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I'm saying that the notification light isn't useful because of the placement and the way it functions. When I had this enabled on my iPhone 4s, it would blink a single time when the notification was received, and that was it. On my HTC One, it blinks continuously until I turn the screen on.

Then, I'll get into the fact that different colors can indicate different types of notifications. The iPhone can't do that with the white LED, maybe it'll be an option on the 5s.

fair enough, yes I know what you are talking about, I had an old HTC touch diamond phone that the ring around the home button would illuminate very light (not blinding you like the IOS flash LED) and I do and did really miss that.
....and I really feel that IOS7 changed a ton and I just wanted to poll the IOS7 crowd, but the mods didn't see it that way

Changed a ton? iOS 7 is 95% just a new "skin". Some things like Control Center are new (for ios users), but most changes were just cosmetic. Or what big changes do you mean?
Changed a ton? iOS 7 is 95% just a new "skin". Some things like Control Center are new (for ios users), but most changes were just cosmetic. Or what big changes do you mean?

i'm not going to go through the whole change log for you.

also remember, sbsettings was out way before Android came out with their control center in Jelly bean not too long ago.
i'm not going to go through the whole change log for you.

also remember, sbsettings was out way before Android came out with their control center in Jelly bean not too long ago.

I use iOS7 every day, so you don't have to go through any changelog... but apart from the cosmetics, what has really changed in iOS7 in your daily routine? Tell me.
I use iOS7 every day, so you don't have to go through any changelog... but apart from the cosmetics, what has really changed in iOS7 in your daily routine? Tell me.

a few key ones for me (besides control center)

IOS music (which blows all other music streaming out of the water)
Safari updates
Pano camera
Search doesn't annoy me anymore when going all the way to the left (still wish I could just disable it)

if I had a 5s the fingerprint scanner would be a pretty big one that I would enjoy
I never said they "get in the way" or anything. You may not care about ignoring them, but they bother me. I don't like the cluttering of my status bar.

Fair enough. I can understand that.

I also never made any statement about what Android can/cannot do. I'm aware you can customize almost anything. I was simply stating I like iOS's implementation better. It suits me.

All the options you stated mean nothing to me - they only serve to complicate what is a relatively simple concept. Again, I'm happy the choice is there. But stating MY personal preferences, I don't see a point and don't like Android's implementation as much as iOS's.

You did mention that you can control notifications in iOS. That is why I said you can do the same in Android. Perhaps I misunderstood you when you said,

And of course you can control most of where and when and what app throws these types of notifications at you in iOS.
Do you know what lag means? Things can be faster without meaning they were slow before.

Isn't iOS getting faster and faster with each update? Does that mean it inherently had lag before? (Which is different from saying iOS doesn't lag).

Dude, chill.

You said things got snappier after an update. That means it had to be slower before the update. Simple logic.

Both OSes are getting faster. Both still experience lag. No mobile operating system is perfect despite your devotion to Android.

If there is a noticeable difference in speed between updates, then that means there must have been lag before the update. It could just be minor lag and slightly slower frame rates. Lag doesn't have to mean freezes and extremely noticeable stutters. Lag can be subtle and minor.
i'm not going to go through the whole change log for you.

also remember, sbsettings was out way before Android came out with their control center in Jelly bean not too long ago.

I wouldn't give iOS an ounce of credit for any of the work the developers have done for the jail breaking community.
a few key ones for me (besides control center)

IOS music (which blows all other music streaming out of the water)
Safari updates
Pano camera
Search doesn't annoy me anymore when going all the way to the left (still wish I could just disable it)

if I had a 5s the fingerprint scanner would be a pretty big one that I would enjoy

What do these things have to do with iOS 7, besides the safari update (I prefer chrome anyway). And this are really your "killer features"?
What do these things have to do with iOS 7, besides the safari update (I prefer chrome anyway). And this are really your "killer features"?

you asked for my personal favorites

what did Jellybean add for "killer features"?


I wouldn't give iOS an ounce of credit for any of the work the developers have done for the jail breaking community.

i'm not, i'm giving the community credit for coming up with it on IOS platform first (only to end up on Android later on)
Nor is iOS lag free.

I have not experienced lag whatsoever on my HTC One. At all. And since the 4.3 update, it's actually snappier than ever.

My Galaxy S4 is completely lag free as well. Beginning with Android ver 4.2.2, most top of the line phones have no lag. And for that matter neither does my Nexus 7 on Android 4.3.

Android has matured very nicely, the experiences of the past are just that. In the past and over. Those who use those old excuses to bash Android are revealing the truth about themselves... they are not up to date.

NO smartphone or OS is perfect, but presently Android is very smooth and fast. Same for the latest blah blah blah about screen response. There are times when I find my iPad mini, or iPad 4 either slow to respond, or not responding at all... requiring a restart.

There's nothing wrong with that... it happens, it's a computer and nothing in our hi-tech world today is perfect. On a day to day basis I find both iOS and Android great platforms to use, they're simply different.... just as it should be.
My Galaxy S4 is completely lag free as well. Beginning with Android ver 4.2.2, most top of the line phones have no lag. And for that matter neither does my Nexus 7 on Android 4.3.

Only the stock version is okay. GS4 with touchwiz lags a lot, and that's pathetic for a flagship phone. You shouldn't need to buy a stock version or root a phone to run it lagfree.
Only the stock version is okay. GS4 with touchwiz lags a lot, and that's pathetic for a flagship phone. You shouldn't need to buy a stock version or root a phone to run it lagfree.

I guess it all depends on ones idea of lag. I still have a GS3. Never felt a need to root or install a ROM like I did my previous Android. And I've received four updates since I've had it. Touchwiz isn't great for a homescreen or launcher so I use Apex and Nova. Simple solution.
Opening images successfully.

ES File Explorer (file manager) and App Backup and Restore apps alone is why I may never go back to a closed platform like iOS or WP.

There are advantages to a closed vs open one. There is always a tradeoff. Always a compromise. But I still prefer openness.

Android is a tinkerer's OS. And a thinker's OS. I learn new things all the time. The challenges of it is so worth it for me once I get the results I want. Sometimes its imperfections is what's keeps interested in it because there is always a work-around. Android true HEART has MORE DEPTH. It is a mixture of the journey, freedom, and the actual result and knowledge I get from it. It is like my current wife. She isnt perfect but I love her.

When I had a Nexus One as a primary, it had a small INTERNAL memory. It wasnt rooted so I had to be "creative" and minimalistic on the apps I wanted to use. My back was against the wall but that is where most of the creativity can be born into. With struggle. That phone made me HATE Android at first and then eventually I LOVED it. It took me almost a full year to "get it" with Android. I realized "less was more." Ironically it took a more complicated OS like Android for me to actually simplify my homescreen and apps that I really needed to use while with iOS I had a bunch of apps I hardly used with the same static row of icons.

For others, maybe they dont what to tinker. Maybe they dont want think more for themselves. They dont have time for it. They like the polish and the smoothness or whatever. They love being into that ecosystem. They love the apps or games more on it. Maybe they like contentment with complacency. Like having a relationship. Perfect but eventually boring too. I get that too. Get an OS that makes you happy.
Only the stock version is okay. GS4 with touchwiz lags a lot, and that's pathetic for a flagship phone. You shouldn't need to buy a stock version or root a phone to run it lagfree.

Your denial is impressive, life just passes by so smoothly :)
Not sure what this means, but it seems to imply that I think Android is perfect.

I have never ever said such things, and in fact, often say quite the contrary.


"It just works."

You sure do a lot of Apple bashing and Google praising around here. But at least you make your bias very obvious, even though it seems like you try to hide it ;-)

This quote above only proves your desire to Apple-bash :p


Only the stock version is okay. GS4 with touchwiz lags a lot, and that's pathetic for a flagship phone. You shouldn't need to buy a stock version or root a phone to run it lagfree.

It still won't be lag free. No phone is lag free.
You sure do a lot of Apple bashing and Google praising around here. But at least you make your bias very obvious, even though it seems like you try to hide it ;-)

This quote above only proves your desire to Apple-bash :p

I openly criticize both iOS and Android. There happens to be a lot more to criticize iOS and the iPhone about.
I openly criticize both iOS and Android. There happens to be a lot more to criticize iOS and the iPhone about.

Hahahaha here you go again. Even when you try and tell me you don't criticize Apple as much, here you are doing it! You're a funny guy. You're even funnier when people say something remotely positive about Apple. You can't help but jump all over them. Especially jswizzle or whatever his name is. But really you do it to everyone. Same thing when someone says something remotely negative about Google, there you are :)
I say between iOS vs Android, I find iOS to be CLEARLY better at music and has gaming.

Design/Build Quality - Depends
Screen - Depends
Browser - Depends
Camera - Depends
Music - iOS
Games - iOS
Call Quality - Depends
Battery Life - Depends

The rest of the categories depends on the specific Android phone it is being compared to. I say camera, 5s gives Android phones a slight edge now but not a clear advantage.

Apps is generally close to me as while Apple have more fun apps and polish, Android has many useful system/settings apps. Ecosystem is a preferred thing like closed vs open.

Generally, Android flagships have bigger screens, so while it loses some comfort and portability, it gains in a much better viewing experience for content.
The only annoying thing I find in Android, including the high-end devices, is touch input lag. In iOS, there's almost a 1 to 1 response time when it comes to touch. If you scroll or make gestures such as pinch to zoom, it responds precisely with the finger movement.

I've never seen an Android phone with perfect touch response. Always a slight delay between the beginning of the physical action and when it is reflected on the screen.

While it may not seem much, it is noticeable once you're mentally conditioned to instant response time.
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