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Apple has lost all its innovation so a refreshed mini is more likely than most will have you believe, I expect it will be an entry level device so they go up in size and price and spec up to the massive pro, a no home button X style one in there somewhere too.
I feel the last chance saloon was alongside the iPad in spring, I just don’t see that Apple would leave a product this long, and cut down to a single storage tier, if it had long term plans for it. I don’t think we can be far off of the remaining A8 devices being discontinued (this plus the iPod touch) so it will be interesting to see if they do bump them to an A10 and keep on selling them otherwise as is, or if they just quietly go away.
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I feel the last chance saloon was alongside the iPad in spring, I just don’t see that Apple would leave a product this long, and cut down to a single storage tier, if it had long term plans for it. I don’t think we can be far off of the remaining A8 devices being discontinued (this plus the iPod touch) so it will be interesting to see if they do bump them to an A10 and keep on selling them otherwise as is, or if they just quietly go away.

I agree, things aren’t lookin’ good for the iPad mini. I’m kinda bummed about that too. I travel a lot, and find the iPad mini the perfect size when on the road. My iPad mini 2 is definitely nearing the end and i’d like a new one, but the iPad 4 with its old tech is not an option. Of course I’m biased, but i’d Love to see an update to the iPad mini, preferably with pencil support. Maybe even a bezel-less iPad mini pro that’s the same size as the current mini but with an 8.5” screen instead of a 7.9” one. That’d be so awesome. I know many are saying Apple’s upcoming 6.5” iPhone X Plus will make the iPad mini obsolete, but I disagree. Even the largest smartphone screen isn’t ideal for real work on the road. The iPad mini may not seem much bigger, but it is so much bigger for editing photos, videos and being creative on. That being said, I haven’t heard any real rumors about an update to the mini. Oh well. I’m gonna wait for the next iPad Pro update, and if no new mini is announced, I will get the smallest new Pro model.
I'm already 50/50 on whether the next "mini" is Apple or Android. Kill the mini and it simply goes to 0/100. Apple's software has been such a joke the past few years I'm not going to miss them.

Exclusively Apple user since 1984. Currently have 2 Macs, 2 iPads and an iPhone. Time to see what Android is all about.
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An iPad Mini Pro would be the only iPad I want right now. I'd trade in my 2nd gen 12.9 so fast if this happens.
To some that might sound crazy, but as an owner of a Mini 4, 12.9 Pro (now my wife's iPad), and 2018 iPad, I completely understand and agree.

Having said that, I can't see how a new Mini (2018 or Mini Pro) will be produced. With the 2018 iPad starting at $329, there is no room for the Mini. A $500 64GB Mini Pro is a tough sell. I wouldn't buy it. At $400... maybe. But it would have to be everything that the Mini 4 is + Pencil support + Smart Connector + 10.5-level CPU. That's a lot to expect for $400.
To some that might sound crazy, but as an owner of a Mini 4, 12.9 Pro (now my wife's iPad), and 2018 iPad, I completely understand and agree.

Having said that, I can't see how a new Mini (2018 or Mini Pro) will be produced. With the 2018 iPad starting at $329, there is no room for the Mini. A $500 64GB Mini Pro is a tough sell. I wouldn't buy it. At $400... maybe. But it would have to be everything that the Mini 4 is + Pencil support + Smart Connector + 10.5-level CPU. That's a lot to expect for $400.

:)I understand why people might think it was crazy. That's okay, I've been called worse on this forum. :p You're right about pricing and probably everything else mentioned here in regard to a Mini 5, which is partially why I am looking elsewhere for something to replace that 12.9" iPad Pro (which I sold yesterday).
To some that might sound crazy, but as an owner of a Mini 4, 12.9 Pro (now my wife's iPad), and 2018 iPad, I completely understand and agree.

Having said that, I can't see how a new Mini (2018 or Mini Pro) will be produced. With the 2018 iPad starting at $329, there is no room for the Mini. A $500 64GB Mini Pro is a tough sell. I wouldn't buy it. At $400... maybe. But it would have to be everything that the Mini 4 is + Pencil support + Smart Connector + 10.5-level CPU. That's a lot to expect for $400.

Well, if Apple does make an iPad mini Pro without bezels & increases the screen size from 7.9” to 8.5”, I could definitely see people paying up for that kind of portability. I would! Even tho I am biased towards the iPad mini, I don’t think they will do this. I can however see Apple releasing a budget iPad mini update with pencil support. Even if they sell it for the same price as the current iPad...I think it would sell.
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I'm just at the beginning a dilemma. My iPad mini 2 has developed a flickering on the bottom half of the screen. Tried a restart and a hard reboot without success. Next step is a full restore via iTunes. Not really optimistic.

If it's a hardware issue, I think I could replace the LCD for about $100 or so.

A new 2018 iPad is $329. If it were the size of the mini, I'd have bought it already, but I'm not sure I want the 9.7 inch size.

Then there's the notion that I could wait for the iPhone X2 Plus (at 6.5") as a combo device.

My only real use for the iPad is to read comic books. The mini was perfect for that. I think the 2018 iPad is too big. And I'm afraid that the X2 plus would be too small. And I'm not sure it's wise to dump $100 to fix the iPad mini 2.

I really hope they update the mini. I fly small planes and the mini is the only one that fits comfortably on the yoke to keep approach plates and other charts right in front of me.

Send an email to Tim and let him know the air safety of our country is at risk!!!

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Sigh, I hope for a mini pro and I would love the size, but the art/design apps I use (and/or would like to learn) need the 4GB.

So if such an iPad was released, I would buy without hesitation. If not, will wait on drastic markdowns for smallest iPP.
iPad Mini 5? More (unannounced) vaporware from your friends in Cupertino.

It just doesn’t make sense for the iPad mini five. As much as I know others want to see one, which there are valid reasons why, but clearly Apple has exemplified why they are not going to introduce an iPad mini five where tablets have shown their growth in larger displays and bigger iPhones. The iPad mini is basically what the iPod Touch is currently, which is irrelevant to Apple, even though I’m in support for an iPad mini to resurface if ever.
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Probably the last ipad found was the mini 5 that will be the same design just updated with faster cpu A10 and more ram maybe from 2 to 4gb ram
Apple has lost the tablet market, irrespective of display size:

Average consumer, probably priced out of the market.
Serious user: lack of a file system continues to be an issue. People associate files with projects/events, not Apps

Get over the mini, in a few years you'll be saying goodbye to the entire iPad line.

I don't think the iPad line will be gone at all. It is still too convenient for many people and is still easier than even the 12" MacBook to carry around. Yesterday I was out on my deck with my 12.9 iPad and saw something I wanted to print; I simply copied-and-pasted it, stuck it into Pages and then printed it on the wireless printer inside the house -- all on the iPad, all without leaving the deck. Sure, I could have done that on a computer, too, but it is just so easy and convenient to use the iPad out on the deck and certainly a lot more convenient to be able to print right from the iPad, not have to come in the house and fire up a computer.
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I was a longtime holdout for the iPad Mini, but I think it’s done. I would love to be suprised with a Mini 5 with Pencil, but it doesn’t look likely.

Will the rumored 6.5” iPhone replace the mini (in the eyes of the fans)? No, not likely for any of those still holding on to a Mini. Almost nobody that currently uses (or potentially buys) a Mini at this point will not replace it with a 6.5” phone - they will either migrate to a larger iPad, or hold on to it as long as it can still draw power.
I don't think the iPad line will be gone at all. It is still too convenient for many people and is still easier than even the 12" MacBook to carry around. Yesterday I was out on my deck with my 12.9 iPad and saw something I wanted to print; I simply copied-and-pasted it, stuck it into Pages and then printed it on the wireless printer inside the house -- all on the iPad, all without leaving the deck. Sure, I could have done that on a computer, too, but it is just so easy and convenient to use the iPad out on the deck and certainly a lot more convenient to be able to print right from the iPad, not have to come in the house and fire up a computer.
I 100% agree with what you say. Now when did Apple ever listen to its customers? They've known better since Steve Jobs started the company. And frankly, the chart you're responding to makes it more and more difficult for Apple to respond.
For what it's worth, I'm running the iOS 12 beta on my Mini 4 and it's working just fine. I don't find it particularly laggy for any of the normal things I do with it (web browsing, News, Spotify, watching videos). Anything more intensive than that, I'm probably reaching for a Mac anyway. So while it may be "outdated" spec-wise, in the real world it's working just fine even an iOS beta.

As for the size, I love it. It's big enough for casual use and fits nicely in the hand. My only regret is not ponying up for the LTE version so I could use it on trips as a dedicated mapping device.
Sigh, I hope for a mini pro and I would love the size, but the art/design apps I use (and/or would like to learn) need the 4GB.

So if such an iPad was released, I would buy without hesitation. If not, will wait on drastic markdowns for smallest iPP.

Add me to the list of people who would be really happy to see a new ipad mini or mini pro. I like to carry my ipad with me all the time, to do basic things like read books on the subway, but I also find it really useful for one very specific thing that i cannot use my iphone (yes, even an iphone plus) for. I take pretty adventurous vacations where I don't want to be laden down with multiple heavy devices, but I do carry pretty serious camera gear. I use my ipad mini to offload photos from my camera, using the camera connection kit (the only way to get raw photos onto the device directly), so that they get saved and backed up to icloud (and my home computer) while I'm traveling. You CANNOT use the connector with an iphone - you'll get an error message saying that it is incompatible.

I've taught this trick to several other photographers on the road, who thought it was great, because carrying a small tablet is much easier than a full computer. There are certainly trips where bringing a computer is no big deal, or even necessary (and I have a lightweight macbook for those purposes), but the mini takes up less than half the space/weight of even the lightest computer.

(and for those who want to suggest wireless solutions for transferring to my phone? I've looked at them all. They don't transfer RAW. Or if they claim to, it takes so many hours it's not practical).
The minis all pretty much had the same exact hardware specs of phones. Then the Mini 4 came out with 2GB of ram when A8 typically had one and also an overclocked A8. It seems like Apple pretty much knew the mini line was nearing its end, and decided to future proof it a bit better so they wouldn’t have to release another one before the line was discontinued.
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