Next time, do your research before buying. *facepalm.gif*
My thoughts exactly.
Next time, do your research before buying. *facepalm.gif*
obviously he is a weak fool with no taste who deserves to be verbally whipped. .
Thank you, that's very kind of you.
Yeah i've seen a lot of people say its too heavy, but i find with the Apple Case to add grip, its fine, i usually prop it up on my lap, or my chest if i'm lying down, or in the crook of my arm.
Also i lift weights 3 times a week, maybe you guys need a little more exercise.
Point 1 and 3, fine, if thats a dealbreaker for you. But too heavy to use as a reader? WTF, seriously, i'm getting fed up of hearing this. Go pickup any hardback book, or textbook, i'll bet 90% of them are over 700 grams, even larger paperbacks will be a similar sort of weight.
Do you pick a book off a shelf and then decide whether its suitable from its weight?
Why are you sorry? As important as I think I am you really don't need my approval to like or dislike a device.
Next time, do your research before buying. *facepalm.gif*
Then tell us where Apple -- ever -- announced that their "magical" new device wouldn't allow users to browse through the file system. After all, they said that their iWork suite would be available for the iPad, so it's only natural that you would expect access to the device's file system. But, alas, it's not possible!
And where did Apple announce that it's not possible to download files via Safari to the iPad? They don't mention it anywhere, but it's another restriction that the iPad has - and it's another restriction that you wouldn't expect from a device that can run an application like Pages.
"Welcome to our newest restriction" was the only thing on the web that properly described the iPad.
A revolutionary, magical restriction I might add.
sure, at the moment I will replace it with my old good PowerBook G4 12" 1.5 that comes with me to the work for the last years. It's a bit heavier but he can do a thousand more things than the iPad.
As you can read in previous posts, for some if you do not consider that each and every product made by Apple is the perfection they have right to insult you.
Then tell us where Apple -- ever -- announced that their "magical" new device wouldn't allow users to browse through the file system. After all, they said that their iWork suite would be available for the iPad, so it's only natural that you would expect access to the device's file system. But, alas, it's not possible!
And where did Apple announce that it's not possible to download files via Safari to the iPad? They don't mention it anywhere, but it's another restriction that the iPad has - and it's another restriction that you wouldn't expect from a device that can run an application like Pages.
"Welcome to our newest restriction" was the only thing on the web that properly described the iPad.
A revolutionary, magical restriction I might add.
I'm sorry but that's ridiculous. The iPad was based on the iPhone, this was made very clear. That os does not currently provide direct access to the file system and there was NO hard (or even soft) evidence to suggest that would change. EVERY review made it clear that this was the case, not one single feature from any reputable source said there was access to the file system. Apple never, ever mentioned or even hinted that the file system was available to the end user.
If you're expecting any company to list every single thing you can and can't do on the device that's totally unrealistic. It was very clear such access wouldn't be the case in shipping iPad uniits. If you assumed otherwise while a mountain of evidence and hands-on articles indicate otherwise then frankly you're almost always going to be disappointed.
My apple experience was limited to 3 years of pain in daily using Macs. The amount of system crashes and lost data from using the Macs was trull amazing - I literally lost hundred and hundreds of hours of productivity because the Macs we were using were so failure prone. So yeah i am a PC user, but I will take my 4 PC crashes a year over the 4 Mac crashes per day anytime.
wait a minute.... One of your biggest gripes with the iPad is its weight. however when asked what you will use in its place you answer with a powerbook that weighs 2X the ipad. Your justification for the extra weight is that your powerbook can do a 1000 more things than your ipad.
tell me, how many of those 1000 things do you actually need to use in a day?
Sorry dude, but you get no solace here. You did not do your homework and now you are looking for sympathy.
No sale.
Why in the world would it need a filesystem?
I disagree, my homework was testing the device and that's what I did. Once verified its immaturity (not mentioned in Apple promotional material) I have rejected the purchase because I have right to do it and I explain it here because the diversity of points of view, in my opinion, is what makes a forum become interesting despite the antipathy that I can get.
Still you show that you have no concept of what the device is about.
And that is...?
I'm having a hard time finding a hole in my computing life that can only be filled by an iPad.
And that is...?
I'm having a hard time finding a hole in my computing life that can only be filled by an iPad.
Maybe I went about researching the device differently. I bought a 16gig wifi version and played with it for about 3 weeks, then sold it. In that 3 weeks, I surfed the net, checked the email, apps, etc... At the end of three weeks I concluded that I can leave my 17 inch MBP at home and use the iPad for about 85% to 90% of the things I normally used the MBP for. For me, I did my homework, played with the device in a real-world environment and decided that I could live with the "shortcomings". One thing I didn't do was purchase one then complain about it.
I never suggested that no one should buy an iPad, because it doesn't fit my needs. No need to get offended. I'm just saying that I don't see a use for it for me, or most other people who already own a computer. I think it's a great computer for a teenager (sort of a tween leapfrog toy) or someone very old and uncomfortable with technology. However, for the general consumer populous it's just an unnecessary gadget.Then perhaps it isn't for you. It may surprise you to learn the world does not revolve arounds your needs or wants.