Also i lift weights 3 times a week, maybe you guys need a little more exercise.
I have to recognize that I am more wonted to hold books for hours than to make exercise. It is my fault then.
Also i lift weights 3 times a week, maybe you guys need a little more exercise.
Why in the world would it need a filesystem?
Why in the world would it need a filesystem?
sure, at the moment I will replace it with my old good PowerBook G4 12" 1.5 that comes with me to the work for the last years. It's a bit heavier but he can do a thousand more things than the iPad.
The weight is not a problem because I have my trophy wife hold it in front of me as I read.
I know that is not common to criticize Apple products in these forums here?
Can it do sat nav? Has it got an accelerometer? Has it got a compass? Has it got 3G? +all the "thousands" of applications for those features![]()
well, if you had had a computer before the iPad you would not make that question...
Data at the root level should be accessable by whatever app that needs it. We shouldn't have to save and organize and hunt and transfer. Data should live in the cloud and be there for when and how We need it. Once persistent access exits across devices that is always in sync, we are done.
I wouldn't want or need an elaborate file system, but a simple one. People may not think of it this way, but our photos are stores in a "file system". Obviously Apple thought a file system was needed for photo (and even our music), so why not have a similar system for documents?
I don't need sat nav nor accelerometer nor a compass and I do plug my 3g stick. I don't speak english very well but I'm not stupid. I bought the iPad to replace that PB and I needed very few features that I thought I could do perfectly with the new device:
- Email access: Passed
- Video Player: Passed
- Music Player: Passed
- Internet Browser: Almost Passed. I could not upload pictures to an important website for my work because there's no file system access nor a direct connection between safari and my pictures.
- Basic Text and Spreasheet handling. Not Passed due the disconnection with iDisk & Mobile Me and, again, the prohibition to access the file system.
- eBook Reader: Not Passed, the device is too heavy (for me) and the spanish store is absolutely empty.
I know many people will love it and probably I will do myself in a couple of years but nowadays the iPad is not useful for me and for that reason I have given it back, that's all.
So you didnt want all its unique features but you did want things it cant (out of the box) do... so you went and bought one.
By the way, you have won the super secret international Wizzy® lottery that you never knew you entered. All i require is a small deposit into my Nigerian bank account. I'll PM you the details of where to send the money![]()
Apple and Macs have their place, as does the iPad - I typed this on my iPad for instance - but almost anything you can do on a Mac I can do faster, cheaper, and better on a PC. But i also expect that the chances that any condescending macsnobs would admit that is 0%.
So someone makes a post that says the iPad is not perfect and obviously he is a weak fool with no taste who deserves to be verbally whipped. Man what a bunch of condescending twits you people are.
The iPad is a limited function media consumption device. It does some things REALLY well, like SOME browsing to sites that don't use flash, and limited email, since you cannot really type long term with thie iPad keyboard.
Heavy? Yes. I ride the train/subway 40-45 minutes each way for work everyday and usually stand as i believe I am in better shape than most people riding with me. I like to read while I ride. Kindle is simplicity itself to hold one handed and read, changing pages with my thumb. The iPad is pretty much impossible to use the same way. If you really honestly can say that you find it comfortable to hold the iPad in one hand, reading an iBook, and changing pages, with one hand, then you have the strength of Hercules and are amazingly dextrous. Realistically to read on the iPad you need either 2 hands or someplace to set the device down.
File system? I live with files of every sort, every day. Power point, word, text, excel, PDF, et al. Hundreds of files. Now, a week later, i am thinkIng, man, where was that write up i saw on whether or not you can use the iPad charger on an iPhone? Maybe I have it wrong, but on the iPad, I have to know where it was - have to know it was a PDF, then open my PDF reader to search for it? On a pc, i just search for it and can find it regardless of the exact form the document was. Or i find the file in the file system. And just open it, independant of the app. Not being tied to the app is so much more flexible. I will admit some apple ignorance here - perhaps there are easier, less obvious ways to do this and i just don't know them yet. My apple experience was limited to 3 years of pain in daily using Macs. The amount of system crashes and lost data from using the Macs was trull amazing - I literally lost hundred and hundreds of hours of productivity because the Macs we were using were so failure prone. So yeah i am a PC user, but I will take my 4 PC crashes a year over the 4 Mac crashes per day anytime.
File sharing? This amazes me. I have a server at home that my PS3 connects to, my Wii, my 2 PCs, and my 2 laptops. I can access files on the server at will, edit from the server, or edit locally and drag it to the server so that another PC can access it immediately. Do that on an iPad. Absolutely impossible. We dont need to share no stinkin files. Wait, on this media sharing device i want to access my media streaming from my home server. Oops, can't. Wait, I want to acces the 100+ movies I have on my home server. Oops can't, unless maybe they are in my iTunes library and i have copied them onto the iPad. But, i can connect to the same server, access those files, videos, music, pictures, AT WILL from any PC in my house - yes PC is so clearly inferior.
Apple and Macs have their place, as does the iPad - I typed this on my iPad for instance - but almost anything you can do on a Mac I can do faster, cheaper, and better on a PC. But i also expect that the chances that any condescending macsnobs would admit that is 0%.
There are 2 iPad/universal apps I know off the top of my head that will allow you to access MS Office documents on your iDisk, edit them, and then save/sync the changed documents back to your iDisk: Office²HD and Docs to Go Premium. I've used both and they work as advertised to easily access documents on your iDisk without having to go through the trouble of transferring them back and forth via iTunes.
Also, I think that some changes to MobileMe and the iWork apps are coming soon. The lack of integration between the iPad and MobileMe is huge and is not something that Apple will let go on for long, IMHO. I'm guessing we'll see some news at WWDC next week.
That's it, thanks kas23. Pages, Numbers and Keynote create documents and documents are files. I think is not so extraterrestrial to miss a simple Finder or a kind of Home folder...