So it's been about 7 months now, and I'm wondering if anyone has found any nice, integrated, or elegant uses for the TouchBar? Please no flaming or negativity, I agree it seems pretty useless however I maintain it could be useful... More curious if we've got to that point yet.
I've seen some apps that allow you to customise it, however I don't think it's particularly elegant to spend so much time doing that (They may be self set up, I don't know though).
I touchtype so rarely look at the bar anyway, the only use I get out of it are quickly changing the volume and occasionally telling Siri to shut-up. Oh and the Emoji bar in iMessage, that's useful. I've not really noticed the uses in PS or other apps that added support either.
I don't know what I want it to do, I'm not an app developer. But after 7 months I'm hoping some members of this useful community might have come across some nice uses for it.