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I hope you're right. My shipment hit Indy at about 1:00 am and then got to the "dest sort" facility just before 6:00 am. Hope it hits the delivery truck from there. :D:D
I hope you guys are right! Good luck to you.

Mine left Anchorage at 4pm their time and still says In Transit? Maybe it's circling Newark airport :D
So I'm in a bit of a pickle I have to work at 9 today so I'm trying to see if I can go pick the damn thing up. Apparently I have to wait till the facility opens at 8 am before I can find out.

I'd like to thank all the participants in this thread who have kept me sane over the last week. People's stories gave me hope. And the shared information I think helped us all. I'll post today if and when I get the iPad.
So I'm in a bit of a pickle I have to work at 9 today so I'm trying to see if I can go pick the damn thing up. Apparently I have to wait till the facility opens at 8 am before I can find out.

I'd like to thank all the participants in this thread who have kept me sane over the last week. People's stories gave me hope. And the shared information I think helped us all. I'll post today if and when I get the iPad.

lol...I'm in the same boat. I have to be at work at 9 too. Luckily I have a very flexible schedule. I told them that the day my iPad comes in that I was going to be about 2 hours late ...I might just even take the entire day off, who knows. I'm about to take my kids to school and come back and wait for the time to hit 9.00 so that i drive up to the FedEx facility.
I hope you guys are right! Good luck to you.

Mine left Anchorage at 4pm their time and still says In Transit? Maybe it's circling Newark airport :D

I'm in the same boat as you. Southwest Florida is final destination. Fingers crossed.

On the chance that mine is at my local facility later today, but after closing, and there is not delivery on Saturday, does anyone know if Fedex facilities are open for pick up on Saturday?
Mine shipped from China last this morning, with an estimated delivery date of May 20. Are these estimated dates accurate, or is there a good chance it will arrive earlier? I'm sure the answer to this question is somewhere on this thread, but don't have time to look right now. Thanks.
Looks like my iPad has the same tracking times asyours and is also headed for NYC, my iPad is listed as in transit leaving Anchorage at 4pm anchorage time, so maybe yours just wasnt scanned on the way out. wouldnt make sense for them to suddenly split up? my fedex estimated delivery is also weds, but apparently fedex estimates are way way off.....

Oh no! My iPad might have gone rogue! I hope you are right and it isn't just kicking it in Alaska.
Mine shipped from China last this morning, with an estimated delivery date of May 20. Are these estimated dates accurate, or is there a good chance it will arrive earlier? I'm sure the answer to this question is somewhere on this thread, but don't have time to look right now. Thanks.

Mine was suppose to come Monday, but it's coming today. So expect it 1-2 days earlier than what they listed.
Oh no! My iPad might have gone rogue! I hope you are right and it isn't just kicking it in Alaska.

Maybe they're just not scanning the trackign info now? No update for me since the 4pm departure from Anchorage yesterday (and it sounds like there are some others who haven't received updates either). From what I've read on here and around the internet more generally it is quite possible to receive a fedex package the day after its released in Anchorage, so I still have my fingers crossed.
I'm in the same boat as you. Southwest Florida is final destination. Fingers crossed.

On the chance that mine is at my local facility later today, but after closing, and there is not delivery on Saturday, does anyone know if Fedex facilities are open for pick up on Saturday?

I spoke with a nice woman at Fedex just now. She said that the package hasn't actually left Alaska yet. I think we are looking at a Monday delivery at this point. Oh well, one last weekend without my iPad.\

I did just get a shipping notification that my camera connection kit is shipping almost a week early. So that is good news.
Mine is right around the corner at my local facility.... whoop whoop lol. Now just waiting for 900 to go pick it up.:cool:

Update: My FedEx status now reads: Package available for pickup at: (I erased the address)
just picked mine up and now syncing it...everyone here was amazing and still is. I'm in ipad heaven:D
Thanks for the boost during this process. There's a lot of good info here that helps to get a feel for what actual wait will be. My order from May 3rd that left China about 36 hours ago is now out for delivery.

This puts it right within the promised window. Looks like Fedex way overestimates the travel time just in case of things like Customs issues.

Just to give you context. Anchorage to Indianapolis > 10 hrs - Indi Arrival to Kansas City > 2.5 hours - K.C. arrival to Local Hub > 2.5 hours - Out for Delivery 45 minutes later.

I'm sure the tracking updates skew the actual times a little. For example Indi Departure to KC shows 12 minutes... I'm pretty sure I would have heard my iPad arrive if that had happened...
So I now officially hate FedEx customer service. The drivers, pilots, workers, seem very efficient but these people I talk to over the phone are idiots. I call, they tell me that they can't get to my package till Monday. So I can't pick it up. I'm angry but whatever, so I drive to work. I work an hour away. I get a push notification right when I park my car that my package is out for delivery. Luckily, the FedEx facility is also an hour from where I live. So now I may have to race against the FedEx truck. Tune in to St. Louis news, its gonna look like an action movie!

Edit: Definitely missed the truck. Guess I'm waiting around until it returns home for the day.
If you think about it in reality, these iPads made it from CHINA to our doorsteps in a day. Pretty Amazing.

Well there is crossing the international dateline in there, so that subtracts a day from our delivery schedule as they come over here. So they don't make it in 24 hours.

Looks like most of them are coming a day early. This thread has been fun. Everyone enjoy your new iPads!
My May 3rd order has been in transit from Anchorage since yesterday evening with no updates, like many others in this thread. I'm thinking it won't be coming today... will Fedex deliver on Saturdays for normal shipping from Apple?
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