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How long is the flight from Hong Kong to Alaska or to Memphis?

I did a very unscientific check for a commercial flight which I imagine would take much longer. (They probably don't have flight attendants for our iPads). The results said it was about a 21hr flight between Anchorage and Hong Kong.
Mine is still showing in transit in Hong Kong from 11:32PM on May 12

Did yours go right from HK to Memphis??? I'm hoping for an update at some point today.

Any one else in that shipment showing any updates this morning?

Mine went straight from Lantau Island,HK, to Memphis TN.

My latest update from FedEx

May 13, 2010 12:39 AM Int'l shipment release MEMPHIS, TN
May 12, 2010 11:56 PM Arrived at FedEx location MEMPHIS, TN
May 12, 2010 5:16 PM In transit LANTAU ISLAND HK
May 12, 2010 11:31 AM Left FedEx origin facility SHENZHEN CN
May 12, 2010 10:56 AM Picked up SHENZHEN CN

So it looks like there is some movement out there... I am only 2 hrs from Memphis, so I am hopeful for (dare I say it?) Friday delivery.

Mine matches your info exactly, so they're in the same batch! :D
'Cept as of 2:56 pm, mine left Memphis, my fingers are crossed for delivery tomorrow.
Hhmmm, wondering if I did curse myself. :eek: No moves or updates in over 18 hours. Looks like most received an international shipment release within a few hours. Hope it reaches the lower 48 at some point today. :)

Well, it took my shipment nearly 24 hours from arrival in Alaska to "Int'l shipment release". Despite FedEx's indication of delivery by tomorrow morning, my optimism has faded a bit.

I received the email from Apple, it shows delivery by Monday.
Mine matches your info exactly, so they're in the same batch! :D
'Cept as of 2:56 pm, mine left Memphis, my fingers are crossed for delivery tomorrow.

Mine is still showing "Int'l shipment release" in Memphis. I am encouraged by the fact that they released yours. This indicates that they didn't just move the whole pallet to the corner of the warehouse to deal with tomorrow. :rolleyes:
Well, on the website it says in transit 11:32pm may 12. But when I called she told me it left there 9:55 pm may 13. Which matches that flight info.

Ok..well we have he same FedEx tracking info (website). So I'm hoping my ipad is on that flight as well. I'm starting to look forward to Monday now instead of Friday :(
Mine is still showing "Int'l shipment release" in Memphis.

Update. Mine is now showing:

May 13, 2010 4:43 PM Departed FedEx location MEMPHIS, TN

Here is hoping that we all wake up tomorrow to "Out for Delivery" notices (raises beer). :D
Yeah I ordered mine may 1st a 64gb 3g and I hope I get it by sat.. I am flying to hawaii on sunday and it would be a great entertainment companion I may have to take my macbook if it does not get here. here is my status

Date/Time Activity Location DetailsMay 13, 2010 11:24 AM
Int'l shipment release
ANCHORAGE, AKMay 12, 2010 1:09 PMArrived at FedEx locationANCHORAGE, AKMay 12, 2010 8:36 PMIn transitSHENZHEN CNMay 12, 2010 7:28 PMIn transitSHENZHEN CNMay 11, 2010 8:01 PMLeft FedEx origin facilitySHENZHEN CNMay 11, 2010 5:40 PMPicked upSHENZHEN CNPackage received after FedEx cutoffMay 11, 2010 3:31 AMShipment information sent to FedEx

it seems to be at international shipment release as of 3:24pm 5/13/10 est. I hope it gets here.
yahoo!!! mine left anchorage 7:16pm est probably flying to indianapolis, IN and arrive at 1:00am tomorrow. I should meet the 5/14/10 by 10:30am. I should have my ipad tomorrow I am so excited I may not sleep, just kidding!!
May 13, 2010 3:12 PM Int'l shipment release ANCHORAGE, AK
May 13, 2010 1:12 PM Arrived at FedEx location ANCHORAGE, AK

Anyone think I may see this sometime tomorrow? Southwest Florida is the final location. I'm not holding my breath, but it would be a nice surprise.
For those if you are have just ordered...

It does seem that Apple MAY be shipping ALL international and US ipads on the same date from now.

Apples US site shows 7-10 working days for it to be shipped which means shipping is likely to occur not until the week AFTER next, ie week of 21st May.

Which iccidently will put your US ipads to be delivered at some point before the end of that week, ie 28th May -which is the first international pre-order delivery date.
yahoo!!! mine left anchorage 7:16pm est probably flying to indianapolis, IN and arrive at 1:00am tomorrow. I should meet the 5/14/10 by 10:30am. I should have my ipad tomorrow I am so excited I may not sleep, just kidding!!

Hhmmm. Mine left at the same time. Here is my information:

May 13, 2010 7:16 PM Departed FedEx location ANCHORAGE, AK
May 13, 2010 3:24 PM Int'l shipment release ANCHORAGE, AK
May 12, 2010 5:09 PM Arrived at FedEx location ANCHORAGE, AK
May 12, 2010 8:36 AM In transit SHENZHEN CN
May 12, 2010 7:28 AM In transit SHENZHEN CN
May 11, 2010 8:01 AM Left FedEx origin facility SHENZHEN CN
May 11, 2010 5:40 AM Picked up SHENZHEN CN Package received after FedEx cutoff
May 11, 2010 4:31 AM Shipment information sent to FedEx

I'm not very close to Indy... Guess they could get to a FedEx "hub" and then head out for another early flight closer to our respective destinations (that's their "MO" right?). I guess there could be more than one flight?

Since I am such a dork...I checked with FedEx online and confirmed that I could ship from my final "destination" to Anchorage Alaska this evening, with an early arrival tomorrow morning.
Hmm, as of nearly midnight NY time, I'm still getting that my iPad is in Alaska. Maybe she likes the view of Russia.

May 13, 2010 2:04 PM Int'l shipment release ANCHORAGE, AK
May 13, 2010 1:12 PMArrived at FedEx locationANCHORAGE, AK
May 13, 2010 8:33 PMIn transitSHENZHEN CN

But seeing that others have gotten a departure after their release time fairly quickly, I'm expecting to get a departure at least by Friday morning. So hopeful for a Monday delivery, with Tuesday as the latest. Though the estimated delivery still is Wednesday afternoon. What is up with that?
Hmm, as of nearly midnight NY time, I'm still getting that my iPad is in Alaska. Maybe she likes the view of Russia.

May 13, 2010 2:04 PM Int'l shipment release ANCHORAGE, AK
May 13, 2010 1:12 PMArrived at FedEx locationANCHORAGE, AK
May 13, 2010 8:33 PMIn transitSHENZHEN CN

But seeing that others have gotten a departure after their release time fairly quickly, I'm expecting to get a departure at least by Friday morning. So hopeful for a Monday delivery, with Tuesday as the latest. Though the estimated delivery still is Wednesday afternoon. What is up with that?

Looks like my iPad has the same tracking times asyours and is also headed for NYC, my iPad is listed as in transit leaving Anchorage at 4pm anchorage time, so maybe yours just wasnt scanned on the way out. wouldnt make sense for them to suddenly split up? my fedex estimated delivery is also weds, but apparently fedex estimates are way way off.....
As of 12:30AM EST, My iPad has finally reached Memphis, TN. I'm giving it a 50/50 chance that I'll have it in under 12 hours. It's been done before and Boston is only a 2 hr flight from there.

Will update in the morning.
As of 12:30AM EST, My iPad has finally reached Memphis, TN. I'm giving it a 50/50 chance that I'll have it in under 12 hours. It's been done before and Boston is only a 2 hr flight from there.

Will update in the morning.

Hey you were right. Nice job on looking up that flight info!
I'm counting on Monday for me to receive mine. Soon as Monday morning hits, I'm gonna go right over and pick my ipad up :D
I just searched a couple FedEx flights. There was a flight that left Hong Kong at 9:59PM on May 13th (there time) and is Memphis bound to arrival at 11:09pm Tonight Local time.

Half of that matches what the rep told me earlier that my iPad left HK at 9:55 on May 13.

FedEx Flight 98.

Looks like you were right. Mine landed in Memphis and updated at 11:31PM. Maybe it might just make it before Monday.
Hey you were right. Nice job on looking up that flight info!
I'm counting on Monday for me to receive mine. Soon as Monday morning hits, I'm gonna go right over and pick my ipad up :D

Hitch and pirarre - you'll have your iPad's today. Mine made the same stops yours did and, once it left anchorage, it was stunning how fast it got to me. I'm just north of Boston btw.

My guess is your next posts will be to tell us that your iPads went through Indy or Memphis overnight and are at your regional facility (East Boston for pirarre) and maybe even en route to your local distribution facility to be put on the truck for delivery today.

I didn't believe it would move that fast, but you'll have it today!
Hitch and pirarre - you'll have your iPad's today. Mine made the same stops yours did and, once it left anchorage, it was stunning how fast it got to me. I'm just north of Boston btw.

My guess is your next posts will be to tell us that your iPads went through Indy or Memphis overnight and are at your regional facility (East Boston for pirarre) and maybe even en route to your local distribution facility to be put on the truck for delivery today.

I didn't believe it would move that fast, but you'll have it today!

Oh My God, I think you're right. When I checked the status about 30 minutes ago it said that it left Memphis at 430am, So I was starting to think that it'll come Monday. But then I got on my Palm Pre (too lazy to get out of bed of course) and checked Macrumors and read your post. I checked my status again...and my ipad was In Madison WI sort facility arrived at 550am. That's 40 minutes away....I'm getting excited by the minute. I'm going to check the status again around 8 and as soon as I see the status say that it's at my local facility I'm going to pick it up......:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:apple::apple::apple::apple:
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