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macrumors regular
Original poster
Sep 10, 2005
Barcelona - CAT
After 5 days using my iPad Wifi 32Gb I have decided to ship it back to Apple and ask for a refund. I know that is not common to criticize Apple products in these forums, but for me it is interesting and perhaps for someone else too. My reasons sorted by relevance have been:

1- No Mobile Me support. I can't access text files nor spreadsheets stored in the iDisk. The iDisk app (still for iPhone) can do just a preview, and Pages & Numbers have no link to the iDisk. The Mobile Me website does not work either in Safari for iPad.
2- The device is nice but too heavy to use as a reader. I have several Macs and an iPhone and buy and read iBooks was the main use I had in mind for the iPad.
3- There's no Finder nor any kind of access to the file system. There's not even a Documents folder.

I think the iPad is the future: a closed clamshell computer with which you can't do anything without a credit card and the permission of the big brother Apple and the control of their big cyclops eye called iTunes. Probably I'm too old to accept that.
Ok then.

By the way, the weight won't change and you still need to buy software (why won't those pesky software developers work for free huh?) but I'd bet money on the OS 4 update bringing us native compatibility with iDisk. In the meantime, I can access all my iDisk content via GoodReader, which is as cheap as an app can be without being free.
After 5 days using my iPad Wifi 32Gb I have decided to ship it back to Apple and ask for a refund. I know that is not common to criticize Apple products in these forums, but for me it is interesting and perhaps for someone else too. My reasons sorted by relevance have been:

1- No Mobile Me support. I can't access text files nor spreadsheets stored in the iDisk. The iDisk app (still for iPhone) can do just a preview, and Pages & Numbers have no link to the iDisk. The Mobile Me website does not work either in Safari for iPad.
2- The device is nice but too heavy to use as a reader. I have several Macs and an iPhone and buy and read iBooks was the main use I had in mind for the iPad.
3- There's no Finder nor any kind of access to the file system. There's not even a Documents folder.

I think the iPad is the future: a closed clamshell computer with which you can't do anything without a credit card and the permission of the big brother Apple and the control of their big cyclops eye called iTunes. Probably I'm too old to accept that.

I'm not sure that a finder would be all that useful. The spotlight search works great for finding files or apps.
You had an iPhone, you should have realized exactly what you were getting ahead of time. A bigger iPhone.
After 5 days using my iPad Wifi 32Gb I have decided to ship it back to Apple and ask for a refund. I know that is not common to criticize Apple products in these forums, but for me it is interesting and perhaps for someone else too. My reasons sorted by relevance have been:

1- No Mobile Me support. I can't access text files nor spreadsheets stored in the iDisk. The iDisk app (still for iPhone) can do just a preview, and Pages & Numbers have no link to the iDisk. The Mobile Me website does not work either in Safari for iPad.
2- The device is nice but too heavy to use as a reader. I have several Macs and an iPhone and buy and read iBooks was the main use I had in mind for the iPad.
3- There's no Finder nor any kind of access to the file system. There's not even a Documents folder.

I think the iPad is the future: a closed clamshell computer with which you can't do anything without a credit card and the permission of the big brother Apple and the control of their big cyclops eye called iTunes. Probably I'm too old to accept that.

1. No idea about this one. I don't use MobileMe
2. It is heavier than a Kindle. If this was your primary, then I can see that you probably would prefer the Kindle.
3. GoodReader third party app accomplishes a lot of what you are missing here.
No device is perfect for everyone.

I used to want a tablet that could run a full desktop operating system (such as the HP Slate running Windows 7) but when that was rumored to be delayed/cancelled I decided to try out the iPad and so far I am loving it.

The key for me was accepting/realizing that the iPad isn't a full computer - it is a portable device that allows access to the internet and cloud (i.e. my documents folder is my dropbox and google docs). I have no problem with reading books or the weight but accept that other people may not have the same feeling. I would like an easily accessible file system (drag/drop from PC/mac over wifi), a less controlled app space (without the need for jailbreaking) and simple microSD card expansion but I am willing to do without those.

Will I stick with iPad through multiple product generations or will I switch to a future android powered device with the features I desire? I don't know yet but I am happy with my iPad for now :D

Edit to add: both Goodreader and Documents To Go allow access to iDisk docs stored online.
You can't access the Mobile Me website? Really? So does that mean I will have no access to my email account on Mobile Me when using iPad?!!
Yeah i've seen a lot of people say its too heavy, but i find with the Apple Case to add grip, its fine, i usually prop it up on my lap, or my chest if i'm lying down, or in the crook of my arm.

Also i lift weights 3 times a week, maybe you guys need a little more exercise.
After 5 days using my iPad Wifi 32Gb I have decided to ship it back to Apple and ask for a refund. I know that is not common to criticize Apple products in these forums, but for me it is interesting and perhaps for someone else too. My reasons sorted by relevance have been:

1- No Mobile Me support. I can't access text files nor spreadsheets stored in the iDisk. The iDisk app (still for iPhone) can do just a preview, and Pages & Numbers have no link to the iDisk. The Mobile Me website does not work either in Safari for iPad.
2- The device is nice but too heavy to use as a reader. I have several Macs and an iPhone and buy and read iBooks was the main use I had in mind for the iPad.
3- There's no Finder nor any kind of access to the file system. There's not even a Documents folder.

I think the iPad is the future: a closed clamshell computer with which you can't do anything without a credit card and the permission of the big brother Apple and the control of their big cyclops eye called iTunes. Probably I'm too old to accept that.

Ultimatly your decision as you know how you want to use it and what you were expecting, but a few notes on your flaws which you might not be aware of.

1) although there might not be an Idisk app yet, the Goodreader app ( amongst many others) has Idisk support and can do all of the functions you mentioned, including downloading and saving for offline use.

2) Fair enough. This is true, although I personaly like to rest it on my lap, my "reading" chair is a nice comfy bean bag type thing I can snuggle into and just leave the ipad on my lap , tilted using the official case.

3) Finder -> it has spot light. As for viewing the file structures, what would be your practicle use of doing this? You can transfer documents via itunes to programs such as goodreader OR use your idisk which syncs to good reader and view the documents/folders just as they would appear in a finder window. Ask yourself do you need a finder window or only think you need one, maybe theres a valid reason I havnet thought of.

4) you mentioned you had an Iphone, so if you were expecting a vastly different experience and management system then you have taken in false information.
Point 1 and 3, fine, if thats a dealbreaker for you. But too heavy to use as a reader? WTF, seriously, i'm getting fed up of hearing this. Go pickup any hardback book, or textbook, i'll bet 90% of them are over 700 grams, even larger paperbacks will be a similar sort of weight.

Do you pick a book off a shelf and then decide whether its suitable from its weight?
You can't access the Mobile Me website? Really? So does that mean I will have no access to my email account on Mobile Me when using iPad?!!

You can always set up your MobileMe email in the bulit in email client on the iPad. To me it is much nicer to use than the website anyway.
You could easily have avoided the disappointment you felt about points 1 and 3 if you had done some basic research about the capabilities of the iPad in advance of buying it.

I think the iPad is the future: a closed clamshell computer with which you can't do anything without a credit card and the permission of the big brother Apple and the control of their big cyclops eye called iTunes. Probably I'm too old to accept that.

I lol'd.
I wonder how all those students managed reading their textbooks while most of them clearly weigh more than 1.5lbs.

I like readdledocs for MobileMe access although I use dropbox because it's free.

Ifile works great if you really need access to the filesystem, though it requires you to jailbreak.

At first I got an iPad just because I like new things, but now it's obvious that this is the way forward, and after reading mr jobs reasons for why things are the way they are at the D8 conference yesterday it all makes perfect sense. I don't consider myself a rabid fanboy, but I do appreciate things that are well made and well thought out. I love my iPad, but I'm going to reject your apology as it's not necessary, can't please everyone that's life...
Just wanted to say two things. First, fair enough that the iPad didn't click for you, it won't for everyone of course. I can also understand the second point you raised, it is heavier than perhaps you might expect and until you've got one in your hands you're never quite sure how it's going to feel.

Secondly though is that I really don't understand either the mobileme or finder complaints. Both of these items were WELL documented in advance, Apple have never ever stated that there would be file system access (why would there be, there's no real need for it on the iPad for the vast majority of the target market) and there's never been any indication that there'd be the sort of MobileMe support you're looking for. While I understand why you'd consider those things to be deal breakers I'm not entirely sure why you made the purchase when it was well known in advance that those features are not currently available.
No device is perfect for everyone.

This is where this thread should end. This is the only logical response. I love how all these people are chiming in trying to explain to the OP that basically, he's wrong.
But too heavy to use as a reader? WTF, seriously, i'm getting fed up of hearing this. Go pickup any hardback book, or textbook, i'll bet 90% of them are over 700 grams, even larger paperbacks will be a similar sort of weight.

Do you pick a book off a shelf and then decide whether its suitable from its weight?

Textbooks are not marketed as revolutionary mobile devices. Weight is a considerable concern.
1- No Mobile Me support. I can't access text files nor spreadsheets stored in the iDisk. The iDisk app (still for iPhone) can do just a preview, and Pages & Numbers have no link to the iDisk. The Mobile Me website does not work either in Safari for iPad.

There are 2 iPad/universal apps I know off the top of my head that will allow you to access MS Office documents on your iDisk, edit them, and then save/sync the changed documents back to your iDisk: Office²HD and Docs to Go Premium. I've used both and they work as advertised to easily access documents on your iDisk without having to go through the trouble of transferring them back and forth via iTunes.

Also, I think that some changes to MobileMe and the iWork apps are coming soon. The lack of integration between the iPad and MobileMe is huge and is not something that Apple will let go on for long, IMHO. I'm guessing we'll see some news at WWDC next week.
I'm just a 125-lb weakling girl, and I've read 15 novels on my iPad since I got it (without a case even). Yes, it's as heavy as a hardback, but at the same time it's a lot less awkward to handle. I can read comfortably for longer periods on the iPad than I could a hardback (or a paperback for that matter).

And despite its lighter weight, I don't miss my Kindle 2 at all.

I'm putting this out there because, while it may be too heavy for the OP, it isn't necessarily too heavy for everyone.
This is where this thread should end. This is the only logical response. I love how all these people are chiming in trying to explain to the OP that basically, he's wrong.

I don't know that they are trying to tell the OP he's wrong. It's not like he's new to iPhone OS, already owning an iPhone, so there should have been no surprise at the "lack of a finder". It seems to me that the OP, and others who've returned/sold the iPad quickly after buying it, have experienced buyers remorse and look for reasons to justify not keeping the device.
The weight is such a non issue. You get used to it in a few weeks, then you won't ever think about it again.
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