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totally agree, too heavy, by maybe half a pound. it would be nice to hold it up with one hand and use but it's just too uncomfortable. Also find myself having to do all sorts of jiggery pokery with cushions, arranging my body in all sorts of angles to use the thing comfortably. I can’t lay it flat down on the couch next to me cuz of the poor viewing angle. I like the ipad, but the fact you have to use other objects around the house to make it functional is really a joke when you think about it.
1- No Mobile Me support. I can't access text files nor spreadsheets stored in the iDisk. The iDisk app (still for iPhone) can do just a preview, and Pages & Numbers have no link to the iDisk. The Mobile Me website does not work either in Safari for iPad.
2- The device is nice but too heavy to use as a reader. I have several Macs and an iPhone and buy and read iBooks was the main use I had in mind for the iPad.
3- There's no Finder nor any kind of access to the file system. There's not even a Documents folder.

1. Yes, you can. There are plenty of third-party apps for that – some are cheap or free.
2. According to GoogleAnswers, the average book weighs between 1-1.5 pounds. I would imagine first-run hardbacks, the last three Harry Potter books, and EVERY Paul Johnson or Kearns Goodwin book weighs far more than the iPad.
3. It's a paradigm shift. Let go of your old way of thinking. There are solutions other than a central file system.
1 and 3 are the exact reasons why I'm never going to buy an iPad.

However they're also the reasons why I'd recommend one to someone who wants their first computer. My 80 year old grandma bought one and she likes it, tried learning a real computer last year but gave up.
What are you guys, a bunch of 12 year old girls? It's not heavy at all. But besides that, why would anyone hold it in one hand for too long?

Lay it on your lap, use both hands, get a stand. Or go lift some weights and become stronger. 1.5lbs ;).

Sorry if I offend anyone but come on.
The iPad is not for everyone, but to say it is too heavy?? Are you kidding me?? I had 5 lb. textbooks in college and though they did have lots of information in them, they couldn't access my e-mail or go on the internet or scroll through my photos or ... well, you know.
What are you guys, a bunch of 12 year old girls? It's not heavy at all. But besides that, why would anyone hold it in one hand for too long?

Lay it on your lap, use both hands, get a stand. Or go lift some weights and become stronger. 1.5lbs ;).

Sorry if I offend anyone but come on.

LOLz. Girlie men need a Hans and Franz app.
After 5 days using my iPad Wifi 32Gb I have decided to ship it back to Apple and ask for a refund. I know that is not common to criticize Apple products in these forums, but for me it is interesting and perhaps for someone else too. My reasons sorted by relevance have been:

1- No Mobile Me support. I can't access text files nor spreadsheets stored in the iDisk. The iDisk app (still for iPhone) can do just a preview, and Pages & Numbers have no link to the iDisk. The Mobile Me website does not work either in Safari for iPad.
2- The device is nice but too heavy to use as a reader. I have several Macs and an iPhone and buy and read iBooks was the main use I had in mind for the iPad.
3- There's no Finder nor any kind of access to the file system. There's not even a Documents folder.

I think the iPad is the future: a closed clamshell computer with which you can't do anything without a credit card and the permission of the big brother Apple and the control of their big cyclops eye called iTunes. Probably I'm too old to accept that.

Your last statement should have been listed as reason #4. I thought about taking mine back over the filesystem issue. Then I realized that Apple will simply sell it to somebody else to keep up with demand and decided I was better off enjoying my iPad with its limitations rather than trying to "make a statement" to Apple by taking it back. I love the form factor. It's comfortable to use in bed or on the couch. It's not as nice as a laptop or desktop when seated at a desk but considering I spend 8 hours as a cubicle slave at the office, I'd rather recline on the sofa to use a computer at home. Let me take your points one by one...

1 - I absolutely agree. It is astounding Apple is still charging money for Mobile Me and hasn't released a native iPad app that can get and put files. I use goodreader and air sharing hd but this support should have come with the iPad. I also use the iPhone version of docs2go, which only last night got updated for iPad and I'm gonna grab it when I get home.

2 - I find the iPad to be heavy but since it's a simple tablet it is exceedingly easy to find a comfortable position holding it.

3 - This is Apple trying to avoid cannibalizing Mac sales. It's lame. Just plain lame. Anybody that says differently has overdosed on the Kool Aid. And no, spotlight is not the same as finder. How come spotlight can't bring up files sitting in airsharing or goodreader? It can't search app sandboxes. What we need here is Finder. Hopefully it comes with OS 4.0. I object to this limitation but I have chosen to live with it because I love the form factor. I'm one of those at risk of jailbreaking my iPad to get file access or at risk of jumping to an Android tablet if it handles files better than iPad. But

4 (your last point) - The walled garden. I have mixed feelings about this. I'm tempted to jailbreak just to get styletap. But I shouldn't have to. SJ should eat some humble pie and allow interpreted content like flash and emulators in the app store.(which is hard to do now that Apple has just passed Microsoft's market cap). But again, the ranks of sites formally walking away from HTML5 is growing and if an Android tablet comes along with flash (and if it doesn't suck), we will get flash on iThings. Mark my words.

1 and 3 are the exact reasons why I'm never going to buy an iPad.

However they're also the reasons why I'd recommend one to someone who wants their first computer. My 80 year old grandma bought one and she likes it, tried learning a real computer last year but gave up.

It's good to be able to make that decision up front. I purchased on day 1 and had to find out that stuff the hard way. I decided to keep mine because there is so much I still like about it and Apple has promised us OS 4.0 will be free and available this fall.

Perhaps I should add a 5th category: temptation. It would be nice to have a device that was in this form factor that was less optimized for gaming and media but still this easy to use. Perhaps then I'd spend less time riding virtual roller coasters and more time reading ebooks. :eek:
1- No Mobile Me support. I can't access text files nor spreadsheets stored in the iDisk. The iDisk app (still for iPhone) can do just a preview, and Pages & Numbers have no link to the iDisk. The Mobile Me website does not work either in Safari for iPad.
2- The device is nice but too heavy to use as a reader. I have several Macs and an iPhone and buy and read iBooks was the main use I had in mind for the iPad.
3- There's no Finder nor any kind of access to the file system. There's not even a Documents folder.

I think the iPad is the future: a closed clamshell computer with which you can't do anything without a credit card and the permission of the big brother Apple and the control of their big cyclops eye called iTunes. Probably I'm too old to accept that.

Let's see here...

1) I have no problem seeing my files stored on iDisk then emailing them to my iPad if I need to edit. Of course it's even easier w/ dropbox since I can access the file directly and open in Pages, Numbers, Goodreader, etc.

2) The iPad is 1.5lbs. A new hardcover book avgs twice that so seems to be a hollow argument. Also, when I read it's usually on the sofa or bed...I have a place on or near to rest the iPad, just like a book, so I'm not bearing 100% of the weight.

3) No file system to access, no. But you should have known that before you bought. It was quite obvious what the iPad is and is not on Day One. And you say you are just figuring this out. Hmmm...

4) The iPad is a closed system. Yes. Again, very much advertised since the start. You rail against this, but you bought one anyway. Beee Essss.

5) It's hyperbole to say you can't do anything w/o a CC. You can load your own non-DRM movies, music, books, PDFs., etc. Most of the Apps I have are freebies. Sure Apple has a grip on which Apps make it to the store, but that is reality since App Store started two years ago.

All this adds up to you either being a pretty lazy consumer or a hackneyed troll. Which is it?
After 5 days using my iPad Wifi 32Gb I have decided to ship it back to Apple and ask for a refund. I know that is not common to criticize Apple products in these forums, but for me it is interesting and perhaps for someone else too. My reasons sorted by relevance have been:

1- No Mobile Me support. I can't access text files nor spreadsheets stored in the iDisk. The iDisk app (still for iPhone) can do just a preview, and Pages & Numbers have no link to the iDisk. The Mobile Me website does not work either in Safari for iPad.
2- The device is nice but too heavy to use as a reader. I have several Macs and an iPhone and buy and read iBooks was the main use I had in mind for the iPad.
3- There's no Finder nor any kind of access to the file system. There's not even a Documents folder.

I think the iPad is the future: a closed clamshell computer with which you can't do anything without a credit card and the permission of the big brother Apple and the control of their big cyclops eye called iTunes. Probably I'm too old to accept that.

No need to each their own. One of the things I always understand as an early adapter is that some things I would like to have will be available.....particularly on the iPad....and some will have to be worked around until they are available....

As far as the weight, I felt (for me) the weight added somewhat of a quality feel to the device. Hold an iPhone then hold a Droid Incredible, that little extra weight on the iPhone does add something to that solid quality feel. The other suggestion would be to hold the iPad in landscape when distributes the weight differently for a lighter feel. Now iPhone was originally released with a metal back, I'm sure future versions of iPad probably will also, plus with updated capabilities at that point....maybe that's when you will find it more suitable to your needs and liking.

Good luck, hope to see you back.
probably in the US it's different, but here most of the pocket books do not weigh more than 300gr and this is the kind of book I use to buy.
And I am not a troll, I just thought that it could be enriching for the forum that a dissatisfied buyer give his opinion. I love Macs and I think this is my first disappointment with Apple, but I am convinced that the iPhone OS is left close to the iPad that deserves something more powerful and open.
probably in the US it's different, but here most of the pocket books do not weigh more than 300gr and this is the kind of book I use to buy.
And I am not a troll, I just thought that it could be enriching for the forum that a dissatisfied buyer give his opinion. I love Macs and I think this is my first disappointment with Apple, but I am convinced that the iPhone OS is left close to the iPad that deserves something more powerful and open.

i love my iPad although I agree with your points:

1: i'm sure with OS 4 a lot of the software complaints will go away
2: yes it's too heavy. on top of that it has no features to get a firm grip. it's too sleek. however I got used to it and if need then a silicone case should make it easier to hold.
3: having no file system broke the Palm handheld business. Most people I knew loved the palm but missed the file system so much that they stopped using the palms. I hope apple does better.

for me the iPad is a great device for consuming and spending money on the web. in addition its sometimes useful and most of the time more convenient than a notebook.
probably in the US it's different, but here most of the pocket books do not weigh more than 300gr and this is the kind of book I use to buy.
And I am not a troll, I just thought that it could be enriching for the forum that a dissatisfied buyer give his opinion. I love Macs and I think this is my first disappointment with Apple, but I am convinced that the iPhone OS is left close to the iPad that deserves something more powerful and open.

At no point did I get the impression you were trolling. For someone to assume saying something negative about Apple or one of its products is automatically trolling shows a rather narrow minded point of view. Sure there are those who come along and scold you about your choices, but I value your opinion. Keep it up.

I'm from Detroit. Fairweather fans make for great sports teams. Dedicated fans make for lousy ones. The Detroit Lions have managed to sell tickets despite stinking up the NFL with some of the worst records in history. As long as people keep buying tickets, why should they change? A few years back the Lions went to the super bowl... To work the concessions when it was held in Detroit. Meanwhile our other teams tend to fare substantially better and the fan base is not as blindly devoted.

The same can be true for tech companies. Armies of kool-aid chugging zombie fanboys are not what Apple needs right now. After kicking Apple's butt out of the tablet business some years back (remember the Newton?), Palm listened to their fanboys for too long and found themselves on the verge of bankruptcy. Apple needs honest feedback about their products and their limitations if they want to continue to grow their customer base.

The iPad is a great product but it is not perfect. The addition of a filesystem would go a long way to improving it. So would better integration with MobileMe (or make MobileMe free). So would opening up the "walled garden" a bit more. Will Apple ever do these things? I think so. Luckily they read past all the fanboy flamers and notice that there are some users out here who are happy with iPad in its present form, but believe there is room for improvement and others who refuse to own one with its current limitations. I hope Apple will not be lulled into complacency by the yaysayers and provide meaningful improvements to iPad in the coming months.
would any of the people crying about weight take a shorter battery life for something lighter? just curious...

I cried and would take smaller form and battery, I guess i'm too lazy to go to the gym in order to use it.
Perfectly valid reasons. For me I just use it as a sub-computer to compliment my MacBook Pro so I don't really need those features.

Really don't understand the its heavy argument. Since the day I started using it to now I still find it light. I can't fathom how 1.5lbs now a days is considered heavy. Maybe gym memberships should be included with purchase.
Yeah i've seen a lot of people say its too heavy, but i find with the Apple Case to add grip, its fine, i usually prop it up on my lap, or my chest if i'm lying down, or in the crook of my arm.

Also i lift weights 3 times a week, maybe you guys need a little more exercise.

Be careful when laying down... I had mine crack me across the bridge of my nose... and boy did that HURT... I think I cracked something cuz it HURT for 3 weeks.

The weight is such a non issue. You get used to it in a few weeks, then you won't ever think about it again.

I was actually shocked when I received mine at how light it was because I'd prepared myself for a heavy brick from reading all the whining on here.

I'm surprised, quite frankly, that anyone who bought an iPad expected it to have a file system.
Agree it's all about a Case that provides more holding options - so far I find the apple case to be tops for this.

Yeah i've seen a lot of people say its too h,eavy, but i find with the Apple Case to add grip, its fine, i usually prop it up on my lap, or my chest if i'm lying down, or in the crook of my arm.

Also i lift weights 3 times a week, maybe you guys need a little more exercise.
If I was unhappy with a product I bought, I would return it also. But's too heavy? I've never heard of 1.5 (or 1.6) pounds over-tiring someone, or making someone strain a muscle or anything. Could be wrong, but I'm probably not. I'm very glad people that complain about the weight of the iPad didn't go to college. Obviously none of them did. They complain about an electronic device- supposedly supposed to be like a computer- being heavy, but really, try having three nursing courses in a row, and all of the books being hardcover, and 1000+ pages each. You will then know what heavy is, and you won't complain anymore. And if you're complaining about the weight of this electronic product AND went to college, please forward me proof that you asked for a refund from the book publisher, claiming that their book was too heavy and you didn't want it anymore. Otherwise, really, stop complaining.
I was going to get a Macbook for mobile word processing, internet, and email...then, BAM, they released the iPad. Saved myself $500 easy, and couldn't be happier. My expectations were reasonable, I knew the product could perform what I needed it to do, and thus I wasn't let down.

Here's a tip: Before dropping several hundred dollars on an Apple gizmo, go to an Apple store (they're all over the US) and test one out. Ask questions. Verify that it does what you want it to do.

If you don't do the above, then subsequently get your item and find out it falls short of your expectations, you can blame only yourself. Period.
Also i lift weights 3 times a week, maybe you guys need a little more exercise.

LOL that's perfect... "you're just too out of shape, wimp" :D. Maybe we need an app that counts reps while you curl or press your iPad... With motivating trainer sounds: "come on buddy you got this it's all you"
I think the OP is just having a whinge and it seems the person makes a lot of assumptions without first finding out information completely. The iPad was designed not as a replacementt for a macbook or Mac but simply to fill the gap between the both, so it has the best of both worlds. As for weight it's perfect and I'm sick of everything being made of plastic it drives me bonkers that most electronics lack quality. The iPad has the typical high end trademarks from Apple.

Remember whe SJ announced the iPad the critics attacked him saying things like it would never sell, no market for it, too expensive, etc and look at the result it's the opposite. They cannot keep up demand and there are still supply issues galore. Basically you accept the device as is, not start whinging about what it doesn't have and not praising what it does have. Plus OS4 will add more functionality. As they say all good things come to those who wait and the wait is worth it.
1- No Mobile Me support. I can't access text files nor spreadsheets stored in the iDisk. The iDisk app (still for iPhone) can do just a preview, and Pages & Numbers have no link to the iDisk. The Mobile Me website does not work either in Safari for iPad.
2- The device is nice but too heavy to use as a reader. I have several Macs and an iPhone and buy and read iBooks was the main use I had in mind for the iPad.
3- There's no Finder nor any kind of access to the file system. There's not even a Documents folder.

Oh. You couldn't figure out how to jailbreak it. Have fun. Bye.
Can I ask a question? What will you replace it with?

sure, at the moment I will replace it with my old good PowerBook G4 12" 1.5 that comes with me to the work for the last years. It's a bit heavier but he can do a thousand more things than the iPad.
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