Tim Cook has one job and one job only: to please the shareholders. Apple is making money in unimaginable amounts, the stock is at a record high, therefore the shareholders are happy and Tim Cook is doing his job. People like me grouse and complain about the absence of new Macs, but the fact of the matter is that what people like me think or want matters not at all. What matters is whether the shareholders are pleased, and they don't care whether Apple makes computers at all or anything but the iPhone, which is of course the cash cow. The shareholders do not care WHAT Apple makes as long as the stock remains high and the cash flows into the coffers. It's that simple. I don't like it, but it is not about what I like. Apple is a company and it's about money. Period. Those whose opinion alone matters don't care whether Apple makes computers or toilet paper or manure, as long as the financial imperatives are addressed and met in a desireable way. Given the way things are going, Tim Cook is not going anywhere unless Tim Cook wants to, and all this nonsense about how he's ruining Apple is just that, nonsense. Apple is a company. They exist to make money. No other reason. People like me have to learn to accept that, and stop all the But Apple Is Special crap. They are just another company. And, yes, I'm talking to myself as much as to anyone else.