Here folks are thanking their lucky stars we dodged a flooding bullet after 33" of snow plus drifts in mid-December followed by... yeah, mid-50s temperatures last week... from a rare southerly wind that brought us 2.5" of rain, melted all the snow in 36 hours, filled every creek to just about flood stage or a little over, and then provided frozen lakes in our backyards or meadows as the temperatures plunged back again to the teens and low 20s.
It's been like watching a trailer for some dystopian horror flick that goes straight to DVD and where all the worst scenes are stuck into the trailer to make it seem more scary.
Well at least I didn't have to pump out my cellar and have to drag the hose inside after every go else it would set up at night.. been there done that a few other times when we've had these winter flood-freeze scenarios. I'm outta practice though: the last really bummer one of those we had was sometime around 1996. Lost two maple trees that year, they could not take the joke of a flood-freeze loop that lasted two weeks.
Today's a nice day even though snowing a little: the gas delivery guy just topped off the fuel tanks! This is the time of year I really love, as the light comes back after that long grey run-up to the winter solstice.