

So far, we've done this for Debian 10.0 Buster, and now Debian 11.0 Bullseye, and we'll be able to do it again for Debian 12.0 Bookworm in 2023 provided Debian Ports is still afloat by then. - For reference, Debian 8 Jessie was the last official stable release for PowerPC, natively available up to version 8.11.
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macrumors newbie
Apr 23, 2022
@killinmilk I'm glad to hear that this little Wiki page I compiled is still helping people out to this day, even if it's a touch outdated. :)

No, the Debian Ports project only compiles unstable packages for PowerPC. But in a nutshell, because the Debian stable and unstable repositories merge together every two years, we can "cheat" and use what are effectively unofficial stable releases of Debian by using a snapshot of the Debian repositories exactly as they were at the time of these temporary merges before they split off again and start hosting different package versions once more.

So far, we've done this for Debian 10.0 Buster, and now Debian 11.0 Bullseye, and we'll be able to do it again for Debian 12.0 Bookworm in 2023 provided Debian Ports is still afloat by then. - For reference, Debian 8 Jessie was the last official stable release for PowerPC, natively available up to version 8.11.
Thank you for your answer :)
I'm aware of the little trick of using the snapshots to simulate a release. What I was asking, and perhaps I didn't express clearly what I had in mind, was if it could be possible to use another snapshot close to the release date of Debian 11.3 to have an updated OS. Before using stable I was using Sid, but got tired of keeping everythig up to date every now and then. Before 11 came out I stopped upgrading and I waited for the release to do an upgrade to the snapshot. Everything went smooth. Now I was wondering if, with another snapshot close to 11.3, it could be possible to update once more to the new point release. If the trick works for Debian 11, why shouldn't it work for a point release, knowing exactly which snapshot to use?


macrumors 68040
Original poster
Jun 2, 2017
@killinmilk Because the Debian Stable and Debian Unstable repositories are permanently kept on different branches. As far as Debian is concerned, PowerPC binaries are compiled exclusively from the unstable Sid repository, and that repository doesn't intersect with the certified stability of the Stable repositories except for around two or three days every two years during the time of the first major release while the universal hard freeze is still in effect.

In layman's terms, by the time the major releases receive a new point release, the Stable and Unstable repositories have been re-separated, and the Unstable repository (as well as the current snapshots of it) is still unstable. So as far as I know, the only way PowerPC machines would be able to run Debian 10.12, 11.3, etc. is if someone compiles the entire package repository for ppc / ppc64 and then hosts the finished packages on a public server.

I hope that was helpful.
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macrumors newbie
Apr 23, 2022
@killinmilk Because the Debian Stable and Debian Unstable repositories are permanently kept on different branches. As far as Debian is concerned, PowerPC binaries are compiled exclusively from the unstable Sid repository, and that repository doesn't intersect with the certified stability of the Stable repositories except for around two or three days every two years during the time of the first major release while the universal hard freeze is still in effect.

In layman's terms, by the time the major releases receive a new point release, the Stable and Unstable repositories have been re-separated, and the Unstable repository (as well as the current snapshots of it) is still unstable. So as far as I know, the only way PowerPC machines would be able to run Debian 10.12, 11.3, etc. is if someone compiles the entire package repository for ppc / ppc64 and then hosts the finished packages on a public server.

I hope that was helpful.
Ok, all clear. It was indeed helpfull

Thank you


macrumors regular
Please help me. This is happening, when I try to install anything more recent than 2O19 snapshot. Glibc is completely broken.(MintPPC asks me to use unstable repo and that breaks system)
Working snapshot(incomplete, did not let me instal LXDE, because of broken dependces and missing packages): sid main (2.28)

2021 snapshot, I have used to install 2.33 sid main

Unstable repo, also not working. unstable main

Reboot results in broken system.


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macrumors 68040
Original poster
Jun 2, 2017
@adam25255 I haven't used Sid for a long while, and if I remember correctly, the Debian 11 snapshot added last year wasn't even fully tested. So I'm afraid that I wouldn't be very useful for highly specific matters such as these anymore.

Do keep in mind however that they don't call it 'unstable' for nothing ...


macrumors regular
@adam25255 I haven't used Sid for a long while, and if I remember correctly, the Debian 11 snapshot added last year wasn't even fully tested. So I'm afraid that I wouldn't be very useful for highly specific matters such as these anymore.

Do keep in mind however that they don't call it 'unstable' for nothing ...
So... which newer snapshot is tested?(2019 seems to not work anymore)

EDIT: appears to be working now, just some annoying network failures.

And another problem. Debian routes output from Pro speakers(Cube version) to headphone jack on amplifier by default, not speakers. Any fix?(also Void does)

Never had that problem with Lubuntu or Debian 8

EDIT: trinityenabler solves that issue.(compiled ppc binary attached)


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macrumors member
Oct 1, 2018
Would be nice to see a fast linux that supports the G4-Cube in stock configuration with all hardware beeing fully supported. It's really a shame, that either are problems with sound or dri on the rage128pro.


macrumors regular
Would be nice to see a fast linux that supports the G4-Cube in stock configuration with all hardware beeing fully supported. It's really a shame, that either are problems with sound or dri on the rage128pro.
Apple Pro Speakers(USB) work. You need this: I have posted there compiled binary.

Rage 128 is just too old to meet moder Linux demands.


macrumors member
Oct 1, 2018
Thx, don't need a new linux, don't want browsing the web, only intention whatching old linux-scene demos and playing some old linux/ppc games.


macrumors member
Oct 3, 2021
Calabria, Italy
Hi guys, I have some questions about Ubuntu 12.04:

1. When LightDM boots, an incessant loud noise came from the right speaker, I’ve searched online and seems like nobody can solve this issue;

2. My iMac only likes Unity, every other WM and DE are loaded with graphics issue (the least problematic is xfce4, the most is IceWM).

Here’s the specifics of my iMac:
iMac G3/233MHz bondi blue; 160Mb of ram, planned to upgrade up to 384Mb; 320Gb (only 128 visible) or hard disk; ATI Rage Pro Turbo w/ 4Mb of SGRAM, originally 6Mb but the original module was corrupted (?) and I had to replace it.
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macrumors member
Oct 1, 2018
btw. they promoted working Rage128pro acceleration, so what is the problem here why it does not work.


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macrumors member
Oct 1, 2018
I use YDL3 on my Cube with everything original. I am not interested in newer kernels or browsing the web.
I would love to play some old linux-games with old linux on an old mac...but I do not get 3D Acceleration working,


macrumors 6502a
Jan 13, 2020
I use YDL3 on my Cube with everything original. I am not interested in newer kernels or browsing the web.
I would love to play some old linux-games with old linux on an old mac...but I do not get 3D Acceleration working,
Wait. Are you saying you have Yellow Dog installed right now? Because I think it's safe to say it's a little outside the wheelhouse of most people here.

Also, there very much were newer versions than 3:

Not that I can promise anything about it working, of course.
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macrumors member
Oct 3, 2021
Calabria, Italy
Hi guys, I have some questions about Ubuntu 12.04:

1. When LightDM boots, an incessant loud noise came from the right speaker, I’ve searched online and seems like nobody can solve this issue;

2. My iMac only likes Unity, every other WM and DE are loaded with graphics issue (the least problematic is xfce4, the most is IceWM).

Here’s the specifics of my iMac:
iMac G3/233MHz bondi blue; 160Mb of ram, planned to upgrade up to 384Mb; 320Gb (only 128 visible) or hard disk; ATI Rage Pro Turbo w/ 4Mb of SGRAM, originally 6Mb but the original module was corrupted (?) and I had to replace it.
I’m sorry to interrupt, but does anybody saw my questions?


macrumors member
Feb 19, 2020
Hi guys, I have some questions about Ubuntu 12.04:

1. When LightDM boots, an incessant loud noise came from the right speaker, I’ve searched online and seems like nobody can solve this issue;

2. My iMac only likes Unity, every other WM and DE are loaded with graphics issue (the least problematic is xfce4, the most is IceWM).

Here’s the specifics of my iMac:
iMac G3/233MHz bondi blue; 160Mb of ram, planned to upgrade up to 384Mb; 320Gb (only 128 visible) or hard disk; ATI Rage Pro Turbo w/ 4Mb of SGRAM, originally 6Mb but the original module was corrupted (?) and I had to replace it.
That's creepy - I suggest to use Gentoo instead.

It'll take a while to install but it's more stable and the kernel is configured automatically - except after you install you need to add (modprobe) wind tunnel modules for the fans manually (if iMac G3 even have like such issues as it's older model).

And of-course if you have time to be honest with that CPU speed you'll be building forever - but you can try the Gentoo discord and ask for help there was an utility to cross build from remote platform (potentially using ssh).


macrumors member
Feb 19, 2020
Bully - what?

Gentoo is more stable.

I realised he was using iMac G3 in the last second - but if I was in a mood to hack around I would do distcc + crossbuild.

Heck I was thinking of doing it for the Quad too.

You are bullying him - what you think an whatever years old outdate binary non configurable distro is better?

At least with Gentoo he has some chance of fixing whatever this bug is (with the sound).


You probably reply by email or something - I edit my posts frequently and on that one I added that it would probably take forever before you posted your reply.

Or alternatively you are just copying excerpts from my post - because I firmly believe my original post was:

"That's creepy - I suggest to use Gentoo instead."

Not only "I suggest to use Gentoo instead."

Which is no excuse I guess but still what's wrong with distcc + crossbuild?
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macrumors member
Oct 3, 2021
Calabria, Italy
I suggest to use Gentoo instead.
A while ago I wanted to try but I got deadlocked on memory.
BTW I discovered that the iMac like gnome classic too (gnome-session-fallback). Anyway I don’t really need a DE or WM for now, the game I want to play (boswars) starts fine from the terminal, but I get a segmentation fault when I click a structure…


macrumors 6502
Sep 26, 2015
Don't bully the person. Even Quad needs around 3 hours for kernel compilation, not saying about all other packages. Gentoo installation would require distcc + crossbuild, another machine to compile software for mentioned iMac G3.
For me it was 24 hours straight compilation time on the G5 quad using 4 CPUs (at full power, with fans revving up) for the kernel and base packages, and another 24 for the window server... My electricity bill did not take it lightly!

I will however have a go on a Power7 770 server I recently got ahold of (16 Power7+ cores) using the LE tarball, gentoo does theoretically have support for power7le, and also try the initial power7le-bootstrapped version of Debian 8 (later versions require power8), the goal is to have a fully-working version of FF (not plagued by ARGB colour bugs due to BE) and to run LE-only NGS alignment algorithms on it (e.g. rna-star), will let you guys know! If all else fails I will try running debian or OpenSUSE LE from qemu. The latter mostly because the BE version works great on the G5 quad with a bit of tweaking to install!


macrumors 6502a
Aug 29, 2021
Marinette, Arizona
Currently trying to install MintPPC on Benbridge and on the select and install software phase it's getting to 16%, where it then jumps to 90%, and then 95%, and then fails with this non-specifc error.​
Any ideas?


macrumors 6502a
Aug 29, 2021
Marinette, Arizona
I caught that it was failing during cleanup, so I just decided to see if it installed properly enough that I couldn't immediately notice anything wrong and it seems like it has.
I installed smartmontools and it says my SSD is halfway into the grave so I won't consider this anything permanent, but for now it'll have to do. Not the hugest fan of Xfce but I'll give it at least a bit of a shot.​
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